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About me:

22 years old, IT professional from scotland. lover of much. page is, now more than ever, a work in progress

lucia from myspace93

check out my websites @ 月.co &

i know this page is derivative of goonsite, i promise i'll spruce it up to make it more of its distinct, own thing. i haven't really had the opportunity to do any web stuff outside of my site (which often dies for months, so...)

some stuff i like...

  • vidya
    • big gamer man. favourites include Persona 3 FES, Metal Gear Solid 2, Halo 2, Devil Survivor, killer7...
    • still a massive Shin Megami Tensei fan. beat most of them, 100%'d a good amount.
    • i love ace combat - and similar series that know that responsive arcadiness beats stiff realism
    • i will play pretty much anything
  • anime
    • i'm a fan of introspective series - Tatami Galaxy, NHK, Ping Pong & Revue Starlight top my list - but i'm not super picky in general
    • other favourites include FLCL, Monogatari, Monster, Hunter x Hunter, Cowboy Bebop, Gurren Lagann...
  • manga
    • i read all sorts, my anime tastes bleed over here a little.
    • favourites include Dead Dead Demon's DeDeDeDe Destruction, SHIORI EXPERIENCE, NHK (both versions are great for different reasons), Punpun, Emanon...
  • movies
    • i need to watch more movies - favourites include Trainspotting, Reservoir Dogs, The Social Network, Blues Brothers...
    • most all of Scorcese & Tarantino
    • i know the list is dorky!
PGP key

Who I'd like to meet:

people who wanna talk, get to know each other, use this place as god intended. don't be a stranger!

please, no friend collectors.

Spacehey Movie Club

rosco's Friends Comments

Displaying 14 of 14 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Fawkes's profile picture

How has the IT jawb been treating you lately? I feel like I've been chewed and spit the way this last semester has drained me.

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Fawkes's profile picture

What's your #1 place to lurk on the internet but rarely post?

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answer to that is still probably lainchan, even if i visit it significantly less nowadays. always feel very enlightened viewing the threads there, but much too stupid to participate.

more surprising answers, 4chan's /fit/ board solely because i think they're super funny. there was this site with a fully chinese url that someone was using as a personal page that i found a while back and loved to visit, they posted a lot about alcohol on their blog, but i've since lost the URL when i wiped my computer some time back. i also had an interest in paradisehotel51 for some time, doing a lot of digging into its history - this somehow spun off from a previous interest with the site but i couldn't tell you how it happened now - but less so now after their forums reopened and a lot of the folk there were disgustingly racist. there was this tiny site i was told about by a youtuber whom i was pretty much the sole main archivist, he reached out to me via email asking me to delete his shit, and that i could find him on a new youtube channel & also linked me this website. i'm not gonna say its name because there's only like one reference to it still on the net and i dont want anybody googling it to come here, it was just full of weird incel ranting, and eventually it just disappeared, but i can't say it wasnt sorta interesting, there were a few people posting on the site and i really had to wonder who they could possibly be.

i also have a fascination with the site FARK, a really old linksharing site a la Reddit. everybody that posts there has had an account since like 2003, it's oldhead central, and i love reading the stuff there. in the same vein as somethingawful, it feels like if you made an account right now, you'd just stick out way too much and never meaningfully intergrate, because so much of the active userbase are from wayyyyyy wayyyyyy back in the day. there's literally decades of site culture and history that you're just not gonna know, so good luck becoming one of the crew there.

how about yourself, fawkes, any little corner of the internet you like to lurk in? i should probably push myself to find more interesting places like some of the ones i described. always a joy to find a new place of intrigue.

by rosco; ; Report

I also lurk lainchan far more often than I post. On halfchan, I basically only visit /po/ to check if my torrent thread is still up and other than that I only visit /vg/tf2/ to check on the community's opinions on game updates and drama and then occasionally /g/ if I'm looking for computer software resources or hardware advice.

Outside of chans, I like to get my edgy but liberal news from Rational Wiki's What Is Going On pages. I have a few discord servers I lurk in for updates on shit I like, such as the /ak/ discord for Girls und Panzer news, the halo 2 vista discord for updates on that game, and a few various other game modding discords that I will check less than monthly.

I also have rss feeds for reason magazine, hacker news, the EFF, xkcd,, and .

by Fawkes; ; Report


luk's profile picture

i saw in another comment thread thing you talking about how this site feels dead and i'm just curious on the specifics of that
cause to me, it's the opposite, well not direct opposite but-

i haven't been on this site for long so i don't have a good point of reference, but with how active i've seen the site it just feels like.. either the start of a new yet still decently popular site (if that makes sense) or how tumblr is now (as wild of a comparison that seems lol)

like, to help that last bit make sense i use tumblr now cause i hate twitter and instagram has no use for me
and while it obviously isn't *huge* i still see quite a lot of activity

so just looping back to the actual question asked, why do you see spacehey as dead/dying?

also completely unrelated but what's your all-time favorite megaten game? :3

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If you don't mind me intruding, I'll say that both rosco and I migrated to spacehey from another site called windows93 myspace, which you can still find at , but in an archived state. In my personal experience, this site feels more dead in a few ways that I'll just bullet point out.

