
sir_paladin's profile picture

"day dreaming"

21f. brit.

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sir_paladin's Interests


✶ philosophy, particularly metaphysics and mundane morality, theology (mostly catholicism), doomsday cults, memetics, cyber-culture and fringe politics/extremism, conspiracy theories, film/tv, government coverups, typology, psyops/spiritual warfare, true crime, low fantasy, british folklore, arthurian legend, new age stuff


✵ gregory alan isakov, alex g, billie holiday, chet baker, adrienne lenker, melaina kol, big thief, smashing pumpkins, the cure, sonic youth, nick drake, the dream academy, and girl in red


✶ interstellar, donnie darko, american psycho, scream franchise, eyes wide shut, the green knight, cure, as above so below, under the silver lake, interview with the vampire, 12 monkeys, stargate, and dune franchise


✵ x-files, hannibal, dexter, twin peaks, its always sunny in philadelphia, peep show, the it crowd, succession, the boys, adventure time, black books, and true detective


✶ currently reading: steppenwolf by hermann hesse, the riverside chaucer


✵ God, my parents

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sir_paladin's Blurbs

About me:

undergrad in philosophy & english literature. catholic catechumen.

Who I'd like to meet:

i want to meet: just chill and friendly people. 17+

sir_paladin's Friends Comments

Displaying 6 of 6 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Hazel's profile picture

Hello! Your profile is really something, we certainly have similar interests :) nice to meet you!

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hi :0) yours is suitably twin peaks-y, i love it! thanks for friending me back!

by sir_paladin; ; Report


kuolemakaikille's profile picture

Thank you for accepting my request! Very nice taste in movies :)

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thank you for the add! your profile is super cool :-)

by sir_paladin; ; Report


Möbus's profile picture

Anyone who likes Metaphysics and Chet Baker should be my friend.
Thanks for sending it.

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thank u for friending me back :-) your profile is so unique. you seem to be very interesting person with curious ideas, and i mean that in the best way!

by sir_paladin; ; Report


Upsilon's profile picture

You have really cool interests :0
Not to mention metaphysics, I've been reading into it for a while now and I also had a phase in which I was all about Spinoza and God. Well I'm starting to believe it wasn't a phase.
I'd love to talk to you sometime

Cheers :)

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thanks dude, you too :-) i had a big spinoza phase a couple years ago, though my views did change eventually. but his philosophy was a significant stepping stone in where i am today. really interesting stuff - cool that you're into it as well.

it would be great to chat! although fair warning, im not the most consistent with being active here so forgive me if it takes a monstrous amount of time to have a conversation with me lolol :-P

by sir_paladin; ; Report


sol's profile picture

thank you for the add, can't wait to read blogs about your interests ^^ i may have no interest in cults or true crime per se, but the history and cultural implications of satanic panic fascinate me a lot

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that's so nice of you to say, thank you. i actually just got gifted a book from a secret santa about hermetic, pagan and esoteric beliefs, and it looks like theres a page or two on satanic panic. i look forward to reading it!

by sir_paladin; ; Report


nik's profile picture

thx for the add! ur music taste is sick adrianne lenker is so good

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thanks :-) youve great taste in films! and your profile is so cosy

by sir_paladin; ; Report