
⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹'s profile picture

"Playing guitar"

INFP | Aquarius | 🇦🇷 | Any pronoums | Vegetarian

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Mood: I feel bonita 😼

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⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹'s Interests


OH, I appreciate it when people inquire about my interests!!💕
Stranger Things is my absolute favorite series, and I'm deeply passionate about it, especially my favorite character, 🌟Will Byers🌟
I'm also fascinated by conspiracy theories and true crime (my favorite one is MK Ultra). Anything related to the 70s-80s captivates me.

Strawberries have held a special place in my heart for as long as I can remember💕. I adore Strawberry Shortcake, particularly the 80s version – it's incredibly cute and endearing. Currently, I even have strawberry plants at home because I have a deep love for plants.🍓🍃

While there's much more to share about myself, I find it challenging to articulate my preferences since distinguishing between genuine fondness and mere admiration is tricky for me. But, I'm certain about my love for things that have become my obsessions.

So, here's a list of other things that I love:
⋆Stranger Things (I'll never get tired of saying it)
⋆Finn Wolfhard (I'm a big fan)
⋆The Last of Us


⋆The Smiths ⋆Taylor Swift ⋆Twice (my bias is Chae 🐯) ⋆The Aubreys ⋆The Cure ⋆Mitsky ⋆The Beatles ⋆Spinetta


⋆Pixels ⋆Pearl ⋆The Goldfinch ⋆IT ⋆Metal Lords
⋆The Perks of being a Wallflower
⋆Girl, interrupted
⋆Black swan
⋆But, I'm a cheerleader
⋆Fight club
*Any weird movie*


⋆Stranger Things🌟
⋆The amazing world of Gumball
⋆Over the garden wall
⋆Gravity Falls
⋆Shingeki no Kyojin
⋆The Big Bang Theory
⋆The Good Place
⋆Everything sucks
⋆I'm not ok with this
There's more but I just can't remember


El oso Juancho
El oso Juancho II
El oso Juancho III: El regreso del oso Juancho


Diana Spencer 💕

⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹'s Links

⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

My Byler playlist (it's not ended) (view more)

🌟Some pages from my Sketchbook🌟 (view more)

⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹'s Blurbs

About me:

Hey there! I'm... Well, not sure if I should reveal my real name, but you can call me Feli (INFP and a February Aquarius)

I'm 18. I'm from Argentina, so yeah, my English might not be top-notch. I play the guitar and occasionally try my hand at drawing – not a pro, but I can get by. Maybe at some point, I can show you some of my drawings. However, something that I really struggle with is talking with people.

My dream is to live in a small country house with a vast garden, cultivating my own food for self-sufficiency 🏡🍓

Please don't be weird, I'm trying to make this place safe for everyone

Who I'd like to meet:

Finn Wolfhard and Taylor Swift 😼
Please interract
The Smiths and Stranger Things fans
Nice people
If you like Cottagecore/Fairycore and similar aesthetics

DNI (Please, stay away from me)
Racists | Antisemites | Homophobes | Transphobes | Misogynists | MAPS/Pedophiles | Zoophiles | Xenophobes
Thin ice
Minors (limited interaction)

⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹'s Friend Space

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⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹'s Friends Comments

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Scrams's profile picture

thx 4 the add you seem really cool :D

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OH HI!! Thanks, you too ♡ You have a Youtube channel, that's SO cool. I've already subscribed

by ⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹; ; Report

TYSM!! I hope your dream of living in a small country house comes true one day thats such a cool dream to have

by Scrams; ; Report

HAHSHAHA THX and I hope your channel grows 🐌

by ⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹; ; Report


꒰ stan୧ (#1 BLOODWITCH CO...'s profile picture

HEY! you're really cool and we share alot of interests

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RIGHT! I thought the same, that's why I added you as a friend. It's amazing!
You seem like a very cool person, and I really love your profile btw!🐌

by ⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹; ; Report


your profile is so cute too, I really like the softness and calming vibe of it all!

by ꒰ stan୧ (#1 BLOODWITCH CONSUMER); ; Report

AAHHH, I'm so glad about that! I love this vibe too. I think I could be a hippy or a farm girl with pretty dresses 🏡🐌

by ⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹; ; Report

AWW YES THAT'S SO CUTE, I ADORE THAT SO MUCHH! you could pull it off trust mee!!!!

by ꒰ stan୧ (#1 BLOODWITCH CONSUMER); ; Report

I don't know if you can notice this, but I'm VERY EXCITED
I love talking (in general, even if I don't express myself as outgoing as some others) and more about things that I like. I don't have the best English, but I'm trying. You look so kind TT and thanks for giving kudos to my post 💞

PD: I didn't know what the hell "outgoing" means 5 minutes ago It seems like that will be the word of the day

by ⊹💾.☆°⋆Patungui⋆°☆.🍓⊹; ; Report

YOUR ENGLISH IS SO GOOD trust me, as a native speaker you're doing 100% better than most people I know, and even i didn't know what outgoing meant as some point

you're really kind and I love talking to you if that helps! If you want we could talk about your interests whenever I'm online, I'm always up for a chat!


by ꒰ stan୧ (#1 BLOODWITCH CONSUMER); ; Report