  1. You get less friend requests on this site in general, which is especially weird since spacehey is the bigger site.

  2. The CSS schemes on people's profiles are less creative in general. This one makes sense but is just kinda sad.

  3. There is no big community history on spacehey really. I can remember specific big names and characters over the last two and change years, but there is no group mythology over any specific characters except for the modern gore spammers.

  4. A personal gripe of mine is that I think the direct messages make the place feel more like a ghost town than windows93 myspace. On that site, the only way to have conversations was in public comments, which made the site feel like everywhere was an open conversation. Here, I've met people with spacehey best buds who have never commented on each other's profiles.

    1. Rosco might have more to say since he's new to spacehey and when I joined quite a while ago, spacehey did feel more active.

by Fawkes; ; Report

i personally get a decent amount of friend requests actually, although for the rest i get what you mean
but to me, it seems like spacehey is just different to myspace98 and you expected it to be more similar

ie the more open conversations and big names

which isn't exactly what spacehey is for, after all bulletins (the main way of "posting") are only for your friends to see
"a space for friends"

of course i could be wrong as, again, i haven't been here too long, but to me it just seems like you wanted more myspace98 and got a site that's more centralized and less open, so in turn, it feels dead
while to me it doesn't, as in my "friend space" it's pretty active and i get new friend requests decently often

imo, spacehey is a place to make friends, just meeting people to talk to, which doesn't seem to be what myspace98 was meant to accomplish by being a more old school internet chat room
different perspective i guess

by luk; ; Report

Being brief so not to reduce rosco's oppurtunity to give input here, I'll say that while it is true that I liked some parts of windows93 myspace more, my comparisons are not just from there. I've been on spacehey for more than two years and it feels like even this site used to be more active compared to where it is now. So my complaints can't be chalked up to comparing apples to oranges when some of my complaints stem from just watching the same old apple change with time.

by Fawkes; ; Report

i haven't been on the site a long time either so i can't really comment on whether or not its dead or dying, i think the site gets an okay influx of new users but the issue is that these new users have no presence or good way to really connect with one another and start building that web of friends like on other myspace clones and, indeed, myspace93.

everything fawkes said is true, there's just a sweeping lack of wide conversation, notable people, or community spirit. 'a place for friends' doesn't conjure up the image of a mostly insular userbase, buried under the sea of thousands of dead new accounts because people join up and can't find a reason to stay. even the multiple influxes of tiktok kids with their copy-and-paste css on myspace93 usually stuck around for a while to chat and try and do their own thing, building up their network and maybe even becoming a name that you'd remember. no such case here, i've met most of the cool folk here just thru fawkes, it's difficult to go searching for folk here, it feels like a kind of isolating site.

when you said "imo, spacehey is a place to make friends, just meeting people to talk to, which doesn't seem to be what myspace98 was meant to accomplish by being a more old school internet chat room", you are getting MS93 the complete wrong way around! it was 100% a place to make friends, people to talk to, not like a chat room at all but a sprawling web of conversation present in every corner. i don't know what spacehey is trying to accomplish in contrast to that, because it just feels like it misses the whole point of how to foster a fun, active, connected userbase.

i dislike bulletins exactly because they're 'friends-only', blogs used to be the way to do longform writing but it feels discouraging to make a pretty main page via CSS (which is way more difficult to do on spacehey! the HTML class tags are abysmal, almost everything had its own unique class on MS93 which made it a breeze to customise), and then find you need to present your blog in the ugly, unpersonalised default style of the site. spacehey simply does not feel in the spirit of myspace! i saw some real internet art on myspace93, there is simply NOT the tools to build or foster those things here.

apologies for the sprawling rant, i hope reading it can give you some idea of the level of difference between what is now, and what was then. maybe it's unfair to expect spacehey to be like MS93, buuuut i think MS93 should be the blueprint for any site wanting to emulate myspace, as someone who very briefly used the original site back in the day i think that MS93 was truly the closest the internet has ever come to recreating it

on favourite megaten... Devil Survivor Overclocked. i think the slow gradual decline of society under an increasingly oppressive and inescapable situation is so incredibly cool, and its something i wish was depicted more often in SMT titles. SMT1 is sorta similar, and i also wish mainline was more akin to that than Nocturne.

thank you very kindly for the comment!

