
Fawkes's profile picture

"I am a shell of a spacehey user."

22 y/o matte black electronics enjoyer. Male.

Last active:

Mood: waterlogged

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Fawkes's Interests


I have always been entranced by mythological imaginations of technology which does not yet have solid grounds -- visions of computers yet to be.

I don't really have a name for the aesthetics that I like, but if you stick around long enough you'll find some theme.

I am on a slow burn quest to consume all of the halo media. Currently reading The Cole Protocol and on the verge of starting Halo 3 Legendary with two separate groups.


All time favorites:
  • The Dishonored Franchise
  • Halo 2
  • Minecraft
  • Roblos...
  • Half-Life 1 specifically
Recent Conquests:
  • The Forgotten City
  • Chiv 2
  • Getting over it with Bennett Foddy x4
  • Halo 2 MCC Legendary Co-op skull sightseeing run
  • Rad Racer 2 for the 3rd time
  • Mario
  • Pajama Sam's Sock Works
Games I aim to beat next:
  • 100%ing Dishonored 1
  • Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
  • Noita
  • Slime rancher
  • Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (lfg)
  • Total War: NAPOLEON
Current slop games:
  • Chiv 2


Current fav:

Genres: Vapor, slush, gabber, future funk, chillwave, ambient electronic, funk, new wave, drum & bass, jungle, barber beats. I curate the worst, most incoherent, gibberish music playlist on the planet. My music discovery process usually just involves clicking on youtube recommendations and getting bandcamp emails, but occasionally I'll do some sniffing about on music-map.


Once upon a time, I would only watch movies that had been influential since their release, but also weren't any older than like five years out of the theater. Now I run two distinct movie clubs where the audience decides on the movie every week, so I am beyond genre or understandable selection criteria.
spacehey movie club logo
I have a ratio of nearly 2500 on adventure time.
Some personal favorites are:


Girls und Panzer, Bee & Puppycat, Regular show, infinity train, rvb, Adventure Time, SEL, boondocks, Mr. Robot, Futurama, Azumanga Daioh, the IT Crowd.


I read sci-fi, fantasy, and weird pdfs I find on the internet.
Favorite academic literature:

  • The Rise of the Computer State
  • Born Red
  • You Have the Right to Remain Innocent
Favorite delusions:
  • Football 17776 and 20020
  • The Repossession Mambo
  • Friday Black
  • The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect
  • The Halo Series
  • Neuromancer
I read more as a kid than I do now as an adult and it's a real point of shame.


Edward Snowden, Terry A. Davis, K, Guy Fawkes (hence the handle), every last weirdo who died in the Waco Siege, John Isidore, the Master Control Program, Lain's dad, Cloudy J, Lighter Than Some, Sgt. Avery Johnson, Al Gore, Arby of Arby's lore, Maelcum of Zion, Nemu.

Fawkes's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Fuck it, camping resources (for the united states) (view more)

Beginners Guide to PGP (Tech Blog #5) (view more)

How to Internet Like Fawkes (Tech Blog #4) (view more)

The Capital Politics of Strawberry Wafers (view more)

Tech Blog #3 (view more)

Fawkes's Blurbs

About me:

I am made of loose threads, bent pins, the magic touch, and some sheer stubbornness.

I spend a lot of time writing down that I should do things and less time doing them. For a very long time this profile bio was simple because It's hard to find the right way to explain yourself for others. I think my old intro was mostly helpful for the very few people who are me.

I'm a computer guy first, a gamer second, and a wizard third.

I try to be good, but it's hard and sometimes it feels like there's too much good to do. I try to be deliberate and contemplative, but it's hard and sometimes there's too much at hand to consider all carefully. I try to be consistent with my beliefs and actions, but it's hard and sometimes I forget my own preferences and betray them. I ask that you understand and hope that you can forgive.

