"Chilling and enjoying life"
Mexican, male, 17. My b-day is on July 14th (:
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Mood: Interested
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roangui_'s Interests
General |
⌬〙Minecraft, El Profesor Layton / Professor Layton, Rhythm Heaven / Paradise, Ace Attorney, Terraria, Enter the Gungeon, Geometry Dash, Pokémon. |
Music |
♫𝄋 Me gustan muchos géneros de música. Desde la Clásica al Citypop, desde el Mariachi al Synthwave, y todo lo que haya en medio. |
Movies |
☸⇰ Realmente no veo mucho cine. En general soy fan de la animación, tanto occidental (WALL-E, Rango, Fantasía, Klaus, El Gigante de Hierro) como oriental (La Princesa Mononoke, Akira, Perfect Blue, La tumba de las luciérnagas, The End of Evangelion). No soy muy fan de las películas de superhéroes. Pero sí me gustan películas live action como Forrest Gump, Amélie, Interestelar... |
Television |
⁌❧ Tampoco veo muchas series. Las únicas que me he visto son The Umbrella Academy, Breaking Bad, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, y el anime de Katrielle Layton. Casi todo el entretenimiento que consumo es YouTube Xd |
Books |
(◜〇-〇) La trilogía del Increíble Castillo Ambulante, de Diana Wynne Jhones y Momo de Michael Ende son mis libros favoritos de toda la vida. |
Heroes |
.°˖✧ ¡Mis padres! Les debo todo a ellos.
roangui_'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]
Pixel art in gen 5 style of Paldea starters (: (view more)
roangui_'s Blurbs
About me:
Me gustan las computadoras, programar, y los videojuegos. Estoy intentando mejorar mis habilidades sociales y abandonar mi timidez. Amo a mi mejor amiga de mi alma y mi corazón que daría la vida por ella (de hecho ella me habló de esta página). Hablo español, inglés y portugués (en ese orden de fluidez) y quiero aprender vasco (ya que mi apellido tiene ese origen). Acepto MDs ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
I like computers, programming, and videogames. I'm currently tring to improve my social skills and make my shyness go away. I love my best friend of my soul and of my heart who I'd give my life for (actually she was the one that told me about this site). I speak spanish, english, and portuguese (in that order of fluency) and want to learn basque (as my last name has that origin). I'm open to DMs ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
Gosto de computadores, programação e videogames. Fico tentando melhorar minhas habilidades sociais e desfazer-me da minha timidez. Amo minha melhor amiga da minha alma e do meu coração que daria minha vida por ela (Ela foi a pessoa que falou-me sobre este site). Falo espanhol, inglês e português (nessa ordem de fluência) e quero aprender basco (já que meu sobrenome tem essa origem). Aceito MDs ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
Who I'd like to meet:
«★~ ¡A tí! You! Você! ~★»
Things I like:
☾𖤓 Pasar tiempo con mis amigos y familia, la lingüística y el conlanging, el ajedrez, todo lo retro, el pixel art, la arquitectura, leer, los RPGs, la comida, la música, dormir, los perros, conocer a gente con opiniones dispares a la mía, el ciclismo. Y Minecraft, mucho Minecraft.
☾𖤓 Spending time with my friends and family, linguistics and conlanging, chess, everything retro, pixel art, architecture, reading, RPGs, food, music, sleeping, dogs, meeting people with different opinions than me, riding my bicycle. And Minecraft. Lots and lots of Minecraft.
☾𖤓 Passar tempo com meus amigos e familiares, a linguística e o conlanging, o xadrez, tudo retrô, o pixel art, a arquitetura, lêr, os RPGs, a comida, a música, dormir, os cachorros, conhecer pessoas com opiniões diferentes da mim, o ciclismo. E Minecraft. Muito e muito Minecraft.
Things I'm not very fond of:
Other random things:
What Popular Video Game Genre Are You?
No me sorprende para nada/It doesn't surprise me in the slightest/Sim, esse sou eu.
✎Soy INFP-T, no creo en las "16 personalidades" pero se me hace un tema divertido.
✎I'm INFP-T, I don't really believe in the whole 16 personalities thing but I find it very fun.
✎Sou INFP-T, realmente não credito as "16 personalidades", mas acho isso muito divertido.
roangui_'s Friend Space
[view all]roangui_ has 10 friends.
roangui_'s Friends Comments
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Rainy |
heyoo :3 what kinda stuff do u like to program? |
Hi! I study at a "technics" school (not really sure if they're called that way in english) where I learned how to program in java and I'm currently learning html and css (I thought this webpage would be a great way to practice it). On my own, I've tinkered with C++, GDscript and BASIC (a very old language). I'd like to make a videogame some day ('▽')
by roangui_; ; Report
wow you seem pretty well-versed! those are all fun languages from what I can see (except maybe C++ but that's just opinion). good luck on future endeavors!!
by Rainy; ; Report
Hehehe, I'm just a noob in most of those languages, the only one in which I'm half competent is in Java. Thank you for your kind words!
by roangui_; ; Report