by rosco; ; Report

hey i was hoping for a sprawling rant don't worry lol

but while i don't have enough thoughts to respond in kind to the length of your response, i do think i get your point now
which kinda sucks cause i wish spacehey was better lol, i shouldn't feel "lucky" for the active friends i have on here

and ooo good choice, i never got too into devil survivors but that slow descent was *really* cool lol
although i did get into smt 1 and i kinda agree, while the nocturne style kinda allows for more creativity without just going directly into what the devil summoner games do, i do wish we got more than 1, 2, and kinda 4 in that style

by luk; ; Report


brad's profile picture

Thoughts on the newer seasons of FLCL? i've only seen the first two - .-

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i've only seen the original! it's, in my mind, the pinnacle of animation and artistic expression with the absolute virtue of brevity, only 6 episodes long and that's all it needs, and all i need. no interest in seeing a continuation (or not continuation but i still dont even want to see haruko again), when its already perfect as is. the decision to make more was surely a corporate one at heart, and i've not heard any high praise for any of the new seasons. i don't think i'll ever watch them

by rosco; ; Report

aye, i thought about it because the different style looks.... interesting to say the least, it was really confusing watching the 2nd season since they completely threw out the previous characters except for haruko so there wasn't much appreciation for the new goobers and it wasn't even as cool as the first season anyways

by brad; ; Report

the FLCL sound track by the pillows is immaculate.

by yayoi22; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

The time at which you've joined spacehey is an interesting one in my opinion. We're in the twilight era of spacehey as far as I'm confirmed. This website was never quite the wild west in the same way as windows93, but things were once more frontieresque than they are now.

I almost feel bad having brought you into the fold of the site while it's in this state, but in a way your presence excites me. I've told you this before, but I saw you as a source of the intrigue of windows93 and even just the conversations we've had so far have given me a bit more direction when it comes to continuing on this site.

Funny how that works.

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  • Sorry to double post, but I hope that you can just pretend that this is part of the last comment.

  • I think I'm gonna try and communicate with you here first and foremost. Since we don't have a huge history of talking on discord super actively except for recent days, I think it'll be pretty easy to just adapt to reaching out to you here. I'm making an intentional point of this since I think the people are the intrigue of spacehey and in recent times, I've been a lot less invested in the platform than when I started out. I suppose it's natural for interest to wax and wane, but I really want this place to be as interesting as windows93 once was.

  • On our conversation about "pushing the envelope a little bit" on spacehey, I'm thinking about perhaps making a spacehey clone and my plan is to have the page be relatively bare, with just the nav bar, comment box, and the add friend button that is needed to leave comments at the top of the page. I think with that I'll shove all the rest of the mandatory stuff in a seperate css scheme that you have to click a button to go to. Sort of like this profile except it'll be profile -> disclaimeresque page instead of disclaimer page -> profile . I wanted to get your input as someone who knows the lain media better than I, are there any visual design elements of the anime or game or bootleg that would work really well as a "click here if you're looking for the mandatory spacehey mumbo jumbo" , without being something that would look out of place on a mebious themed page?

  • Also on this extra stuff sub-page-whatever, I would probably include a little manifesto about how windows93 myspace was interesting because of how permissive it was and that we hope that the spacehey administration can tolerate their branding and legalese being pushed a click deep as long as it's done in good faith in a project that legit brings character to the site. I would also like to link similar cool things on spacehey beyond just profiles, such as spacehey movie club and Ikoe's At Night™ under a section that reads something like "This is a spacehey wizard association project, check out some others:" , with spacehey wizard association replaced with a perhaps more fitting title. I'd love to hear your thoughts in general and more specifically on what I should call the loose association of tinkerers that I would be trying to build.

  • Finally, congrats on using html tags so well in your comments that I feel obligated to make use of the tools in front of me instead of just dumping straight text at your feet. I sincerely hope that I put all the tags in correctly here and it just werks™.

by Fawkes; ; Report

it nearly #justwerked™

by Fawkes; ; Report

the twilight, huh? i guess i can feel it in a way, already feels less automatically sociable like MS93 was, where you'd have a ton of people reaching out and talking, a free-flowing culture with prominent names & figures & jokes & little pieces of history. the handful of folk out of you guys i've met seem to be the only people carrying that social element still. i don't know how this place can have so many users and yet feel so eerily dead. thank you for the compliment, i was just fooling around and doing my own thing back then, and plan to keep doing the same here. there's a lot of ideas floating around within me, just need to put them into action and see what's possible :)

no worries about the extra comments! sorry i was so slow getting to your first one, illness and work and general ennui... ya know how it is.

  • by all means, go ahead! it'll encourage me to keep logging in at the very least, which i'm planning to keep on doing anyways, but every little helps. definitely agree on the people aspect, it's the infinitely more interesting part of inhabiting a social media like this, moreso than some banal wacky css/numbers fellating, or just the #vibez of being on something with roots in history that far ago. which i get the appeal about in ways, but its still lame and isnt really realising the magic of a place like this. it should be coveted.

  • that sounds awesome! i'd be really curious on how one would get that to work without relying on JS, which is how i implemented my similar page on, at least if you're planning to have the text (and even images!) move around, which in my opinion is a large part of the appeal. it's hard to say about visual design elements, i dont have a concrete way to describe it, or a general like 'this is lain' criteria. it is simply a sense i'd say just do it by feel. i have a really massive archive of lain images if you'd like to have it and sift through for stuff that interests you.