I grew up with limited tools, but an environment in which I was generally allowed to do as I pleased with the tools I was given. I like to think that having to make my own fun often as a child guided the attitudes that I have towards my things today. It's rare that I don't tinker with my possessions to get them just right for me and once they are right for me, I try to repair and maintain them for as long as possible. Every time I visit my hometown my mom makes me buy new shoes because I'll wear a pair until I can't sew or glue them back together anymore.

I prefer to leave comments in public instead of using dms, as I like jumping into public conversations and having my conversations jumped into. Feels very open and welcoming to me, where leaving comments on empty profiles feels like shouting into the void sometimes.

I promise that I'm easy to talk to. I imagine that I can be kinda intimidating, but feel free to strike up conversation about any of my interests, your interests, or otherwise. To avoid feeling like I'm spamming people, I often treat commenting as a game of turns, so if you haven't gotten a comment in a while, it's because I'm trying to avoid being annoyingly chatty. Just hmu and I'll be on it.

PGP key if you need it.

Who I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people who want to use this site as an actual social media. I'm not here for nostalgia, nor am I here for custom css webpages (slick as fuck tho). I'm on spacehey because I legitimately believe that this iteration of social media was the healthiest we will ever get.

So add me if you think I'm cool and I'll add you back if I feel the same way. I keep my friends list small because I try to interact with my friends fairly often. This used to say daily, but that was a stick that burnt at both ends.

Fawkes's Friends Comments

Displaying 20 of 308 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


lem.iso's profile picture

fawke found in kitchen

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Chelan's profile picture

the sands of time slip through my fingers

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Ikoe's profile picture

ow ow ow what's with the high contrast what'd i miss

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I am feeling jagged

by Fawkes; ; Report


Pory's profile picture

I see Pajama Sam in your recently-played list and I have to ask you if you've played Putt-Putt Saves The Zoo. There is an Imposing, Hairy, Very Australian car in it. I had it as a kid and found it INCREDIBLY difficult but I went back and re-played it under Steam's refund time limit and it was a breeze. This is proof that I am at least slightly smarter than I was when I was like 8.

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I own it as part of the same humble bundle that got me access to pajama sam's sockworks, but have not done any more than open it like twice. That said, I have a friend who can speedrun that game in less than like 5 minutes.

by Fawkes; ; Report

Your friend obviously has no respect for the cutscenes.

by Pory; ; Report

I don't think speedrunners often do.

by Fawkes; ; Report


audrey's profile picture

its been a bit since i last talked to you. how is life going for you right now?

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I am very very tired. Sleepy man all the time. I yawned writing this sentence.

I have a halloween party tonight but would rather be playing an idle roblox game while I work on my Operating Systems code

by Fawkes; ; Report


Tan10o's profile picture

I hate trying to read anything on this page now...

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You don't enjoy the crust?

by Fawkes; ; Report

Fuck no, it's near migraine inducing.

by Tan10o; ; Report


Hyan's profile picture

We've gone inverted palette now, haven't we

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And crunchy! CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP (insert chain chomp here)

by Fawkes; ; Report

om nom

by Hyan; ; Report


fen's profile picture

Incredible profile

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Kris's profile picture

all the color has gone, i'm blind!

you've got a sick profile, very crunchy look to all the text. you'll have to 1v1 me on roblos though.

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I appreciate it!

What type of 1 v 1? Because the only two things I reliably do on roblox are pretend to be french and parkour...

by Fawkes; ; Report


Pory's profile picture

Oh shit new layout? I need to dust off my fall layout soon...

Anyways, cloth mother or wire mother?

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Cloth mother ftw.

I've been thinking about wire people a lot lately. I like to joke that I won't get tattoos because I'm against body mods, but the funny part for me is that it's true. I have a hard time sitting still to get shots at the doctor's, much less a desire to have bionic eyes and rfid chips under my skin.

by Fawkes; ; Report

I don't want bionic eyes because I'm afraid that Big Eyeball Corp would go bankrupt and leave me with a defunct unsupported part of my body because of course Big Eyeball eyeballs communicate through a central server and after 20 years their internal domain would get sold off to some wellness guru and every morning when I wake up it'd uncontrollably load a fucking webpage that tries to sell me colloidal silver. Or it'd get bought out and all of a sudden there's BANNER ADS.

