
minesweepooper's profile picture

"INACTIVE . . ."

professional homewrecker and sudoku enjoyer

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minesweepooper's Interests


history enjoyer, specially the more humanized side of it. i enjoy drawing and being bad at tf2, that's mostly what i do all day. i have weird hyperfixations on stupid ocs, killer whales, and sharks(awesome creatures). i like old tech, anthropology, mysteries, aliens, and so-called boring games like minesweeper and sudoku. i'm a horror and animation enthusiast(sometimes both at the same time lol) who loves how laika is keeping stopmotion alive. i also enjoy making up harmless science facts! idk where to mention this but ive also been getting into HLVR:AI!


i am rlly boring but i've been listening to mpb, funk, rock, and folk punk a lot lately. idk here some exemples



tropa de elite, the joker, scream, lego batman, paranorman, kubo, carandiru, monster house, fight club, american psycho, que horas ela volta?, bacurau, coraline, saw, the house that jack built, sonic, hotel transylvania(only the first movie), the batman, fnaf movie, perfect blue, prisoners, fantastic mr. fox, gone girl, anatomy of a fall, i saw the tv glow, central do brasil, se7ven, texas chainsaw massacre, red rooms, ainda estou aqui.


one day at a time, anne with an e, fleabag, BOJACK HORSEMAN(the show), LEGO MONKIE KID, maya and the three(really underrated show imo), narcos, the good place, midnight gospel, moral orel, cunk on earth, blue eye samurai, hilda furacão, shameless, tapas e beijos.


2017 joker from the batman lego movie whenever he has a weird gay thing for batman on screen


minesweepooper's Links

minesweepooper's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Gabriel's Gallery of WEIRD! 2025 EDITION!!!!! (this gets constant updates) (view more)

call of duty: ghosts - an unappreciated masterpiece. personal rant! (view more)

MY ART!!!!!!!!! 2023-2024 (view more)

all my stamps, buttons, and blinkies! (+REAL stamps) (view more)

beyond bricks and bones: monster house(2004) and how it deals with trauma (view more)

minesweepooper's Blurbs

About me:

this shit rocks

WELCOME TO MY PAGE!!! im gabriel, a 20yo brazilian guy(he/they) who sucks at existing, constantly does the bare minimum and thinks thats more than enough. im in college for systems' analysis & development because i couldnt get into actual computer science(DUMB USER ALERT!!). would much rather study museology, history or marine biology but those will stay as hobbies/dreams. i dont rlly like big social media so spacehey is a perfect place for a hermit like me. i have a phd on being stupid and i am the CEO of making everything worse. creator of the famous quote "nós bichas meio homem" and the owner of the 🤓 emoji.

Blogroll: Next Profile!!!!!


lately i've been #gaming a lot more. my fav games are UT/DR, Pentiment, fnaf, sudoku, minesweeper, portal 1&2, tf2, the original COD:MW franchise, and COD:G(10).

i also like many other games like stanley's parables, ib, mad father, the witch's house, to the moon, stanley's parable, NARRENSCHIFF, mouthwashing, and many others i prob cant remember. ive been playing a lot of 2009-2011 Pentiment lately and i cant stop. heeeeelp heeeeeeeeeeelp help meeeeeee. i have 100%ed every portal game and i wont stop talking about it.

Sick Finds

if you got this far, tell me which video was your favorite in the comments!

Who I'd like to meet:

minesweepooper's Friends Comments

Displaying 20 of 34 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


CheeNyang's profile picture

i'm going to eat your profile!!! also a fellow stopmotion film enjoyer… ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ i love stopmotion films, they bring immense joy to my life

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thank you!!!! im glad you like it, i hope it isnt broken on your end because of file garden haha. what's your favorite stopmotion movie? mine has to be paranorman for nostalgic reasons, i remember watching it in the movie theaters and immediately falling in love with it

by minesweepooper; ; Report

i'd say my favorite is fantastic mr. fox or kubo and the two strings!!! also for nostalgic reasons, they comfort me ^_^

by CheeNyang; ; Report


animals's profile picture

Your profile has gotten cooler since the last time I checked! I love it!!! Also, you like Scream ????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't watched past the first one to be honest though so sigh I'm a #fakefan (meanwhile I will rewatch all those garbage Friday the 13th movies. Horrible, horrible priorities). Also I'm unsure if I mentioned it before (I would be surprised if I haven't) but it's kewl you like The Midnight Gospel as well! It's been years since I last seen it but I have to get around to rewatching it again.

Also I feel you on not going with the intensive major to be honest. I don't know how people can do it especially when it's like 20 math classes on top of each other. I'm unsure how it was for you but I know that I'll get mediocre grades or I won't understand things immediately in those and then I get incredibly demotivated and decide off the major LOL (I'm still sticking w I.T. though since I'm already somewhat deep into it).

Your CD music example tab is cool! That's all, have a nice day/night :D !

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TYSM!!!!!!!!!! and i must admit........ im also a fake fan..... ive only watched the first Scream movie recently. still havent watched the others! i used to think Scary Movie was the real Scream, i used to watch it all the time as a kid lmao.

idk if ive ever mentioned that actually! i watched Midnight Gospel when it first came out, havent rewatched ever since but i was pretty bummed out when i learned about its cancellation. its such a good show! i wonder the direction they wouldve gone if it had been renewed.