  • i like that manifesto idea! really carrying forward the memory of MS93, would be nice if some folk got a feel for what it was all about and began participating themselves, or even attract legacy users back. i think it could definitely bring some vitality back into spacehey. as for the title... bahh.. i've never been good with names. wizard association is pretty funny, but you know the connotation behind the term 'wizard'. dunno dunno dunno. should get other peoples opinions as well, maybe come to a consesus if it's to be an association of individuals.

  • hahahaha, thank you. it's nothing special, i'm just fond of lists. often i wish i didn't slack on html/css so much in the interim between MS93 and now, because i'd definitely be using it in even better, more satisfying ways if i had more abstract tags and constructs nailed in. just the more reason to explore and see what can be done :)

thank you so much for the comment! i'll hit up your page too if i have anything to ask!

by rosco; ; Report

CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY WONT LET YOU TYPE THE WORD J*VASCRIPT AT ALL? i was searching for what i had done for like 5 minutes. brotherrrrrrr

by rosco; ; Report

  • No need to apologize about comment reply speed. With how dead this site is, it's not unusual for even the active members to just fall off the face of the earth sometimes. Just how it ends up here.

  • For mebious, I was planning on using css to manually position all 20 comments at random places on the screen based on their order in the html such that comment n will always be at the same place, but because spacehey only displays the most recent 20 comments, it would move every text to a new numbered position each time is a comment is posted, giving the impression that each comment is getting moved around. Also I'd probably end up having to write a python bot to auto-accept friend requests or something, so having it randomly generate positions and text rotations probably wouldn't be too too hard while I'm at it.

  • Lain image archive probably would help indeed. I think I'll write the main portion of the site first and then once it is aesthetically stable, I can just try out random shit as the button and see what fits best.

  • It seems that the name discussion is happening on Ikoe's page if you wanna check that. Honestly I'm not too worried about the nastier wizard meaning as much of the active userbase wizardposts in the good way. I think a great many of them have been spared the forbidden dark magic of the chan. That said, I don't think that'll be the direction regardless considering the only suggestion so far is basically "do something subtle."

  • They have to stop you from xss-ing at all costs rosco. You're such a free thinking contrarian they have to keep you shackled so you can never write any coffeecode. (Unironically that text filter is really silly because the little rules box on the /addcomment page makes it seem like you just can't write code, not say the word in general. I've been there and been equally confused.)

  • Finally, I'll say that I looked into the halo 2 mcc laso run a bit more and apparently it is harder than I though, even past grunt birthday party getting nerfed, because apparently the mcc laso playlist that gives the achievement doesn't actually use all the skulls and the one dropped skull is the one that gives you invisibility... ...That said, I'm still down. Would be a baller achievement to pin to my steam profile.

by Fawkes; ; Report

The discussion on ikoe's page now has a good few name suggestions if you'd like to give input there.

by Fawkes; ; Report


YAN!!!!!!!!'s profile picture

Clicked on your profile cause of the Spooky pfp and wowee you've got amazing taste! Checked out goonsite too, great title, love the vibes. Seeing how your list of interests is all that I already like or plan to get into, I wanted to type up a list of questions like how ikoe does:

- So you 100%ed Devil Survivor? Does that include beating Lucifer, doing all the endings and the compendium? If so I commend you. Even though I also consider it the best Megami Tensei game I only beat it once, doing the light chaos route. I've only 100%ed a handful of games as I'm more about completing my backlog so I can't imagine the amount of time one'd put into an SMT game for 100%

- Are you looking forward to the Dead Dead Demon's anime? Which scenes are you most interested in seeing adapted? Also did you know there's a live action Solanin movie?

- Is the NHK manga worth reading? Does it have any content not present in the anime?

- Which Ace Combat game is a good starting entry? I rented AC7 for ps4 years ago but didn't get too far into it.

- What's the appeal of Shiori Experience? I've had it on my list to read for a while but know basically nothing about it.

- Favourite No More Heroes boss (both gameplay and story-wise)?

- Top 3 Monogatari arcs?

- Emanon...

Also feel free to add me on any of the socials on my profile, I'd love to chat!

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thank you very much! you as well, you've got a whole lotta stuff on your profile that i love that i neglected to mention, i'm very impressed. even just the jill icon immediately draws me to you, hahahaha.

  • yes, i've 100%'d Devil Survivor Overclocked. it took me about 2 years, due to bad planning on my part i had to play the game around 9 times start to finish to get every single survivor award. it's probably the absolutely worst modern SMT title you could pick to go for 100% just because of what it asks of you, on top of being a notoriously difficult game just by itself. i don't regret doing it, it's nice having the bragging rights and level of familiarity for one of my favourite games that almost nobody else has, but i'd never tell anybody to do it unless they're gonna 100% every SMT game or something. the timesink is immense. i was going to do Devil Survivor 2 as well but honestly the first four-ish days of that game are so boring that i couldn't force myself to do it.

