Ronald Frump

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Ronald Frump's Interests


Entrepreneurship, investments, market research, stocks, alimony, politics, Vladmir Putin, governance, writing, watching TV, being on TV, and watching myself on TV.


Something without lyrics, preferably, played quietly and unintrusively in the background of a restaurant or movie soundtrack. And Lil' Wayne. DEFINITELY NO SPRINGSTEEN.


All classic Clint Eastwood films, 'Gone With The Wind', 'Bloodsport', 'The Godfather', 'Rambo', 'Citizen Kane', 'Air Force One', 'Dave', 'White House Down', 'Home Alone 2 - Lost In New York', 'Zoolander', 'Celebrity', 'The Greatest Showman', 'The Post', 'Joker', and 'I Love You, Daddy'. (The rest of Hollywood is a bunch of LOSERS.)


'Keeping Up With The Kardashians', 'Last Man Standing', 'All In The Family', 'Hannity', ' The Apprentice', 'The Celebrity Apprentice', and anything with Rosanne Barr, Scott Baio, Patricia Heaton, Kirk Cameron, or Victoria Jackson. Nothing with 'Round Rosie' O'Donnell, please.


'The Art Of The Deal', 'Surviving At The Top', 'Think Like A Champion', 'The Bible', 'Mein Kampf', 'Unlikeable: The Problem With Hillary', 'Iacocca: An Autobiography', 'Talent Is Overrated', and 'All I Really Needed To Know I Learned In Kindergarten'.


Mr. Potter, Mr. Burns, Mr. Monopoly, Dr. Evil, Kim Jong Un, Thurston Howell, J. Paul Getty, David Duke, Idi Amin, Ebenezer Scrooge, Scrooge McDuck, Darth Vader, Richard Nixon, Richie Rich Sr., Daddy Warbucks, Jefferson Davis, Mr. Peuterschmidt, Mr. Lodge, Lex Luthor, Mussolini, Christian Gray, and The Great Gatsby.

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Infringement of Likeness (view more)

Ronald Frump's Blurbs

About me:

My fellow SpaceHeyers, my name is Ronald Frump, and I am definitely NOT our 45th and finest president ever, Donald Trump, despite being told by many that I resemble him, even if he is slightly better-looking than me. In fact, SpaceHey has asked me to label this a "PARODY ACCOUNT" lest anyone understandably think I'm the esteemed former Commander-In-Chief, which I'm not - regardless of what the Democrats might tell you. Unlike the falsely-statused "ex"-president, I have no banishment on my record from any other social media platforms and look forward to taking advantage of this new cutting-edge free-speech portal, which I can already tell is going to be yuger than Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube in a real bigly way. Let's Make Social Media Great Again!

Who I'd like to meet:

New real estate business contacts, underappreciated totalitarian leaders abroad, trending celebrity golfers, Biff Tannen, and potential beauty pageant contestants.

Ronald Frump's Friends Comments

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An's profile picture

hey there - please add "parody account" to your "about me" section to copmply with the spacehey rules. thanks

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I've fulfilled your request. After all, I'm not secretly the real Donald Trump, just like you're not secretly the real Kim Jong An (wink).

by Ronald Frump; ; Report