Fabian Dee

Fabian Dee's profile picture

"SprinG peep gayme"

xperienzed playa on spacehey, 3 yrs got a lot 2 show.

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Fabian Dee's Interests


Selling occult books and tarot decks, physical exercise inc. isometric, wing chun, qigong and walking in woods, fixing my old BMW, occasional drifting, music, film, comedy shows, diy, customising casios, Hackintosh, anything water related, occult, satanism, luciferianism, existentialism, nihilism, absurdism, egoism, chaos magic, ceremonial magic, reiki, religious studies, tarot history, psychology, NLP, physics, biochemistry, anthropology, meme culture, and skinhead, slav/gopnik, casual, goth and punk culture.


Punk, Hardcore, Industrial, Grunge, Sludge, Goth, Glam, Dark Ambient, Jungle, Drum and Bass, Acid House, Rock, Kraut Rock, Metal, Folk, Jazz, Blues, Classical, Motown, Soul, Hip Hop, Trap, Black Metal, Hard Bass, New Wave, New Romantic, Indie Pop, Indie, Prog Rock, Vaporwave, Reggae, Ragga, Soukous, Calypso, Salsa, Gregorian Chants, Indian Flute Music, Middle Eastern etc. Basically nearly everything except for Gospel which isn't necessarily bad but usually is!

Bands include: Sex Pistols, PiL, Mevlins, Dag Nasty, Bl'ast, Nirvana, Big Black, Wire, Magazine, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Killing Joke, Bauhaus, Autumn Nostalgie, Muslimgauze, SPK, Husker Du, The Muffs, Soundgarden, Babes In Toyland, Lemonheads, Goo Goo Dolls, Dead Can Dance, Swans, Psychedelic Furs, Dark Throne, Sisters of Mercy, Sex Gang Children, Misfits, Samhain, T-Rex, F.E.A.R., TAD, Mudhoney, Pixies, Throwing Muses, Rudimentary Peni, Black Flag, Naked Ragyun, Flipper, Fugazi, Volcano Suns, Throbbing Gristle, Marilyn Manson, Cabaret Voltaire, Chrome, Joy Division, L7, Steeleye Span, Shirley Collins, Thin Lizzy, Motorhead, Christian Death, Celtic Frost, Watain, Mercyful Fate, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Rikk Agnew, The Doors, Velvet Underground, Television, Brian Eno, David Bowie, Roxy Music, 10,000 Maniacs, 4Skins, Combat 84, The Business, Buzzcocks, GBH, Discharge, Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention, Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band, Lustmord, Beethoven, Richard Strauss, JS Strauss, Papa Roach, Alien Ant Farm, Lil Peep, Lil Tracy, Schoolly D, De La Soul, Jungle Brothers, Dinosaur Jr, Sebadoh, 6ix 9ine, Pink Guy, GG Allin


film noir and existentialist art house mainly, also gritty gangster and essex boys films, supernatural horror, emo sci fi, sci fi horror, the odd costume drama etc. Favourite might be Momento.


curb your enthusiasm, seinfeld, minder, the sweeney, jeeves & worcester, red dwarf, peep show, vikings, the expanse, south park, larry sanders show, twin peaks, beyond scared straight, bottom, laurel & hardy


Trying to dip into my ever growing occult library but making little progress. Mainly buying limited edition hardcover and deluxe occult books and tarot decks to resell, yet to see much profit from the book side of things, also the market has gone down the toilet in early '23, so might start flipping something else or just stop buying any more stock until things pick up.


No U

Fabian Dee's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Chinese Internal Alchemy: Qi, Jing and Sex (view more)

Brief history of use of the pentagram (view more)

Lucifer: religious symbolism (view more)

Christian concepts of Hell & Satan - academic perspective (view more)

Gnostic Luciferianism (view more)

Fabian Dee's Blurbs

About me:

Apolitical, semi-straight edge dank memer interested in esoteric and religious studies, car maintenance, martial arts, occultism and healthy living. Basically I used to be a bit of an emo before emo was emo. I am a very serious person but spend half my time joking around and shitposting but not in a nasty way, but trying to be more abstract and weird. These days I am more into psychology than politics or religion, a bit of a nihilist, being realistic about the narcissism and general dullness of the human race in modern society as a whole and believe everything, be it personal relationships, how you treat people etc., must be built on integrity, having the right attitude, being honest with yourself and about the human condition, and rationalism, not overcompensating, self-delusion, being sanctimonious, superficial posturing or using your ideology as an excuse to control people around you or treat them like shit. Always write your bio whilst completely sober.

Who I'd like to meet:

Single rizzler, under 18? Conversation more like schwag quality than kush? Haven't bothered to look at my profile for more than 5 seconds? Don't inbocks me. Serial friend collectors or spammers with 1000+ fren - delet yoself ty.

Fabian Dee's Friends Comments

Displaying 13 of 13 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Jestamang's profile picture

Yo yo :D

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funky profiL

by Fabian Dee; ; Report


𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡's profile picture

Thx for the add back !! You have some super cool interest ! - 🌺

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haha thanks, nice to meet you, you sound like you are into some of the same stuff.

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

It’s nice to meet you aswell ! I am tho .

by 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡; ; Report

So are you going to be studying anthropology?

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Most likely but I’m still not quite sure yet !

by 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡; ; Report

good luck! I did anthropology, physical and cultural, was interesting af, but I don't use it for work obviously, is useful sometimes when debating or writing an article.