  • i'm really looking forward to it! i've been a massive fan of Asano for a long time, and Dead Dead Demon might be my favourite of his work, so i'm quite excited to see how it pans out. as for scenes... i'm really excited to see the whole ouran's past stuff from the later end of the series, but i feel like thats really obvious. a small scene i'm looking forward to is ouran & kadode visiting ai's house and meeting her brothers, the line 'Brother Number 4! I expect great things from you!' has been in my head ever since i first read it. and of course, anything with ouran's brother, he's so awesome

  • NHK's manga, while following the same rough progression and story events, is quite a different adapation. everybody is far less sympathetic and much more neurotic, while the anime ended up being somewhat light in the end (lol), the manga goes to some rough places with its events & characters. i really love misaki's depiction in it in particular, she's a completely different beast than in the anime when you get to learn more about her. i really encourage you to check it out! its another flavour of the same thing but does enough to set itself apart

  • Ace Combat 7 is usually what i'd recommend to a beginner, given its the only way to play a series entry on modern platforms. if you can swallow some dated gameplay, then you can start from Ace Combat 1 and work your way up from there via emulation. if PS1 is too much for you, then emulate Ace Combat 4 and go > AC5 > AC0 > AC7. AC6 is too much of a headache to play since its XBOX 360 exclusive, but its the least important one you need to play on both a narrative and technical level, so don't worry about skipping it.

  • it's kind of hard to put it into words, you just need to read it. if you love music, espec from the manga's namesake, Jimi Hendrix, then you'll fall right in love with it, it's the peak of band manga. just the way its illustrated and the performances are depicted, it's a masterclass of the genre. please check it out as soon as you can.

  • Henry Cooldown from NMH1, i love the boss design and gameplay philosophy in NMH1 the most out of all the games, so henry being the final and most difficult example of it really just hits me in the right way. he's super cool, fun to fight, and being the final boss of course has the most going for him storywise. i LOVE the ending to NMH1. i almost wish the other games didn't exist, its perfect as is and requires no continuation

  • favourite monogatari arcs...

    1. Koimonogatari/Hitagi End - peak of the series. peak of anime. peak of media. peak of storytelling. kaiki deishuu as the protagonist and narrator. surrounding nadeko sengoku. holy shiiiiiiiit. PERFECT. a blast to watch.

    2. Sodachi Riddle/Sodachi Lost - maybe a bit of a cheat to lump these two into one, but they pretty much are just a continous arc. sodachi really interests me, turning the whole series philosophy of 'the only one who can help you is yourself' on its head, being someone who is so thorougly deluded that she's incapable of doing that. i'm very fond of the mystery novel-esque presentation it takes as well. i hope sodachi appears in future seasons, she's very fun

    3. Otorimonogatari/Nadeko Medusa - again maybe a cheat because its the sister arc to my absolute favourite one, but it is just so good. nadeko is a great character even w/in bake, getting to learn more about her and seeing her transformation is awesome. yet another arc that distances itself from araragi which is great too. i love him, but i think when the series is told mainly from his perspective, it can created a skewed view of what it's trying to go for, the departure from that within second season, which gives the focus to many minor characters, was a great choice and part of the reason why its the peak of the show.

    admittedly, i do need to rewatch, it's been a good few years now, i wish i could go into better detail but my memory is starting to get a bit foggy. i really love monogatari however, there's nothing else quite like it.

  • emanon... i really love it. have you read the sequel, sasari emanon? i enjoyed it, but i felt like it lost a certain *something* held within omoide emanon. maybe just the one-shot charm, or sasurai adding new elements that didnt really need to exist (e.g, emanon's twin brother having latent 'magic' abilities also), or something else entirely. still really good though. i need to read other stuff from Tsuruta Kenji

thank you so very much for all the questions! very appreciative that you'd ask so much. wiil definitely not be a stranger, i think we'll get along well given how many interests we share, best of wishes to you champ

by rosco; ; Report

thank you as well! Always happy to see people recognize the Jill pfp!

- I had a very similar experience with DeSu 2. Well I wasn't going for 100% but I also couldn't get past the first 3-4 days. It just failed to hook me like the first one but who knows maybe we're missing out on hidden kino.

- You're probably a bigger Asano fan than I am but yeah I agree with that take even though those last 2 volumes were a bit too much even for me. Good choice of scenes, Ouran and her brother were definitely the highlight of the series for me. Well... I like pretty much the whole cast honestly. I'm kinda spooked about the whole 12 manga volumes in just 2 movies format but I guess they could cut out some of the less memorable side plots and the Isobeyan chapters and it could work out.

- That sounds really appealing actually. It's been years since I watched the anime but there were some points where I found it difficult to sympathize with Misaki so really curious how they depict her in the manga. Will try and get around to it soon.

- Alright sounds good! I'm thinking of playing 7 and all the PS2 games first before deciding if I should dive into the PS1 games. I always hear people praise the PS2 games especially so I'm hoping to get into them proper.

- So Shiori Experience is the Hendrix Experience! Alright I'm in. When it comes to band series I always prefer the anime rather than the manga but if it can capture the performances well then I'll dive into it soon for sure. I'd recommend Beck and Detroit Metal City for you then. Although the latter is more of a comedy, its band is one of my favourites in the medium.

