
꧅﷽'s profile picture

"Escort missions are much more interesting"

when you communicate with frag grenades.

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Mood: I want to burn bus stop again.

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꧅﷽'s Interests


She/her, 18, cis in aroace spectrum, INFJ 5w4 (and, somehow, 5w6 at the same time), autistic. I was born in Zaporozhye (Ukraine) but you know, now I spend my days somewhere in Slovenia. I like to wear heels a lot. I believe in Cat God and kill people in my dreams. PTSD is quite a mess. I 'died' 15th December of 2021, at about 16:35 on my mother's bed. Now I celebrate this day similar to my birthday. Take the fun personality test @ NerdTests.com.  Click here! I can speak Russian ('native' speaker), Ukrainian (C2), English (B2), German (A2) and Slovenian (A2). I understand Belarusian, Polish and Slovakian, but unable to talk on it. I own a big collection of my favourite garbage, which include stolen parts from the factory where I lived for a long time, insect corpses and tools, especially microchips and a collection of glass that I collected from all over the city. Well... I have plenty of plushies and lps, too.


(Music) Not as if I like to listen to something complete and stare into the car window. But there is something that I actually appreciated: Ozigiri, ГАЗОВАЯ ЕБЛЯ, .m∞nflower, Death in June, Taisho 9-nenn, Ikigusare, the Garden, Pantera, Begnagrad, P.H.F, Malice Mizer (my fav-fav is Sadness), Junkie Honey, Blind Seagull, Have a Nice Life. If I were a musical composition, I would be 'a date with an angel - the Caretaker'. But my favorite song is... may be, a sound of the human laughter or 'Blind the Wind'. I used to play as a bassist in a group, before war. We were recording our songs on cassettes, which remained in my apartment in my home country. But most likely it got lost.


All in total about what I like: Ztohoven, Juice Galaxy, Gilbert Garfield, LSD: Dream Emulator, Bugbo, Олег Броварской, Hylics, Who's Lila, Mononoke, Middens, Postal, Pokepasta (FNF Lullaby, too), radio: WEBSDR (I like to stalk Russian Navy. In principle, I am fascinated by military equipment, especially ships and aircraft. As a child I dreamed of becoming a sailor), Flynnflytaggart, Sam and Max, Half Life and HLVRAI + Opposing Force and Blue Shift, Gmod, Madness Combat, Webdriver Torso, I have no mouth but I must scream, Warez, Nekojirou (Catsoup), Serious Sam, Exophilie, Yume Nikki, Lost in vivo, Hotline Miami, Two and a Half Man, Hhgregg, Soup 0.9, Alfred's Playhouse, Interface, PASWG, 8:11, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Pretty Blood, Cruelty Squad, Pony Island, Wing13, Vkei, Disillusion, Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic, Pico's School, Pathologic, Bee and Puppycat, Battle for Dream Island, Ultrakill, Porkchop 'n Flatscreen, Manhunt, DinkySharkFighter32+Rainbow Dash Presents, RYTP, Saori Sato, Twisted metal, Agamemnon counter part, Phsychopomp, Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujou Tsubaki, Class 09.


I kinn... Oh, I almost forgot. This is me.


A hero? My knife Tracy. And the Mother of God.


꧅﷽'s Links

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꧅﷽'s Blurbs

About me:

*The layout is about Doki B and Doki A (внутри человеческих органов абсолютная тьма. Темнота внутри меня светит ярче миллиона звезд). Добрый день, I'm not even sure what kind of name I need to mention, but I guess you can call me Transit 5B-5.

What Flavour Are You? I taste of Death.I taste of Death.

Doesn't everyone want a taste of death? Well they should. Most people deserve death. Keep away from me unless you think you're better than that. I probably won't like you. What Flavour Are You?
What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Scorched Earth Tank.I am a Scorched Earth Tank.

When I have a mission, it consumes me; I will not be satisfied until the job is done. I have a strong sense of duty, and a strong sense of direction. Changes in the tide don't phase me - I always know which way the wind blows, and I know how to compensate for it. I get on poorly with people like myself. What Video Game Character Are You?
giphy-2 I like to go to the mall to look at the fish in the aquariums located in the corner of the pet store on the second floor. I like watching old rugby tapes with only beer in my hand. I like to do crossword puzzles while watching the news or fall asleep listening to the catholic radio Ognišče. I love radio. I love MMSSTV. I love stalking navy. I don't go out into society and keep myself isolated from humans. ދީނީ އަދި ފަލްސަފާވެރި ޚިޔާލުތަކާއި ޢަޤީދާތަކުގެ ޖަމާޢަތެއް ކަމުގައި ވާއިރު، އެއަށް ބަލާއިރު ދިރޭ އެއްޗެއްގެ (ބައެއް ތަފާތުތަކުގައި - ހަމައެކަނި މީހުން) ތަކުރާރުކޮށް އެއް ހަށިގަނޑަކުން އަނެއް ހަށިގަނޑަށް އަލުން އުފަންވެއެވެ. މި އަމަރުނުވާ ޖާޒުބިއްޔަތަށް އެކި ސަގާފަތްތަކުގައި ކިޔަނީ ރޫޙު ނުވަތަ ނަފްސު، "އިލާހީ ސްޕާކް"، "މަތީ" ނުވަތަ "ހަގީގީ އަމިއްލަ ނަފްސު" އެވެ؛ ކޮންމެ ދިރިއުޅުމެއްގައިވެސް ޖިސްމާނީ ދުނިޔޭގައި ފަރުދުންގެ އާ ޝަޚުޞިއްޔަތެއް އުފެދިފައިވީނަމަވެސް، ހަމަ އެއާއެކު ފަރުދުންގެ “އަހަރެން” ގެ ވަކި ބަޔަކަށް ބަދަލެއް ނާދެއެވެ. ގިނަ އަދަދެއްގެ ސަގާފަތްތަކުގައި ބުނާ ގޮތުގައި ރީއިންކާނޭޝަންތަކުގެ ސިލްސިލާގެ ކޮންމެވެސް މަޤްޞަދެއް އޮވެ، އެކަމުގައި ނަފްސު އީވޮލޫޝަން ވެގެންދެއެވެ. ނަފްސުތައް ބަދަލުވުމުގެ ޚިޔާލަކީ ހަމައެކަނި ގިނަ އަދަދެއްގެ ދީނީ ނިޒާމުތަކުގައި އެކުލެވިގެންވާ ޚިޔާލެއް ނޫން ކަމަށާއި، މިސާލަކަށް ޒާތީ ދުނިޔެދެކޭގޮތުގައި ކޮންމެވެސް ދީނީ ނިޒާމަކުން giphy-2 I love my wife
мое сострадание всегда на стороне человека. я и есть человечество, запутанное, потерянное. не знающее, во что верить. я и так знаю больше, чем хотел бы

