Charlie !!!

Charlie !!!'s profile picture

"Listening 2 skramz nd drawing"

Back into blogging, babes! >_^

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Mood: Hungry... could go for 16 tons of Oreos rn

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Charlie !!!'s Interests


[Things I like] Photography… Art… Listening to music… making zines/ comics… vinyls and cds… collecting Garfield things and trinkets… fashion… baking… wolves… camcorders… animating… comic books… Batman 1966… crafting… rollerskating… video games… cooking… G1-G3 My Little Pony… Neopets


Skramz…Emo…Powerviolence… Emoviolence…Sasscore… Pop… weird gay electronic music idk lolzzz…. I listen to a bunchhhh of stuff and I’ll probably b ranting about it every five seconds. It’s a new band every week that I’m obsessing over. I also really like 80s music if that even mattersssss but anyways yeah check my blogs I don’t shut up about music AT. ALL.


The Scooby Doo movies… Bratz 2007… All of the Garfield TV specials… I like girly rom-coms and horror movies also!!! But I’m a Cheerleader is also pretty neat!!! I also have a lot of guilty pleasure movies that aren’t exactly the highest in quality (we don’t talk about the first Alpha and Omega or I will morph into the cringiest monster you’ve ever seen) but Yeah!!


Garfield and Friends… Batman 66… invader zim… random cooking shows and reality tv… MTV Downtown... Happy Tree Friends... cartoons in general!


Scott pilgrim…Johnny the Homicidal Maniac…Garfield comics… 1001 ways to kill a zombie… I also like art books too those are pretty neat!


My art inspirations are Blakgumz/Bloomonkey... Jamie Hewlett... Jhonen Vasquez... Jim Mahfood's older works... Gerard Way... generally a bunch of comic book-esque stuff and what not. I also really like the stuff that comes out of Slave Labor Graphics! I'm just an aspiring comic book artist hehehe i even make my own little comic! ^^

Charlie !!!'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

My CDs and Vinyls (view more)

BURGER zine issue 1 coming soon! (view more)

Hand embroidered patches 4 my friend!!! (view more)


My cool new comic book! [1001 ways to kill a zombie] (view more)

Charlie !!!'s Blurbs

About me:

Hey guys! I'm charlie and im just a dude on da interwebs!! Bloggin' n stuff :P Spacehey's prettiest pony on da ranch but also gnarliest werewolf on the cliff. Im like howling at the moon right now with lasers shooting out of my eyes and lighting bolts coming out of my mouth. Oh andddddf im also like if you brought a sour gummy worm back to life Frankenstien-style. Why are you even reading all this? Are you... falling in love? ;] JUST JOSHIN' YA! Please read my other stuff though i promise im cool i think.                                          

Who I'd like to meet:

Ppl with similar interest, EXTREME GARFIELD ENJOYERS, skramz n sasscore listeners, werewolves, ppl who talk ALOTTTT, ppl who talk a little but are very cool, artsy ppl, ppl who love comics, ppl down for a good adventure or tell great stories, and more! I would also love to meet my art inspirations someday but its not likely i would find them on this website hehe

Charlie !!!'s Friends Comments

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JONACIDE's profile picture

if i wasnt lazy id put u on the top 8 id make :B

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I would 2!! I just can’t find a code for it so I just favorite ppl lulz

by Charlie !!!; ; Report

same xP

by JONACIDE; ; Report


flurtzdingus's profile picture


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YAH RIPRIP TOT i guess this isnt too bad tho but i lost my 1 year streakkkkk nooooo

by Charlie !!!; ; Report

Bella ☆

Bella ☆'s profile picture

what happened omg

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i got really freaked out in the morning cuz of stuff but it was nothing to worry about TOT using the computer for spacehey from now on tho lololollol

by Charlie !!!; ; Report

omg okay, i hope youre alright !!

by Bella ☆; ; Report