I wouldn't want RFID implants because I wouldn't want to card skim me by shaking my hand :/

[But anything that is my body alone is fair game. I have a few piercings and I want tattoos someday. But honestly my Holy Grail Body Mod™️ is a split tongue, because that's one of the few things that you can do to your body that MIGHT make it more useful. But I also give myself shots often and thus don't fear needles or anything :(]

by Pory; ; Report


brad's profile picture

wort wort wort

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iason's profile picture

this page now feels like those scans of textbooks from the 90s with terrible scanners and compression... inverted. bangin'

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Yeah lmao I saturated everything like 700% before coloring it grayscale for extra crunchyness

by Fawkes; ; Report


Pory's profile picture

Apparently there are two other Fawkses on SpaceHey, have you considered recruiting them to act as your back-ups? And/or defeating them to establish your dominance as the Fawkes?

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I think I friended one, but any further plans are dependant on them logging onto spacehey and accepting my fr.

by Fawkes; ; Report

I see you're playing the long game...

by Pory; ; Report


Pory's profile picture

Would you rather fight a fox-sized Guy Fawkes or a Guy Fawkes-sized fox? Both of them really want to fight you. Mini Guy Fawkes has one miniature barrel of gunpowder (about the size of a soda can) and the giant fox is partial to quail eggs (none of which are big enough now that it's human-sized, which is why it's angry).

You gain no benefit from defeating them but if you run away they'll pursue you and try to track you down. The fox can smell your trail but is stupid and Guy Fawkes cannot track your scent but has human intelligence.

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fox-sized Guy Fawkes is an absolute win IMO. If I fight him, he's just a small man which I totally win a fight against and if I run away, I don't think that a random pre-insustrial society guy would be able to navigate this society well enough to do very well in hunting me.

by Fawkes; ; Report


kult's profile picture

*starts throwing rocks at your windows*

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Pory's profile picture

Ok who's the funniest person that Joe Biden could be replaced with? I'm thinking Biden in a moustache and calling himself "John Bidenne" could work. (Or obviously any Dem older than him)

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Biden being replaced with an exact copy of himself but his flesh rots at an alarmingly quicker pace than the previous one

by brad; ; Report


🏳️‍⚧️Lani🏳️‍⚧️'s profile picture

true true i agree

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they call me the truther

by Fawkes; ; Report


audrey's profile picture

how is your summer break going?

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bwehwahggaa yip! YEUCH Yippie belghhhh YAY

I keep rolling between having good times and being an absolute human sack of potatoes. Productivity has been near zero for most of the summer so far except for getting important things done just in the nick of time.

by Fawkes; ; Report

summer is not for being productive!! it is for being lazy and relaxing!! (i am taking summer classes and am so cooked)

by audrey; ; Report


Tan10o's profile picture

I am curious as to what your most distinctive memory is about computers/what was the moment that you really got you into the things that go on, on the cyberspace.

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I have no response. No single thing stands out as the tipping point there in any sense.

by Fawkes; ; Report


Pory's profile picture

Re: Bee and Puppycat in your interest list: I REALLY LIKE Bee and Puppycat, like the YouTube version. But every time I've sat down and tried to watch the Netflix version I've ended up asleep. Like it just knocks me out. I wish I could watch it all the way through because it's right up my alley. To be fair I can usually get a few episodes in, and maybe I just need to watch it in batches...

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The Netflix version is straight up the worst, as much as I love it. The VRV version is a hidden gem. It's the YouTube version edited into two plot episodes, with just a bit of bonus content in the YouTube art style.

by Fawkes; ; Report