- I vividly remember the first time I fought him in NMH1. It was 3 am and I was waving my joycons like a madman, fighting him for a solid hour. It really was a test of your skills. I somewhat agree with your take but I also really adore the rest of the series. Without NMH2 we wouldn't have Alice Twilight and I don't wanna live in that world.

- Incredibly based ranking. Koimonogatari is up there as my fave as well even if I'm not a huge Nadeko fan. I don't know much about the off season but I do know Sodachi appears and I'm not sure how much she actually does. My 3 faves would be Koi, Kizu, and Zoku Owari. In my opinion these 3 encapsulate everything I love about the series and its characters. I haven't rewatched many of the arcs but I have been reading some of the books, I highly recommend them, very much worth it.

- Yeah I read both and completely agree with your take. The mystery of Emanon is what made the one shot so special so when there's more volumes to explain everything about her it kinda loses its charm but yeah it's still a fun read. I haven't read his other works either but Wandering Island has piqued my interest so might give it a try soon.

Best of wishes to you too! Hope to see you around for months to come

by YAN!!!!!!!!; ; Report


Rainy's profile picture

Idk how exactly to formulate this so bare with me.. would you like to elaborate at all on that "IT Professional" stuff, like any experiences/advice/other tidbits you'd be willing to share? I'm planning a career in IT or compsci so I'd love to hear from someone who's alr in that type of thing.

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just mean that i work in IT, i can't really put down specificially what i do w/out narrowing down where it is that i work too much, so i thought it was apt

i did compsci classes in high school and did a government scheme to earn a 'Foundation Apprenticeship' in software development, which is basically just a souped up qualification. i then went on to study software development at college, COVID came and fucked up the standard of education, i moved on to university hoping for things to be a bit better there, but it was just the same online learning stuff that did not work for me in the slightest, so i dropped out, and started looking for a job since i felt i would learn more in the workforce than staying at university for another couple of years.

eventually, i got a job pretty much just because of how well i did in interview, knocked the questions out of the park and discussed areas relevant to the role before the interviewers could even ask about them. i'm not going to pretend its some majorly advanced role i landed, but it's fantastic that i was able to get it w/out a degree, especially as most all of my peers are 5~ years older than me and have degrees. it pays pretty good, i'm great at it, and the company is doing a decent amount in creating career progression for me

my advice to you as someone looking to get into the field, consider taking a more specialised degree, such as cybersecurity, if you're going into education instead of just general compsci, it'll improve your job prospects and'll teach you more overall. compsci as a degree feels very broad, and almost kind of stigmatised? like they'd probably rather have somebody who has a specialised education in whatever IT field it is and not just a general compsci education. but it's your call, it'll all become meaningless when you've accrued a good few years of experience

by rosco; ; Report

Thanks for the response! I'm definitely looking at some specific degrees, and working towards certs. I'm about half-way thru getting this one called the A+ (baseline IT cert, theres 2 exams and I alr passed 1). Considered the CCNA too but networking is so difficult. Cisco's proprietary bs doesn't make things much easier.

For Compsci I would definitely go a similar route. Local college offers programming certs u can get in under a year (I alr have experience as you could gather but I'm sure employers want that piece of paper). It's definitely a bit of a duality as I dislike most compsci classes but that's a whole other can of worms

by Rainy; ; Report

you sound like you'll do perfectly fine, if you're getting a good few certs then you're immediately front of the list for interviews. keep it up!

by rosco; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

If you had to recommend a single piece of media (movie, game, song, etc.) from those listed on your profile, to me specifically, what would it be?

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Tatami Galaxy, one of the most formative pieces of media for my adult life, taught me a whole lot about how i should approach new things and how not to develop undue bitterness towards others. the dialogue is so fucking good, as well as the animation and music. maybe up your alley, Fawkes

by rosco; ; Report

have any opinion on if I should read the visual novel as well as the show? If so, in which order do you recommend them?

by Fawkes; ; Report


by Fawkes; ; Report

Oops, sorry that I missed this. There's no 'visual novel', just a regular ol' novel. I own it but I've yet to take the time to read it. Even so I'd recommend just watching the show because visually it's great too, and the dialogue delivery is a whole lot of the reason why I find it so fun and engaging.

by rosco; ; Report

Will do! I think I called it a visual novel after misreading "varsity novel" on it's wikipedia page.

by Fawkes; ; Report


Ikoe's profile picture

oh man, there's a lot i wanna dig into here. i'm just gonna fire these off in a stream-of-consciousness, 'based on what i spot first' sort of manner;

• favorite social link in 3 (and why is it (not) Sun)?
• favorite piece of dialogue or moment in general from Halo 2? (and/or 3, for added same-wavelength points)
• opinion on k7's ending?
• have you played (or at least considered playing) Soul Hackers 2? if yes, what'd you think of it?
• were you also enlightened on the Su-37 in the stretch between AC04 and Zero or is this more of a me thing?
• thoughts on the OW2 + Cowboy Bebop collab, at least from a passerby's perspective?
• has fawkes already sold you on Takeshi Kitano's Sonatine? if not, can you throw a big pointy rock at him?
• are you a good sport?