AND YEAH! i actually kinda wish i had gotten into compsci since its what people say requires the least social interaction (<-- this user does NOT talk to real beings!!!). but its been somewhat fun overall! ive just being a bit stressed and overwhelmed with some classes, but i like it so far. ive been doing surprisingly well, i got an 100% in one of my exams(yay!). which is good because the second one is gonna be Way harder and i only need like. idk. around 20% i think!

ant ty!!!! have a nice day/night too. its nice to see you again, i missed your long comments and detailed blogs!

by minesweepooper; ; Report

Wow, I'm surprised (and a tad disappointed at myself) that I didn't even know that The Midnight Gospel got cancelled for future seasons, but I am also not very surprised given Netflix's hesitancy/track-record not continuing series that are generally more niche.

That college stress is real though lol, especially when it's your first semester (honestly, even the second one can be rough! I'm unsure how often there are breezy semesters...); definitely take time away from SpaceHey as you need! Also, congrats on getting a 100%! That's actually super awesome (and incredibly pleasing as I can imagine).

Thank you! I missed my time here and I'm super glad to see you still be on SpaceHey (even if semi-active) :D ! Good luck on your harder exam!

by animals; ; Report


zyozi's profile picture

thnx for the add! i like ur profile :D

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ty! i also love yours

by minesweepooper; ; Report


Laydamerfor's profile picture

SEU PERFIL EH MUITO FODAA!! adorei tudo tudo tudo

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by minesweepooper; ; Report


PrimeRyuga10's profile picture

this page is actually fire HOLY dude

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ty! urs also looks sick as fuck

by minesweepooper; ; Report


Cromslow's profile picture

hi thanks for the add!! i love your page <|:)

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thank you, your page also looks sick!

by minesweepooper; ; Report


0XIDIZER  ☣️'s profile picture

ur so cool im stealing almost all of ur graphics

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thx, ur layout is the coolest! i specifically love the shadow image you have there, i even saved it. i love collecting stamps, marquees make it easier so it doesnt look cluttered

by minesweepooper; ; Report


bijorme 's profile picture

Seu perfil é incrível! Eu amei o mago boycetakkkk

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vlw! ele acabou ficando no final da pagina, q bom q ainda da pra apreciar meu magozinho da silva

by minesweepooper; ; Report


Max!!'s profile picture

Hey! Valeu pelo request. Muito massa ver outros BRs por aqui :v

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nada po! quando maiss br melhor. seu perfil ta mt foda, alias.

by minesweepooper; ; Report


Operator's profile picture

no weekly picture anymore ? we truly live in a dire time

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o7 to that era......... but maybe ill eventually bring it back, i still have the code saved in case i change my mind. id probably update it to "current favorite image" to keep things new tho

by minesweepooper; ; Report

Desert Cruiser

Desert Cruiser's profile picture

signal simulator ahh profile (based)

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YES!!!! that and the oldweb were my biggest inspo. ur layout is also sick af, i love it.

by minesweepooper; ; Report

you're welcome. (check the bathroom, hoel.)

by Desert Cruiser; ; Report


kilo's profile picture

tysm for accepting u seem so cool... ALSO I LOVE ORCAS TOO

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YES!!!! THEY R AWESOME!!!!!! at least once a month i go on a deep dive into orca news to see how they r doing.

and ty for the add too!! i rlly like how ur profile looks, u seem cool too :)!

by minesweepooper; ; Report

ME TOO oh my god i never meet anyone who gaf abt orcas rly . theyre stigmatized in a way
no matter though i will stand by them..,.
n ofc!! thank u so much <:)

by kilo; ; Report

FR!! idk if you know about inouk but he was one of my favorites, i was so sad that he died..... at least he isnt in such a terrible environment anymore but it still sucks........ he was born into chaos and left the world without knowing anything but grief.................

by minesweepooper; ; Report

i had heard of him being one of many orcas in captivity but ijust looked him up n oh my god his story is so sad..what thehelll .... :( fr at least he's no longer suffering, some of the stories of the orcas tht were in seaworld are just as tragic too . pls i feel so bad everytime

by kilo; ; Report


emanuel's profile picture

berdly fan spotted????!?1/1/1/

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HELL YEAH!!! just the coolest character ever

by minesweepooper; ; Report


Elena's profile picture


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THANK YOU SM!!! i also love ur profile, its so blue and i love blue. i also put some of the movies you watched on my watching list (also, hey!!!!! another meet the robinsons enjoyer!!!)

by minesweepooper; ; Report

OMGGG YAYYYYYY!! keep moving forward ^__^

by Elena; ; Report


funkyalligator's profile picture


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pickledfart☆'s profile picture


ty for the add ur so cool !!!!!11

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ty! i also love your page :D!!

by minesweepooper; ; Report


Justin's profile picture

Hey, thanks for commenting my page, but yours its even more cooler, well organized and you are very transparent talking with people, we need more accounts like yours.

Also excelent style of drawing man, you have alot of talent.

Hope we can interact more.

Have a great day or night. (silly)

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tysm, thats very nice to hear! im sure we will interact a lot, have a nice day/night too (even sillier)

by minesweepooper; ; Report


SHEEPSTER's profile picture

AWESOME ART BRO!!! Very cool. coolio.
- Sheepster

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THX! yours looks sick as well, i love the expression

by minesweepooper; ; Report


Rufus's profile picture

ur page looks so cool and ur art is amazing !!! mountain goats enjoyer 🫵🫵🫵/pos

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haha thx! you might leave the indie folk rock but the indie folk rock will never leave you...

by minesweepooper; ; Report


✮ᴀʟᴘʜᴜs✮'s profile picture

dude ur profile and art are awsome fr fr, thanks for accepting my add btw yeye :)

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tysm!!!11 u seem very cool and ur pfp alongside the "not clickbait" on ur name made me giggle

by minesweepooper; ; Report