
Beau's profile picture

"Relaxing in a Forest..."

A short and shy deer who's learning more about the world!

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Mood: Sleepy

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Beau's Interests


I'm pretty boring imo but I'll do my best to populate this section:

My friends would say I'm friendly, caring, and handsome (I do not agree with that last one)

Video games are a big part of who I am. I started with a Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo when I was very young. Growing up I got an Original Xbox, PS2 (Slim and Fat), an Xbox 360, and now a Nintendo Switch.

The only game I play on console anymore is Skate 3 on my 360.

I am mainly a PC gamer, I've been playing PC video games since 2018. I am not counting games such as Club Penguin, or Poptropica as those are web games. I do wish I could go back and experience them again in their raw form. The remakes don't hit the same.

I mostly play Beam.NG, Satisfactory, Halo Infinite, Overwatch 2, and Minecraft. I do have lots more games but my brain says "No". Feel free to send me a message if you want to play together! (I may actually not respond and that's my bad lmao)

Feel free to ask me about anything else you'd like to know about me! I don't know what else to add lmao


EDM mostly, there are songs where I go "This isn't what I listen to, but I like it a lot."

I listen to Monstercat, Daft Punk, HOME, some songs from Skate 3, Lo-Fi, and so much more. A few songs include:

* Lots of Monstercat songs...

* Blinding Lights - The Weekend

* City Nights - ItsDexe

* Lazy Eye - Silversun Pickups (my fav atm, calms me down a lot)

* Nova - EMIRI

If you want to know more about the songs I listen to, feel free to leave a comment or DM!

I prefer to download my music so I don't have to rely on an internet connection to listen. Sure it takes up space, but with my Pixel 6a space isn't a concern.

I do pay for Youtube Preimum for the family, so I at least have a streaming service. Even if it isn't the best one out there.


Uh.. how do I explain this...

I don't really watch movies anymore. At least on my own.

I don't have a comfortable way to watch them and I am also broke as fuck. Sure I could obtain them the other way but then I won't have internet anymore. I might also experience what dropping the soap feels like, which I don't want to experience.

My #1 movie is Finding Nemo. Yes I am a child.

The most recent movie I have watched as of 7/17/23 is the new Indiana Jones movie. Knowing nothing about the series I enjoyed it a lot! It's worth a watch.


Life Hack: Buy food/snacks before going to the theatre and shove them inside your sweater. Pretend you are fluffy and you don't have to pay $20 for a small drink!




My Mom and Dad <3

Beau's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

so that's why they never responded (view more)

I DID NOT DIE (view more)

My thoughts on the 2nd episode of The Amazing Digital Circus (view more)

Beau's Blurbs

About me:

So I guess being a VRChat maker has made me popular on TikTok. While on a call with someone who's helping me Bug Test the map, I decided to update my socials & create a linktree. It's a Bio Site from SquareSpace but I made it primarily to prevent impersonation.

If you wanna check it out, click me!

You might need to allow autoplaying content on your browser in order to hear the startup sound and song!


Does not work in Chrome, I don't know why!

This layout is funky on mobile phones! The fonts don't work!

Hey there! My name is Maple and welcome to my SpaceHey page!

Maple isn't my IRL name obviously, I just don't want to have (most of) my personal information out there.

I enjoy talking to people (even if I suck at keeping conversation lmao), playing video games, and programming.

I guess I would say I am considered a "furry". I have been in the fandom since I was young, although I never had any friends in the fandom or OC's until 2019.


The background music is called "Velkommen" by Stan LePard (RIP).

This song was used in the 1996 Internet Starter Kit by Microsoft. It has a similar track in Encarta Virtual Globe 1998, and is also found in the Windows XP OOBE (Out of Box Experience). You may have never heard it however, as the sound drivers needed to work. I didn't know it existed till a few years ago when I saw a MJD video on the topic. It was also supposed to be used in Windows 98, but it didn't have an OOBE and thus was not used; not even in the setup.

