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ToastyDoasty's Interests


Pretty big into retro gaming and collecting I got collections for Xbox 360, original Xbox, and got a bit of one started for the Wii. My Top 10 games of all time are 1. Mirror's Edge 2. Detroit Become Human 3. Left 4 Dead 2 4. Skate 3 5. Half-Life 2 6. Dishonored 7. Heavy Rain 8. Remember Me 9. Dying Light 10. Bullet Witch


Former Bodies, My Chemical Romance, Evanescence, Flyleaf, Slipknot, SOAD, Linkin Park, AVATAR, Versaemerge, Pierce The Veil, Paramore, KoRn, Deftones, Metric, CheVelle, Built to Spill, Silversun Pickups, HIM, Sleeping With Sirens, Tokio Hotel, Babymetal, Bloodywood




Top Books/Comics: Coraline World War Z Scott Pilgrim The Montague Twins Spillzone The Amulet The Adventure Zone The Walking Dead Incredible Doom Y: The Last Man


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ToastyDoasty's Blurbs

About me:

Hi! My name is Evan my friends often call me Evanescence mainly as a joke lol but I'm a 19 yr old dude from the Midwest who enjoys Gaming, Music, Comics, and Roblox Studio I often recreate popular video game buildings in Roblox and I love listening to Evanescence, MCR, Flyleaf, and a bunch more while doing it if you enjoy anything described don't be afraid to send me a friend request I also like much more than described here. :) I'm an INTP btw Joined December 5th 2024


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ToastyDoasty's Friends Comments

Displaying 4 of 4 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Tenodai's profile picture

Yooo you have some peak games on your profile dude! AND MIRROR'S EDGE!!! I haven't met any other person that knows about that game :0

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by ToastyDoasty; ; Report

travis ☽

 travis ☽'s profile picture

hey, thanks for accepting <3 I am in love w ur music taste. also i LOVE the song choice for ur profile.

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Thank you! I love your profile as well and you have some pretty banging music favorites as well I also really like the movies/tv you do as well slashers are very nice and I heard Buffy the vampire slayer is awesome (mostly heard abt it from my dad)

by ToastyDoasty; ; Report

Thanks <3 and yes, buffy is a VERY good show, I think you have to make it past the first season to really enjoy it LMAO

by travis ☽; ; Report


tofokyo's profile picture

I love the song on ur profile!! what is it? =O

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It's "Arise" by Flyleaf!

I'm glad you like it as well :)

by ToastyDoasty; ; Report

THANK YOU!!! I kinda figured it was flyleaf but I wanted to make sure, I've only listened to like 2 of their songs but now ive got an album to go check out, thank you ^__^)b

by tofokyo; ; Report

lydia (blog archive)

lydia (blog archive)'s profile picture

Thanks for accepting! Three Cheers was the second album I got on CD so it was really nice to see that familiar disc artwork :D

We shared a couple of interest but the mention of the 360 got me first! It was one of the first consoles I got to use and I briefly for a few years got to play some of the offline titles for fun, mainly the famous Uno port (if you know...) and a bunch of other casual stuff from Popcap and the like, but it's not just that! Mirror's Edge is a great game that I keep forgetting to finish start to finish, I really love how Catalyst handled open world, it was really nice. Dishonored, Left 4 dead and Half-Life making your top ten was also nice, all games I'm familiar with and played before :)
Dying Light too, which I basically abandoned after buying it. Been meaning to give it another shot.

Our music taste kind of clicks? Paramore and My Chemical Romance are both solid favorites of mine, Brand New Eyes might be one of my favorite albums. System of a Down, Slipknot Evanescene and Pierce the Veil too, trying to get into veil especially. Any album recommendations? :D

Coraline was a great movie, I forgot to add it to my profile! It was a watch with a small college class I'm in and it was a great watch. I always forget The Last Airbender had that TV adaptation, I wanted to finish it because it was pretty good but I always forgot.

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Dude I wish so bad I could collect CDs I don't have A CD Player yet nor do I have any CD's from any bands I like but my parents have a whole zipped up thing full of CDs from Iron Maiden to Metallica and Nirvana so that'd be a interesting start to my personal collection.

And yeah I love the Xbox 360 and collect for it I currently have about 50 games for it and the collection is growing larger and larger I've played a couple popcap games but they're more my moms favorite and dude you NEED to finish Mirror's Edge it's such a banger I love the fact that you play or atleast know all these games that I hold very dear.

Brand New Eyes is my favorite Paramore album as well and our music tastes definitely do kind of click lol but for album recommendations for pierce the veil I would 100% recommend Selfish Machines, Collide With the sky, and Misadventures.

I still need to add a few more movies to my list I don't watch many movies or tv shows at all so it'll probably take me a bit to curate a full list but I can mention 2 of my other favorites rn which are The Mitchells vs the machines and Jojo Rabbit, Jojo Rabbit is a kind of distasteful ww2 comedy but it has amazing dramatic scenes that are a very heavy contrast from the usual comedy aspect of it and it's very funny but also hits you with a depressive punch on multiple occassions.

by ToastyDoasty; ; Report

I have no reason to get a CD Player, hopefully you get one at some point! I just own the CD for the novelty, I rip them digitally so I can listen to them as I do everything else I own and have. Though the idea of getting rarer CDs is something I want to do, I can't do that right now :(

Yeah no blame for not being deep into it, I'm not really either. The soundtracks hit and they're iconic in the memory, but otherwise they're games for your grandmother, etc. Or sometimes memes, in a few rare cases. Seed planters...

Selfish Machines will be on the wishlist :D I already listened to colide with the sky, it was pretty solid but I seem to have done something with my rip, so it looks like I'm going to go back and get it when I can. No comment on the movies you've mentioned, don't know about any of them.

by lydia (blog archive); ; Report