Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer)

Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer)'s profile picture

"probably playing chess thinking I'm Bobby Fischer"


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Mood: Contemplating what Bobby Fischer would do in my position.

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Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer)'s Interests


Chess King I am not sure what I aim to achieve with a presentation like this; I just want everything to be in order. It will take me some time to get used to this, but it is something new and wonderful. I can personalize this however I wish. My friends often call me "Oppenheimer" due to my obsession with creating an atomic bomb, which, even to me, seems crazy. I had never felt bad about myself until I managed to integrate into society. Do they not know how to treat people? They see me as someone different, a person who doesnโ€™t fit anywhere. Itโ€™s both cruel and sad at the same time. I cannot understand it, I cannot comprehend society. I donโ€™t think I ever will; itโ€™s just too difficult. What I said earlier was meant to be respectful and polite, clarifying my thoughts. I am aware that I am far from perfect, especially when it comes to speaking on such topics in this manner. If I were to express myself more explicitly, I would likely be suspended, so it's better that l refrain. Changing the subject, l often find myself reflecting on what it means to live in a world like this. I feel like an outlier in society, someone who makes no effort to fit in. I long to meet people who are like me, simply to have conversations with them. What can I say about myself? I am a very nervous person who, upon meeting new people, becomes so anxious that my hands tremble like the leaves of a tree in autumn, and my voice becomes as fragile as the bones of a Jew in 1940 (my apologies for that reference; it just felt fitting-sincere apologies to the Jewish community). So, can we be friends? Would you like to be my friend? All you need to do is ask. I know I haven't shared much about myself, but at this point, l'm not even sure who l am. I am simply someone who believes that one day I will become a pilot for the Air Force. Nothing unusual, so don't worry. Perhaps I am intelligent. I try to express myself in a way that resembles a literary narrator, hoping it makes what I write more captivating. At least, that's what I think. I don't know what others think when they read the nonsense | write. These are just thoughts that echo in my head when absolute silence surrounds me. And the truth is, I always want to say them.


Natural Natural Natural Natural


Chess King All Quiet on the Western Front (Sin novedad en el frente) Inglourious Basterds (Bastardos sin gloria) 1917 (1917) Jojo Rabbit (Jojo Rabbit) Hacksaw Ridge (Hasta el รบltimo hombre) Napoleon (Napoleรณn) You (You) Dexter (Dexter) The Forgotten Battle (La batalla olvidada) Oppenheimer (Oppenheimer) Top Gun (Top Gun) Blade Runner 2049 (Blade Runner 2049) Drive (Drive) Taxi Driver (Taxi Driver) La La Land (La La Land) Home Alone (Home Alone) inside job


Chess King The Butcher Boy (1917) The Rough House (1917) His Wedding Night (1917) Oh Doctor! (1917) Coney Island (1917) Out West (1918) The Bell Boy (1918) Moonshine (1918) Good Night, Nurse! (1918) The Hayseed (1919) Back Stage (1919) Battling Butler (1926) The General (1926) College (1927) Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928)


Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural


Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer)'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

I suppose this is how I would describe myself. (view more)

Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer)'s Blurbs

About me:

Chess King |intj | 5w4| Main Interests: Philosophy: I greatly enjoy reading profound books that encourage reflection, such as The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky, for example. History: I have an obsession with World War II, and I am fascinated by learning about the events, figures, and details of that period. Science and Mathematics: I am adept at physics and calculus, which fuels my desire to be part of the United States military aviation, specifically in warplanes like the B-2 Spirit. Hobbies: Chess: I enjoy playing chess and learning more about new strategies every day. My ambition is to someday reach the level of expertise of Bobby Fischer. Reading is also a hobby I take pleasure in. I enjoy listening to classical music, and I am 15 years old, fluent in Italian and Spanish. I am a great fan of several historical figures that are not as widely recognized today, such as Robert Cornish. It may sound strange, but I would like to revolutionize what he did, making it work in a way that gives more credit to his efforts, even if it may be considered illegal. I have been diagnosed with autism. I often feel frustrated with myself because I find it difficult to fully understand newer generations or even my own. It's strange, as I just feel like itโ€™s not really my place. I could describe it as being a red circle in a world full of colorless squares that do not include the color red. This is how I feel when I am around many people. Although it might seem unusual, lam not one of those people who says, "I have autism and should be treated well, please be kind." Honestly, what kind of nonsense is that? Do you truly want to be treated differently? I would never say such a thing, nor do I care for it. When people try to treat me in a special way, it feels awkward. I am not special; I am just a person like you and everyone else. Just because I behave differently, relate to others in my own way, and have sensitivities to things like sounds, textures, or both drastic and subtle changes, does not mean I am "different." Sure, I face challenges like difficulty socializing, irrational fears (for example, I have an inexplicable fear of the color yellow that causes me great panic), but these aspects of me do not define my worth or demand special treatment. All l ask is respect. If you respect me, 1 will respect you. Let us be kind to one another-how else could we possibly have a peaceful conversation? Respect, above all, is what matters. I don't feel this is an extraordinary demand; it's just something I wanted to express because I find it bothersome when others think otherwise. I understand that everyone has the right to express themselves as they wish, and that's fine. I cannot change that. But I feel society is steadily losing its way. I won't elaborate further because I don't wish to start any arguments here. That being said, I wish you a wonderful and fulfilling day. Remember, you have the power to be whatever you want in this world. You are fully aware of your decisions and how you live your life. If you believe in God, may God bless you; if you don't, I still hope you have an amazing day. Take care. And if you happen to have any of these "conditions"-which some people ignorantly refer to as "illnesses" โ€” remember, you are no less than anyone else. We are all equal. Don't let yourself feel discouraged if you ever feel "different." Trust me, it's not as big of a deal as it seems. The real problem lies with the ignorant people out there, those foolish individuals who don't know what they're saying or how they behave. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Goodbye. Iโ€™m sorry, Itโ€™s just what i think...

Who I'd like to meet:

giphy-2 giphy-2 giphy-2

Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer)'s Friends Comments

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๐˜ท๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ช โ˜…

๐˜ท๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ช โ˜…'s profile picture

your profile is so interesting! we have almost the same tastes :)

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avell's profile picture

ty for the add i love your profile!!! i don't see fans of classical music often so i find that neat!! i don't know a lot abt classical but i'd love to learn more someday(*ยดโˆ€๏ฝ€*)

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fritzgry's profile picture

I absolutely love your profile, it's very nice to look at! Thanks for the add :-)

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thank you so much! I also liked your profile! It's very calm, it makes me feel good to see your profile.

by Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer); ; Report


Seblunar's profile picture

Oh, wow I love your profile sm, it's very detailed!^^

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ty!! I love your profile, it's very pretty, it's literally my favorite profile!!

by Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer); ; Report

Ah thank you!:)

by Seblunar; ; Report

Shiva !

Shiva !'s profile picture

omg.. I absolutely adore your profile... you seem like such a cool person :-)
thank you for adding me too!! I might message you on Telegram but yk... only if you want me to

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Thank you. I truly appreciate your profile. Should you wish to send me a message, please feel free to do so at your convenience.

by Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer); ; Report


๐“–๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“บ๐“พ๐“ฎ๐“ฝ๐“ฝ๐“ฎ 's profile picture

Your profile is so charming and inspiring, it was fascinating to read.

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Thank you very much; your comment made me feel truly appreciated. I am deeply grateful.

by Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer); ; Report


noah's profile picture

such a cool profile!

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by Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer); ; Report


Darren's profile picture

Thanks for the add! You interest me. It's surprising that someone on this website is not only interested in Buster Keaton but Bobby Fischer, as well.

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you are welcome! I love your profile, I had a great interest in you, and about Bobby Fischer I would definitely say that I have an obsession

by Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer); ; Report

Bruno โ‹†*โ˜…

Bruno โ‹†*โ˜…'s profile picture

thx for adding me!!! also cool movie taste ngl

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Tysm!! I love your profile!! It is an honor that you accepted me

by Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer); ; Report


ella's profile picture

Your profile is lovely, and you seem really nice! Thanks for adding me

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Thanks! And no problem, I love your profile

by Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer); ; Report

bernardo's wake

bernardo's wake's profile picture

hey there, thanks for the add. your profile seems pretty enticing

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Thank you very much; I truly admire your profile as well. Yours is exceptionally impressive!!

by Aguss (I’m Bobby Fischer); ; Report