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Wondering what % of my new friend requests are from soulseek users (blog mirror) (view more)

HAPPY NEW YEARRR (view more)

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When the Mashup hits harder than the original [SilvaGunner] (view more)

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About me:

i didn't like how cluttered my old blogs were but i didn't want to remove any, so i moved accounts. i'll still respond to comments on my new account

i switched accounts a long while ago but left my blogs up as there's some helpful things there people will still need!

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also i don't have a profile picture that's why it won't load mine lol

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ToastyDoasty's profile picture

Love the profile we have quite a bit of the same interests I'm really interested in collecting CDs at some point and really would love to get a CD player at some point and it's awesome that you're a pirate as well it should be the new norm lmao

I also play Roblox!!! I mainly play RTS games or generally war games the games I play the most of though are sandbox/building games my main game is Whimsical building I've built full maps from my favorite video games in there like from Left 4 Dead 2, Half-Life, Mirror's Edge etc if I don't play those then I'm more than likely in studio working on a parkour game with a couple friends I joined roblox in late 2013 as a guest but then made my current account in Late 2014 :)

I'm a pretty big fan of the Bioshock and Dishonored games as well I've heard of trepang and ave been decently interested in it I've also played portal but I'm not incredibly interested in it since I don't like to play too many puzzle based games my favorite Bioshock game though is Bioshock Infinite there's just something about an industrial age to an early 1900s era that grabs my attention when gaming not sure what it is lol.

and obviously I play a good amount of the rest of the games you listed but I also like minecraft and only kind of like No More room in hell, unturned, and plague inc.

our music tastes don't really match all too much but not a big worry at all we still listen to a few of the same bands like Paramore and Linkin Park my friends have been into Bring Me the Horizon and Hollywood Undead but I was only ever kind of interested in Bring me the horizon so if you have any recommendations do let me know

Polar express is one of the best christmas movies although not in my top 10 favorites of all time it's still one I'll watch heavily.

I don't watch much TV but enjoy a couple shows I heard inside job is a good one as well as south park I haven't watched either but I've seen a lot of good talk about both of them so I might watch them both at some point.

It's honestly kind of awesome you've heard of Freemans mind it seems kind of niche almost my brother is a huge fan of it but I wasn't as much of a fan I mainly watched Venturiantale, Vanoss, and Kitty0706 for any half life or gmod related content.

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Thanks for the profile comment! Been a while since somebody has dropped one on mine :)

Piracy really should be more widespread. There's a few plays why it's likely not, from people just being too anxious to try on their own without help, people clicking ads without an adblocker and blaming piracy for being the problem, etc... It's not the fault of any specific generation like people like to claim, it's just that people are still hanging onto convenience, only complaining without doing something :(

I see a lot of people on Reddit and such complaining about Disney+ prices going up and stuff, and either they don't know Piracy is an option, think it's too risky (i.e: only knowing about torrenting, not knowing the only good adblocker there is, etc), or just refuse to. It's complicated, I'm only scratching the surface.

Interesting that you played that early while sharing basically no taste with me. I joined Mid '14 and made an account within first playing under a cousin's account, and since it's basically been a go-to. Too many shit exec decisions lately though :( For reference, I don't have any specific taste, though it mostly ranges from meme to shooter, some other games but it's hard to explain. I just play what the people around me want to play.

I mainly use studio to practice scene rendering, I use it to make cover art for my projects and occasionally profile pictures, though there's other valid use cases for it that I just can't get into. Cool to hear you're working on something, might have to drop by if you ever get anywhere!

Bioshock Infinite might have been one of my favourite story experiences! I sat down and finished it over the course of a month on and off, and the idea of loops and parallels in time was interesting, the old towny building aesthetics and such were great. Lots of thought was put into the lore :)

Not really interested in Portal either. Portal 1 was fun to play once and never touch again. I dislike playing Portal 2 and find myself getting stuck often, but it was definitely an upgrade story-wise and gameplay wise. Trepang is good if you ever tried and enjoyed the mechanics of FEAR. Just go in with an open mind, it's a little over the place. It has a bit of that SCP edge to it, but it's a solid game and even has a few obscure source mod references, last I heard.

GOD FUCK NO MORE ROOM IN HELL. I keep forgetting it exists because I don't play the multiplayer, but the gameplay loop is absolutely great. It sat in my steam library ~2015-2023 then I finally picked it up. Great game. Wish I had more of an attention span for it. Unturned was a good solo experience but boring once I mastered it.

Yeah i figured they wouldn't, my music taste is more like a sampler of everything from a fuck ton of sources, no surprise there. You seem to have a way different taste and because I'm a bit of everything, we kind of meet in the middle. Surprising that you couldn't find yourself into Hollywood Undead, maybe the rap part just isn't interesting? Don't have any specific recommendations for you since it's likely you just have a taste that leans more into the heavier side of Rock (with a few exceptions, COUGH NU METAL). Not familiar with a lot of what you're into.

