I ♥ vampyres

I ♥ vampyres's profile picture


16, brazilian, he/him;

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Mood: σ( ̄、 ̄〃) out of place

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I ♥ vampyres's Interests


“I can do whatever I want, and so can you”


Eclectic music taste!! Though majority of my spotify is all subcategories of rock, I am a general music enjoyer! 


  Gorillaz, Blur, Type O Negative, System Of A Down, Alice in Chains, Crystal Castles, Pink Floyd, The Smiths, The Cure, A-ha, Nirvana, Hole, Slowdive, Rebzyyx, Machine Girl, Destroy Boys, Molchat Doma, Tears for Fears, Garbage, Misfits, Linkin Park, Psychostick, MSI, MCR, Deftones, Sonic R Original Soundtrack, Toby Fox, Lemon Demon, Weezer, Depeche Mode, She Wants Revenge, will keep adding as I remember them all


I <3 Donnie Darko (literally me) 

Really like psychological horrors and thrillers, but comedy and action r also good. ...I really enjoy musicals...when they're good and stuff...has anyone seen the batman music meister episode...


I <3 cartoons!!!!!!!!!

Gravity falls, Over The Garden Wall, Adventure Time, Courage the Cowardly Dog, My Little Pony, Foster Mansion for Imaginary Friends, TAWOG, The Powerpuff Girls, Sonic Underground, Sonic SatAM, Aggretsuko, Panty and Stocking w/ Gaterbelt, any Batman animated series but specially The Brave and The Bold, South Park♥, Eddsworld, Moral Orel, Scooby Doo Mystery Inc, Phineas and Ferb, Daria MTV, Horrid Henry


Seinfeld, Young Sheldon, Two and Half a Men, X-FILES, Criminal Minds, Law and Order, Psych, Hannibal, Stranger Things (early seasons), Supernatural.


I really enjoy comics and manga, such as The Maxx, Invincible, Batman detective comics, Death Note, Beastars, NANA, suddenly I've forgotten 50% of all I've ever read. About books, The Metamorphosis, The Catcher in The Rye, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Interview with The Vampire, Dune, and whatever other book with a nice cover heads my way.


I don't know if I'm supposed to write something deep here about someone I look up to... or if I can just say Batman

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The Smiths, Morrissey (¬_¬;) (view more)

Cat :3 (view more)

How do you study?? (view more)

I ♥ vampyres's Blurbs

About me:

Losercore virgin cringelord faggot 

I enjoy playing the keyboard and electric guitar, drawing a lot, writing songs/stories, collecting (shells), RPG, lazily making comics, sometimes animating, and reading. 

Cute Black Bow Tie Pointer --

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone cool!!! C: 

I ♥ vampyres's Friends Comments

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dextros's profile picture

omg i have so much nostalgia for sonic underground

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ME TOO used to watch it all the time as a kid, got so confused when I found out Sonia and Manic didn't actually exist in the other shows

by I ♥ vampyres; ; Report


Alan's profile picture

My twin right here

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so true

by I ♥ vampyres; ; Report

MUSICA FOTO DE PERFIL ANIMADA Blurbs bands Profile pic moldura TV with cartoon //remove before saving//gif portion
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Tails Glloomy bear
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