* you can selectively answer these if you want, i imagine it's a fair bit to tackle

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  • you got it right, sun is my favourite social link. i think its immensely beautiful, using the last of his life to leave something behind, that the good he can give through creating this story will have made his life wholly worth living. and its very moving to see that his story became somewhat popular in persona 4.

  • on halo...

    • my favourite moment in halo 2 is 'giving the covenant back their bomb'. thought it was the coolest thing ever as a kid. still very cool even today.

    • favourite piece of dialogue in halo 2 is 'two sticks and a rock'. maybe the best difficulty variant line in the series.

    • favourite moment in 3 is seeing the flood-infected covenant super carrier slipspace in and crash at the start of 'floodgate'. chilling...

    • favourite line of dialogue in 3 is probably 'were it so easy...' from the funeral cutscene at the end of the game. whole thing is very emotional, have shed a tear many times after a great playthrough

  • killer7's ending is fantastic, one of my favourites in any game. i think it really works when garcian's story is a deeply personal one, but the forces he's tangled up in are so far removed from all of it, they are two godly beings whose conflict is eternally cyclical. we love those parallels between the start and end of the game. yum!

  • i've 100%'d Soul Hackers 2, actually. it's not that bad of a game even, it's just aggresively mediocre and not what ATLUS should have chosen to do with not only Soul Hackers, but Devil Summoner as a whole going forward. what a weird choice to alienate the old SH fans, while also not doing enough of a good job bringing in new blood. it's put the series in a really weird spot, especially with ATLUS saying SH was gonna become their 'third pillar', i think its really likely that they just drop plans to make any other future titles due to the reception and (i think) middling sales

  • i feel like i was enlightened on a whole lot of planes, i didn't have a large knowledge surrounding them prior to playing the series, but definitely grew to love many of them, the SU-37 included. so many of the fictional ones i wish were real!

  • that trailer's awesome! surprisingly faithful but i s'ppose blizzard has the money for that. haven't played overwatch in many years but a part of me is happy to see its still going somewhat strong. i can't really think of any other games that could have a bebop crossover and work (overwatch would not have been on that list too though)

  • Fawkes hasn't talked to me about it, but i've got a ton of filmhead friends who love Kitano, Sonatine especially. i really must watch his stuff. i really love the Hana-bi shot Fawkes has incorporated into their profile. i'll throw an extra pointy on at him just for the fun of it.

  • maybe the goodest of sports

thank you for the meaty comment! incredibly kind of you to ask so many awesome questions. i hope this spacehey is big enough for the two of us... but seriously, thank you and i love your stuff

by rosco; ; Report

thank you for an even meatier response!! always delighted to see notably lengthy replies to semi-silly Q's :]

filing this comment out as a placeholder—there's a handful of follow-up questions i have in mind, coupled with a few personal takes for good measure, though i am burdened by the fact that it's one in the morning and i am Very Eepy—but i'd be remiss not to say that you seem like a highly swell fella :handshake:

by Ikoe; ; Report

You know, it strikes me that we have slowly assembled enough halo fans on spacehey that we could probably get some mcc friendlies going. (Although I've always been a halo 2 vista fan over mcc, I know my position here is unpopular.)

Also on kitano, I'll have you know that I've only really been talking to rosco for less than a week. No movie makes it into conversation quite so fast. That said, I loved Hana-bi, sonatine, and even getting any (though having now seen that one like four times, I simply can not endure the length of the fly-man bit anymore.)

by Fawkes; ; Report

you *need* to tell me more about why you prefer vista

by rosco; ; Report

(Do not that when I say halo 2 vista, I am specifically referring to project cartographer, a community maintained version of halo vista. It's basically the same as the original game but with a sprinkling of extra care such as a fov editor and crosshair placement adjuster.)

1. MCC in general is a piece of shit in general. Me and a bud beat halo 2 legendary the other day using mcc and we constantly had crashes, menu problems, and times where we would just have to both restart the game for it to magically decide to let us play the game. The original halo 2 vista program has a beautiful menu that is simple and the game has never crashed for me.

2. Halo 2 vista uses the skull system from the xbox version, where you have to go and find the physical locations of the skulls to activate them. I honestly think they were so much cooler like that and that just having them as options in a menu now is super boring. Some of the skulls just also behave entirely differently from how they did on xbox and vista on mcc, which really annoys me.

3. Halo 2 vista has more mature modding support than the mcc version, so most mods that do support both versions prefer halo 2 vista. There are also just way more custom maps for halo 2 vista.

4. In multiplayer, you can adjust the tickrate of halo 2 vista from 60 to 30, which was the speed of the original game. This makes a lot of the button combos that I've always thought were super slick easier to do than in mcc.