Not heavy on TV and Movies apart from family night watches so no comment there, but I will say the slow pace of Freeman's Mind probably is what slowed you down? The pacing gets a little panned out at time, I mainly cared for the humor. Didn't watch Vanoss at all, or anything related to him. Just didn't bother, wasn't my thing. I avoided GMOD like the plague except maybe a video or two until I entered my teens.

by lydia (more on profile); ; Report

tea_errorrs πŸ•ΈπŸ¦‡

tea_errorrs πŸ•ΈπŸ¦‡'s profile picture

yippieee hiiii (^^)/

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by lydia (more on profile); ; Report


stackedChaos's profile picture

Hiii!! I love your profile! I saw you like Undertale and I love that game so much it's probably my favourite game ever as well as Deltarune :D

I also play Roblox and Minecraft a lot too >_<

I hope we can talk about interests together you seem like such a cool person :3

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any thoughts on the current 15th anniversary minecraft event, any favourite roblox games?

by lydia (more on profile); ; Report

I like that Minecraft are giving us some free stuff during the anniversary and I cannot believe it's been so long since it released, I've been playing it since about 2013 and I don't think I'll ever grow out of it tbh. I love the 15th anniversary creeper cape its so silly.

I have a ton of favourite Roblox games but some of my faves include Work at a Pizza Place, SCP-3008, Meepcity, Royale High, Loomian Legacy, Speed Run 4, Bloxy Bingo, Shrek in the Backrooms, Raise a Floppa, The Stalker:Reborn, The Normal Elevator, Flicker and Vampire Hunters 2, I also enjoy playing different Obby games

by stackedChaos; ; Report

I've played about the same time, I can weirdly recall a lot of details. Specifically being broke for the first ~9ish years of playing. I would make superflat worlds and try to play them in survival, I think it was Miner's Haven. Digging for ores took so long, it was ridiculous. Mods too, I remember barely getting how to install mods and looking at myself in the mirror, then playing a different version and wondering where the mirror item went. Those were gold days.

I've played (and wanted to play) most of those ROBLOX games!!! The Normal Elevator was awesome, it's amazing how it's still around, so is Work at a Pizza Place. I'm nearing 10 years since signing up, just like two months until then I think. I mostly play Decaying Winter, it's like an intense survival game, it's rigged in a fun way.

by lydia (more on profile); ; Report

That sounds cool, when I started playing Minecraft I only had bedrock on the Xbox 360 and would mostly play in Creative in superflat making little towns and pixel art that I found from templates online, until the last few years I never really played survival much but I'm starting to enjoy it more. I've never played with mods but I do have Java with resource packs/shaders now and would love to try some mods out I'm just not sure which, are there any mods you recommend? :)

With Roblox I think I originally joined in 2016 on my old acc but the one I have now I've been playing on since 2019, Decaying Winter sounds fun I'll try it out sometime! If you would like to add me on Roblox my display name is stackedChaos (i want to change the user soon it is erindadestroyer, my name isn't erin anymore it was a name i gave myself in 2019 so i want to change the actual username to stackedChaos soon)

by stackedChaos; ; Report

I was mostly a Java player. I remember there being various sites for playing like 1.5 online, eventually Oracle removed the 'medium' security setting or something and I'd often search the internet for a version with it. Something about breaking it.
If you don't mind going a little in time, try Lost Cities! It adds some cool building generation, there's some loot but for some reason it bugs and doesn't add anything to chests sometimes. It's probably patched by now. Just get a minimap mod like JourneyMap before you get lost.

I played ROBLOX since 2014. I can barely remember the game before 2016, but I do know Work at a Pizza Place was pretty different than what it is now. I would spam free models for a while and play whatever some family members were playing. Decaying Winter is fun but it has a huge learning curve, I'm down to play with you just us, we'll try and nail it together. I'll add you soon, my username is Cyanarh.

by lydia (more on profile); ; Report

Would you like to switch to DMs here or do you have a Discord to chat on? I'm quite active on there :)

by stackedChaos; ; Report

i use discord! i'll im you

by lydia (more on profile); ; Report

🌐 H∃ΔLER 🌐

🌐 H∃ΔLER 🌐 's profile picture

Very sleek looking profile. I like it. Thanks for accepting my request! ( Β΄ β–½ ` )/

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ニγƒ₯γƒΌγƒ¨γƒΌγ‚―γƒŸγƒ‹γƒƒγƒ„'s profile picture

Your profile is fucking awesome, nice game selection and tastes, thanks for adding!

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