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is a decent human being and has the energy to keep a conversation going.

Beau's Friends Comments

Displaying 10 of 10 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


⭐𝓕𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓪's profile picture

fire profile ^_^

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thank you! :D

by Beau; ; Report


ale!!'s profile picture

I love your profile ^^ kool song!!

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Thank you! I love yours too!

by Beau; ; Report

hila :)

hila :)'s profile picture

i like your profile and thx for the friend request <3

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no problem! and thank you for accepting!

by Beau; ; Report

lydia (more on profile)

lydia (more on profile)'s profile picture

Hi, thanks for accepting! The Velkommen embed on your profile was a nice throwback, I forgot it was used for something else before Windows XP's OOBE and it was nice hearing it again. The Windows 98 styled profile is pretty neat too, You did great spicing up the little details!

Your console taste is cool, I grew up on the 360, the Game Boy Advance and the Nintendo 64, but briefly also touched an SNES. Though I also had a bootleg Sega Genesis that was loaded with a bunch of games in one and we also had a NES Mini and a PS3 Slim. I don't play console anymore, I was and kind of always have been a PC player. High agree on your take about web games too, it's not the same playing the remakes or playing them in the large collections, although it's all we can do now. I miss Pixel Warfare myself :p

I recognize Overwatch 2 and Minecraft on your list of games but basically nothing else. I think I wanted to try Beam NG but didn't get to look into it, what does it play like? I played a bit of Need for Speed and such but iirc Beam NG isn't completely about racing. Or maybe I'm thinking of something else. I can drop my steam account if you'd like?

At first I thought we didn't share much in music since your genres were a little out of what I normally play. Monstercat took me back, I'm alright with Lo-Fi (but don't have much of it to try haha, need suggestions) and Daft Punk is pretty good but that looked to be it. Then I saw Blinding Lights in your example... Haha, good taste! I personally don't like streaming services at all and just resorted to downloading everything I like, but since you specified you're paying for your family's YT Premium subscription, I won't annoy you about it. :p Though the fact you're broke for movies and don't know how to get your hands on one without losing your internet... I hope you have a good adblock!

Overall, neat profile, there was a good few flashbacks you took me back when I was reading, your music taste is pretty solid and so is your taste in games!

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Velkommen was supposed to be used in the Microsoft Internet Starter Kit 3 or some prototype of Windows. It was also used in the Microsoft Internet Starter Kit 4, Microsoft Encarta, and ofc in Windows XP.

And thank you for the comments on my layout! It took a few days to get it working but I'm proud of how it looks :D

I was also a PC gamer at heart, growing up I didn't have a powerful PC so I had to resort to consoles. I still remember playing my retro consoles and PS2. I still have my 360 that I got on my birthday more than 10 years ago.

I eventually want to get a room where its straight out of the 2000's but we're not there yet :P

Beam.NG is a realistic physics car simulator. You can do basically anything in it, not just race. It stopped working on my Windows install and idk how to fix it but its really fun. If you want to see how bad a car will look when it crashes into a pole, you can!

It's nice to see someone else who enjoys Monstercat <3 but yea, I pay for Youtube because my family cannot stand the ads (they watch on the TV/phones so no Adblock without getting a PiHole)

Adblock won't save you when downloading movies silly- you need a VPN so that your ISP can't see what you're doing

But thank you for checking out my profile that means a lot <3

by Beau; ; Report

Ah, that's what it was supposed to be for. I knew it was used in XP 100% but couldn't remember what else. Thanks! Glad you're satisfied with your layout :)

I honestly get resorting on consoles, basically my entire childhood I was in the low spec hell too. I shared a family computer until I got my own personal laptop, which I absolutely decimated with junk lol. I got a tower later on, and then later got a gaming laptop and that opened up the keys to the kingdom basically, I've been active on PC since. Console is always a nice throwback though, I hope to turn on my family's old PS3 at some point. I just need to figure out if the controllers charge properly.