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Yeah I see what you mean but thank you ^^

by 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡; ; Report

Yeah I see what you mean but thank you ^^

by 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡; ; Report


♱𝔈ℜℑ♱'s profile picture

your interests are really awesome u seem very interesting! plus cool music taste

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Thanks very much. Perhaps the theory is more interesting than the reality, I'm generally too busy for much recreation. I am a bit of a newb with black metal, tend to listen to some of the more avante garde and fast stuff but am always wanting them to slow down a bit lol, hadn't heard much about DSBM, it sounds p cool.

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

theories are like if reality was way cooler than it actually is lol, and dsbm is really good!

by ♱𝔈ℜℑ♱; ; Report

without any mental intervention the brain tends to focus on the average experience and the lows lol...yes it does seem to be pretty lit.

by Fabian Dee; ; Report


l3pr0sy's profile picture

THXX 4 4DD1NG M3!!!1! x3

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by Fabian Dee; ; Report


DarkMiryam's profile picture

Ciao and thanks a lot for adding me :D I see we're both into similar thing. I always had a big passion for paranormal... and good music of course :D
Greetings from Italy!

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Hey! Thanks also. So which coast are you on? What kind of music do you play bass on? Yeah I was grooving on the old school format for a while but now I think maybe I prefer the more content friendly format of some other sites that are more optimised for it so 'enjoying best of both worlds' ?? Have a great week.

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

I live 100 kms from Venice, just to give you an idea
I starter playing the basso with a punk band but I also played grunge, gothic metal and dark wave/post punk. I am currently searching for a guitarist to start a new project but It's not so easy over here xD

by DarkMiryam; ; Report

Cool! I thought punk was all the rage these days! Must be many guitarists out there. Unless you had something more specific musically in mind for your project. Good luck!!

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Inside Bilderberg

Inside Bilderberg 's profile picture

Thanks for accepting friend req. see you are into many of the same bands as I, was too lazy though to make a long list on my profile, Killing Joke prob. my favorite of all.

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yeah it's kinda pointless as no list can ever be enough. KJ are great, I have their early demos and live bootlegs CD in the car atm..thanks for the add

by Fabian Dee; ; Report


MissAnthrope's profile picture

Digging your new pro pic and background!

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Hey thanks, I fancied a change. How is it going? Have you made progress with basic html coding yet?? haha I figured out how to at least post pics and vids in blogs and bulletins.

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Unfortunately not! I have been woefully distracted by outside responsibilities, but as soon as things slow down I'll def be back to brush up on my coding skills...Until then I'll just be impressed with everyone else's :P

by MissAnthrope; ; Report

lol well better to be busy irl than screwing around on social media, haha those html wizardz

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

haha perhaps. BTW whereabouts are you? I get the sense you might be from a commonwealth country :P

by MissAnthrope; ; Report

haha cos I talk like a Limey half the time? I am in sunny England. I ought to put important information like that in my prof but I decided to be sarcastic in the status instead lol.

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

I forgot dis

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Haha no, I cant really put my finger on it but I was figuring the UK or Australia. Glad to see I was right :P

by MissAnthrope; ; Report

Fair dinkum

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Pete Bit

Pete Bit's profile picture

Thanks for accepting. Very interesting profile!

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haha thanks, nice to meet u. i have a musician fren who swears by his chibson.

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Modded chibsons can sound really good! If it's "stock"... well... i'd take it with a grain of salt :) I have a friend that loves sounds out of his 70s former commie made guitar collection. While i can't share his enthusiasm, it's always whatever works best for you.

by Pete Bit; ; Report

haha i couldn't comment on whether he's modded it or not

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

_Madame X_

_Madame X_'s profile picture

DANK MEMER yussssss

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yeah it seems dank memes aren't so popular over here yet, we really have gone bacc in time 10 years to myface! Dang. I'm allergic 2 da cade as well, can admire from distanz only, sux mayne.

by Fabian Dee; ; Report


MissAnthrope's profile picture

Digging the occult vibe

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Thanks and greetings!

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

I like your background

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Thanks!! I'm basically choosing all the things I had on my old account back in Myspace and other chat site days, just need to figure out the music now :)

by MissAnthrope; ; Report

good ole myface! I discovered that you had to embed a spotify playlist but that unless you are logged into spotify, a visitor will only get a 30 second preview of each track which sucks. A lot of ppl are putting the playlist in their music section which is really narrow so it won't display the artist and track names properly. TBH I'm not sure anyone really bothers flicking thru the playlists.

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Oh man, maybe that'll be a feature that could be improved later on. I remember on other sites they had like track list's that would play as soon as someone landed on a page, IDK if they are still in use but I might look into that...

by MissAnthrope; ; Report

yeah I remember myface had that feature it was quite handy, here it is a world of pain lmao

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Oh yeah.... Gotta go relearn HTML lol.

by MissAnthrope; ; Report

yeah u have to become a web developer just to take a crap here haha

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

lmao unfortunately

by MissAnthrope; ; Report

Freakish Uproar

Freakish Uproar's profile picture

Dude, nice Francis Bacon avatar!

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tnx, freshly stolen!

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Action Cat

Action Cat's profile picture

Thanks for the add! :D

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Hi there!

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Freakish Uproar

Freakish Uproar's profile picture

I can't decline a friend request from a fellow Red Dwarf fan :3

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haha i might be a dbag tho

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

sorry a smeghead I mean

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Hands down, the greatest insult I ever appropriated from that show was "you rectum faced pygmy" xD

by Freakish Uproar; ; Report

Is that a Kryten or Rimmer line?

by Fabian Dee; ; Report

Rimmer line I believe.

by Freakish Uproar; ; Report

I'm sure he yells it at Lister during that episode where Lister contracts that mutant strain of the cold, that manifests his confidence and paranoia.

by Freakish Uproar; ; Report

that definitely sounds familiar!!

by Fabian Dee; ; Report