5. It's 1337 ya know? I think it's neat that there's a super elite group of halo nerds who still frag on fake xbox servers with a mod that sends gamemode information using the lobby name. It's also shareware which makes it more accessible and adds to the 1337 vibe.

by Fawkes; ; Report

cant disagree with you, MCC halo 2 is a buggy piece of shit. whenever i'm playing co-op with someone, i NEED to skip the cutscene after you kill the heretic leader in The Oracle or the game just crashes, without fail. have had to replay that mission on legendary way too many times - and that is just one of the many issues i've faced playing it. still played the ever living shit out of it though, the only single player achivement i have left is the LASO achivement (which i dont know if i'll ever be confident enough to go for - monopolized was already incredibly difficult and took me a long long long long time). i'll look into installing project cartographer

by rosco; ; Report

Rosco I will try halo 2 laso wit u if you want. I imagine I have less halo 2 experience than you in general, having only beaten it like four times, but I love halo 2 and am known for being patient.

by Fawkes; ; Report

(I know that doing it together would not get the singleplayer achievement in the first place, but if you're in it more for the experience than the 100% number, you know whose line to ring.)

by Fawkes; ; Report

oh well, you can do the LASO cheevo in co-op too, was more meaning 'the last halo 2 achivement that isnt related to pvp multiplayer'. i know you said you're patient..but you'll need to be ready to exhibit a whole other level of paitence. just the iron skull alone - the whole level resetting when either player dies - is enough to put the fear into me.

but yeah, i'll definitely let you know if i'm thinking about doing it, i'm out of practice so while i know some tips & tricks, we'll be pretty much at the same level if you just got done doing a legendary run recently. just need to find the time where i can fully commit to playing, cause i reckon most levels are gonna take a full days worth of play or even more to get through on LASO

by rosco; ; Report

fyi, legendary multiplayer behaves like the iron skull before you even equip the iron skull and the iron skull only adds that effect for the lower difficulty multiplayer. So, having dealt with that effect recently, I'll say that usually it just means that we try doing shit one person at a time and then we deliberate if the person who is ahead should get further ahead and bank on a teleport at a checkpoint, or if the person who is behind should also try stealthing up to the same place.

Honestly my greatest fear is the fact that since h2 vista doesn't do campaign multiplayer, we'd be playing on mcc halo 2, which has the shitty version of grunt birthday party.

by Fawkes; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

The sideways scrolling text reminds me of old times.

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probably my favourite thing i made for the myspace93 page

by rosco; ; Report


iason's profile picture

NHK is like japan's BBC is it not? how's that manga play out? drama in the office?

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to put it in british terms, its like if a bloke hardstuck claiming universal credit, doing nothing but sitting in his council house drinking & smoking, saw the BBC on the tv and declared that it stood for the 'Bureau of Biological Control' and started blaming all his lifes woes on the organisation. very little to do with the actual bbc.

NHK is great though, made me change for the better when i was at risk of screwing my entire life up through inaction. watching this pathetic man do nothing but rot and shift his problems more and more made me absolutely not want to become anything like him. most realistic representation of social withdrawl i've seen in anything

by rosco; ; Report

okay neat... i read from other japanese books of how the NHK goes around asking for dues without regard to if the radio (and after a certain era, tv perhaps? that i am not sure of) is actually used in the household or not

that's sounds like a real bureaucratic office-worker moment, fun times

by iason; ; Report

i had to look that up and im surprised that you're not joking, i would have thought the 'TV license' would be something only the british would suffer. afaik other countries collect their public broadcast funds via tax, or some other way that doesn't put the burden explicitly on the individual

i wonder if the license folk in japan are kinder than their british counterparts

by rosco; ; Report

the portrayals of them in the fictional books are not very kind to the NHK collectors, i'll say that much. but also, just about all i know of them comes from one author, so maybe he just has a particular dislike of them haha

by iason; ; Report


brad's profile picture

howdy howdy howdy

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howdy howdy howdy howdy!!!! (four times so you know that i care)

by rosco; ; Report


Rainy's profile picture

yo buddy, still alive?

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thanks friend. see you again... ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

by rosco; ; Report

btw, I'll go for a two-er here, fav AC game and Tarantino film? (I'm not super well-versed in either subject, having only completed Zero and 7 (and Project Wingman I suppose, if that counts), and Pulp Fiction and Django Unchained, respectively. I'd still like to hear your opinion though)

by Rainy; ; Report

my favourite AC game is probably 3, i think it's really ambitious in what it sets out to do, the futuristic, hypercapitalist strange real in that time period is awesome. ACZERO is like right behind it though, so fantastic

my favourite tarantino film is definitely reservoir dogs - i love crime dramas and i think the whole idea of only seeing the aftermath of the heist and having to piece together what happened along with the characters is really genius. one upon a time in hollywood is probably second, i think brad pitt & leonardo dicaprio's performances in it are phenomenal, and its kinda awesome to see a tarantino movie so purposefully subdued, in contrast to the hyperviolence usually seen in all his work.

thank you very much for the questions!

by rosco; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

Greetings and Good tidings.

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thank you! good to be here

by rosco; ; Report