I knew Beam NG had something stimulating like that, I recalled being able to see cars crash on it but I was unsure if it was a physics simulator or just a racing game people used in sandbox a lot. This is really cool, I guess I'll have to put it on my list of games to try! NCS was cool but honestly, going to sleep to Razor Sharp is something I can't forget with Monstercat.

I guess that's my bad for being vague? There's streaming sites that are basically minimal risk of getting shut down unless you click an ad or some stupid shit. The ads are really invasive though which is why I mentioned Adblock. You only really need a VPN to torrent unless you live in a really shut down country or something, in Canada they're mostly okay with it as long as you don't spread what you download and torrent stuff all willy nilly. A VPN is definitely essential though and I really need to look into one. I know what I want but need a way to pay for it :p

I've not tried PiHole to be honest so I don't know how effective it is. I use uBlock Origin on PC and Mobile (w/ Orion browser) and used to use a No-Ads DNS server on mobile too. Not sure if things changed, I think I heard about AdGuard but didn't want to pay for it. PiHole sounds more efficient to work with anyway.

And absolutely fuck Windows' instability with programs. Things just suddenly not working is definitely nothing new; I used to suffer from that a lot and have installed windows how many times now? I don't know.

by lydia (more on profile); ; Report

✃'s profile picture

thanks for add ^_^

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Thank you for accepting!

by Beau; ; Report


Julie's profile picture

Thank you for the friend request:) I hope you have a wonderful day and week ahead.

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No problem! Thank you for accepting!

I hope you have a great day and week as well!

by Beau; ; Report

✞ Ruby ✞

✞ Ruby ✞'s profile picture

Thank you for the add! I LUV ur profile!! :3

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No thank you for accepting me!

I love your layout as well!!

by Beau; ; Report

Pato Hermano

Pato Hermano's profile picture

Thanks for the add! Video games was also a big part of my life growing up, you seems to be a cool person!

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thank u <3

by Beau; ; Report


crashcallisto✩'s profile picture

Hihi, ty for the add :D u seem v cool

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No problem and thank you!

I love your profile!!

by Beau; ; Report


Rainy's profile picture

heyo nice page :3 what do u like to program? (if not just websites and stuff but even if so thats still cool)

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thank u!

honestly I program anything my 2 brain cells can come up with

I just finished creating an image viewer that can recursively scan directories and show me all of the images in them

it can also delete images if i dont want them anymore lmao

I mainly program in Python but for GUI stuff I use c#

by Beau; ; Report

very nice choices :3 that image app sounds cool. I also really like python especially for smaller scripts and things but I've been doing most bigger projects in Rust as of recent

by Rainy; ; Report

thank youuu

i mostly made it to look at my stash LMAO

but idk jack shit about Rust sooo it will stay that way :))

i prefer python anyways

by Beau; ; Report

but but rust is blazingly fast and memory safe and

jokes aside, you're probably fine just sticking to C#, fast enough for most use cases and solid over all (from my limited experience with it)

by Rainy; ; Report

yea thats understandable lmao

i dont really care that my programs are super fast

i just want them to work lmaoo

by Beau; ; Report

yeah functional is always the most important thing. I focus a lot on backend/server type things so I've kinda fallen into the whole making things fast as fuq rabbit hole. Outside of the server-side though speed is often insignificant unless it leads to major performance problems or something

by Rainy; ; Report

I want to fuck around with server side stuff but I want to wait till I actually have a server LMAO

I'm too broke to get anything for it tho

by Beau; ; Report

I definitely splurged when I got a server setup lol but you could look into getting some super cheap chromebook or thinkpad off ebay and slapping linux on it. could probably find a passable deal for under 50 bucks I'd reckon

by Rainy; ; Report

I already have a shitty laptop but I wanna get a file server on it plus it's slowly starting to break lmaoo

I need to get some cash and get out of debt :')

by Beau; ; Report