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Tan10o's Interests


I like gaming, while I mainly play FPS games, especially Valorant, I do enjoy venturing out into other games with friends. My top games currently are Valorant, Dead by Daylight, Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies, and I am doing a sightseeing run of Halo on legendary (Progress: Halo 1 and Halo 2 beaten).


I listen to a lot, I remember nothing, or I guess I could say “I don't think anymore” -Charles Leclerc. I just turn something on and listen, if it gives me goosebumps I seek more of it, if it bothers me, I skip it. I like things that sound good and am always up for recommendations of things that sound good. My top bands presently would be Still woozy, Evanescence, Tool, Paramore, Glass animals (especially How to be a human being album), and many many more.


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We hate movies! spacehey movie club logo


I read too many textbooks to enjoy reading regular books anymore… My all-time favorite books are Enders Game and Enders Shadow, both of these books served to show me exactly what I liked in books, the ability to really picture a futuristic society.


Hm, I don't know if I really have any heroes, there is always the elementary answer of my parents, but that's cheesy and not really accurate to the word. I could say Melody Harris, and honestly, I would really mean it, but again it feels a little cheesy to say. So, ultimately, I would say I have no heroes in this stage of my life.

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Tan10o's Blurbs

About me:

I feel my first rendition of this profile may not have been the most genuine and was, in fact, a little lazy, so here we have take two. About me? Well, I am a student first, attempting to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a Veterinarian. I am not technologically inclined in any sense, but I get by and try to learn as I go when my friends or anyone teaches me something new. I tend not to have excess motivation to actually go and learn about something myself, as I dedicate all that effort to my life plans. However, I am a gamer and nowadays I play on PC, so I have been pushing myself a little to learn more about technology as I run into issues with my PC and then attempt to troubleshoot them. I do like to learn, and I feel that this has thus far painted the opposite picture, but I really do like to learn. Although I often find myself wanting to learn about something and either not having the time, energy, or even a mental block about the immediate resources available to me and my inability to trust information. It is silly, but all the political propaganda claiming “fake news” has really psyched me out about trusting, especially political, information I find online. Anyway, I am a friend next, I have truly come to appreciate having friends and people I can count on in my life. I grew up with family that weren't biologically related to me, rather they were just very close friends with my parents, and thus they became my aunts and uncles. So I just kind of assumed that's how friends were, and I never got that as a kid. The further I got into school, the more alone I became, to the point that I decided that I did not need people or friends in life. As I went into college I finally met people who fit my definition of a friend and now that I have, I realized how much of an impact they make on my mental health. Maybe it's not super healthy, but after all the time I spent isolated, being alone has become immensely depressing. I rely heavily on being with my friends and making them happy to make me happy. Those are the major factors that drive me as a person, so I hope it's a little more insightful for all who care to read.

Who I'd like to meet:

I would really like to meet anyone from the safety third podcast, including Nile Red, Micheal Reeves, William Osman, The Backyard Scientist, Alan Pan, or any of their guests. I think it would be really fun to just do some dumb science shit with any of them.

Tan10o's Friends Comments

Displaying 9 of 9 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Fawkes's profile picture

Your mom

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iason's profile picture

it's amazing how this username of yours still trips me up and causes me to want to call you tanner if i had mostly been interacting with you online

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That is surprisingly a very common occurrence online, specifically when gaming or watching streams if I get referenced by name it's Tano or Tan10, or Tanner or some variation thereof.

by Tan10o; ; Report

get tannered

by iason; ; Report


CertifiedxDunce's profile picture

How many birds would you have to find in your apartment until you suspected that someone was placing them there?

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Approximately 73.5, or one after a comment such as that one.

by Tan10o; ; Report

the limit is 72 or .5

by CertifiedxDunce; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

You sign in to check this website very often compared to the other goobers. What kinda stuff do you get up to here?

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I do not really post much, but I do log in to check if I have notification and what is new on your or Jason's blog, I silently stalk y'all pages to see what conversations and such are being had but do not have anything in particular to add to anything typically or anything to say, so I just read to stay in the loop. I try to log in once a day to not miss out on much.

by Tan10o; ; Report

Do you aim to make new friends or eventually post stuff, or is this just an extra place to keep tabs on the goobers

by Fawkes; ; Report

I would love to make friends on here, but I suck at making friends in person and especially online. I also am not super internet inclined and so I doubt I would have much in common with anyone on here so I more use it just to keep tabs on people

by Tan10o; ; Report

I honestly think I just have a problem with my confidence, leading me to overthink and overanalyze conversations, leading me to just not speak more often than not. I suck at reaching out to my in-person friends when I desperately want to talk or hang out, and with online people that issue is just exacerbated, and I just don't say anything or keep in touch at all.

by Tan10o; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

Having goobers on spacehey is strange. It's nice to have you here and see a form of aesthetic expression that I would never get to see, but I can't talk to you the same way that I do the people who I have as contacts on spacehey only. You are discord first. if I had anything important to say I would just say it on discord, so when it comes time to leave you a spacehey comment, it is necessarily trivial. You can't fix this. I can't fix this. It's like our Saturday discussions in that way.

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We were quite idiotic on Saturday. I felt there was constantly something we just went back and forth saying the same thing because the topic did not really have a place to go, everything felt unfinished and like we were trying to work towards something, but never truly were.

by Tan10o; ; Report


by Fawkes; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

I can not believe that you quoted Charles Leclerc on your spacehey.

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It had been only a little bit since I had heard the quote, and it stuck in my head tbh.

by Tan10o; ; Report


CertifiedxDunce's profile picture

what did my mom do to inspire you?

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Oh you know everything

by Tan10o; ; Report


iason's profile picture


what's next?

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What does this mean?

by Tan10o; ; Report


by iason; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

Greetings and Good tidings.

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I am not so sure about all that now

by Tan10o; ; Report

Whaddya' mean?

by Fawkes; ; Report

Should it not be Greetings of Good Tidings, I believe that is the correct phrase

by Tan10o; ; Report

I am greeting you and separately wishing you good tidings. It's grammatically correct and expresses my intent.

by Fawkes; ; Report

Sure, but the old-timey phrase is Greetings of Good tidings, hence my initial comment

by Tan10o; ; Report

Tbh I've googled both phrases and neither seems like it's a particular combination of words that has ever been popular. Ngram doesn't even register either phrase, marking true obscurity https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=greetings+and+good+tidings%2Cgreetings+of+good+tidings&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&case_insensitive=on&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3

by Fawkes; ; Report


by Fawkes; ; Report

From my investigations, it seems that the single most common phrase with the "good tidings" and "and" or "of" is "good tidings of great joy," which I think might be why you associate good tidings with the word "of," but I don't think there is any case to make that "greetings and good tidings" is similar enough to any common phrase that I could be mistakenly misquoting something.

by Fawkes; ; Report