Who I'd like to meet:

'Green to blue that means it's nice to meet you.' Anyone who talks on my native languages, has same interests, religion or are in autistic spectrum as well. I have a lot of personal categories about DNI, but I don't have any wish to write about what I hate. I find it meaningless. If I won't like you — nothing will happen. I am not initiative. Don't bother me, but I don't mind to see comments.

꧅﷽'s Friends Comments

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3mory0n's profile picture

hello i love u

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☩ deusvult ☩

☩ deusvult ☩'s profile picture

Hey how are you?

God Bless

♰ deusvult ♰

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I apologise for late reply. Sometimes I get lost in time. I suppose I feel nothing. Like I always do, despite hard problems which are waiting for me. I believe it will be fine. Thank you for visiting me again

by ꧅﷽; ; Report

Have a great day!!

by ☩ deusvult ☩; ; Report


Cosimo's profile picture


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lunixli's profile picture


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quinn's profile picture

tysm 4 adding me .. you genuinely seem really interesting , i love your page :3

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gooper's profile picture

hello hello, i am not the type to say this but im grateful for you adding me, you seem like an incredibly interesting and unique individual, and i would hope to develop a meaningful friendship with you.. i hope you are well!

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александр>_<'s profile picture

АААААА У ТЕБЯ ТАКОЙ КРУТОЙ ПРОФИЛЬ!!! :3 я кстати тоже украинец 🌹🌹

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kochamcia's profile picture

im literally crying looking at православное dvd видео thank you for your profile i love it

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✎ⓜⓐⓧ's profile picture

i love your profile, its put together so well

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angelmilk.com's profile picture


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anicca's profile picture

another whos lila fan.... thank goodness. thank you for the add smiles.... you have a very very cool profile :)

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c0smic~k0lfang's profile picture

your profile is fascinating!!!

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☩ deusvult ☩

☩ deusvult ☩'s profile picture

Cannot believe you like WEBSDR.

I love radios, what’s the coolest thing you’ve picked up on shortwave?

Cheers, and thanks for the add.
please comment on my profile as I like comments on my profile.

God Bless!

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this recording was lost but it was an old song on some station in saudi arabia, sounded like a military march or anthem. thank you, my brother in christ

by ꧅﷽; ; Report


I think the strangest thing I ever picked up was a numbers station from Eastern Soviet Germany.

The numbers read were in German and Russian.

by ☩ deusvult ☩; ; Report

oh, as i suppose, they were just calling each other? i am a bit not sure how to explain this correctly. but well i guess their interaction had quite confidential information if they weren't afraid to leave it free like this

by ꧅﷽; ; Report


A𝑒v𝑒's profile picture

thx 4 the add!! i luv ur layout sm :)))

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jupiter's profile picture

hi comrade im sorry for the late response me fone fkn broke i had to get a new one i love ur whole vibe btw

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⸸⸸⸸𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖌𝖆𝐳𝖒𝖔𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖓⸸⸸⸸'s profile picture

image link

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saroyan °

saroyan °'s profile picture


thank you so much for adding me! awesome profile. i love the gifs. and the music!


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♪ COSMO/OREL ♪'s profile picture

tysm 4 the add!

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ASTRAL TWINS's profile picture

♫♪ Hello Sam! Thanks for the Req! Nice to see you here too! As a Duo our page also has our own original Music Tracks/Vids, Links to our YouTube, Amazon, Apple Music etc... Our YouTubeMusic is https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCEXuQPUuFRGEnn9kq4CobFw ☮(ˆ◡ˆ)☮ Thank You

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OKUS DOLPHIN's profile picture

♬ ♫ ♪ Welcome Sam! Thanx 4 the Req! My page has my own original Music Tracks/Vids, Links to my YouTube, Amazon, Apple Music etc... My Spotify is https://open.spotify.com/artist/6cx9roy1bPrUe6o6JtakhF ⭐(◕‿◕)⭐ Thanx!

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