
Minor, she/her
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𝔞𝔷𝔯𝔞𝔢𝔩's Interests
General |
I like Fnaf- indie horror games, creepypasta, vocaloid, scp, anime, cry of fear, Matpat, Markiplier, Kubzscouts content, Invader Zim, Analog horror stories/lost media... Basically everything (there's more stated as stamps) |
Music |
Slipknot, XAVLEGBMAOFFFASSSSITIMIWOAMNDUTROABCWAPWAEIIPPOHFFFX, Kuchuu buranko, malice mizer, Poshlaya Molly, SOAD, Nirvana, Queen, Megadeth, Pantera, Hatsune Miku, Korn, Sepultura, Disturbed, Stvore, Alice in chains, Slaughter to prevail, Rob Zombie, Molchat Doma, Gojira, Marlin Manson, Maximum the hormone, MSI, Misfits, Ebanat508, zxcschade, Neverlove, ПОЛМАТЕРИ, weezer, Deftones, For all I am, Gorillaz, lil darkie, Sistema de entretenimiento, Radiohead, Crowbar, Type O Negative, Calaverx, ikigusare idols, White Zombie, The cure, MCR, Three days of grace, Bring me the horizon, ICP, CUPSIZE, Limp Biskit, Crystal Abyss, Stielas Storhett, Cannibal Corpse, Green Day, Sight of Emptiness, Screwdriver, Синдром Восьмиклассника, Linkin Park, Fried by Fluoride, Свидетельство о смерти,... |
Movies |
Fight Club, American psycho, The shining, Scream (I have watched all parts but I prefer the first one), Friday the 13th, Any Deadpool movie, All the venom movies, FNAF movie, blade runner 2049 |
Television |
The boys, Breaking Bad(I haven't watched it fully (。ŏ﹏ŏ)), South Park, Girl from nowhere, Death and other details, Murdoch Mysteries, So help me Todd, How I met your mother. |
Books |
The Great Gatsby, Idiot 1, Injury and Insult |
Heroes |
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Ace ⭐️ ![]() |
omg thanks!! <3
by 𝔞𝔷𝔯𝔞𝔢𝔩; ; Report