"LisTenINg mUsIC"
20, MexICo
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rAwrbi's Interests
General |
Me encANta dOrmIR, aMO eL arTe y jUGar SillEnt HiLL tAmBIen FNAF, y lAs creePYpaSTas
Music |
PieRCE tHe veIL, FallINg iN reVErse, SleEPinG wITh siRenS, MariLYn mANson, My cheMicAl romANce, GEt scARed, SysTem oF a doWN, BriNg mE thE hoRIzon, RaMmSTein, PaRAmorE, mAneSKin, MotionLEss iN whIThe, MillIOnaiREs, KeSHa, KorN, OnE diREctioN, BlaCK vEIl brIdeS, AskINg alEXanDRia
Movies |
ThE eXorcISt, PsiCOsis, The rINg, HaRRy PoTTer, ThE coNJurinG, It, GrAve enCOuntRes, SiLLenT hIll
Television |
GamE oF tHroneS, NaRUto, ThE wiTCher, KakEguRui, La cASa dE LAs flOEs, HellSing, Yo sOy BeTTy la FeA, SouTH pArK, InvADer zIM, MonsTEr hIGh y bAsiCAmeNTe cUal qUIer DOcumEntaL dE crIMeneS
Books |
HarrY pOTter, PerCY JacKsON, LaS veNTajas dE sEr inVIsiblE, GamE oF thONes, tHe hObbiT, El sEñor dE loS aniLLos, El psICoAnaListA, AngeLEs y dEMonioS |
Heroes |
Vic FuEnteS, BriAN huGH wARner, RonnIE rADkle |
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rAwrbi's Friends Comments
Displaying 13 of 13 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Kaleigh |
Міша/misha |
omg i love ur page sm ^^ |
The Atlanta Monsters |
FANGS 4 the BLAHDD!!! ah ah ah ah ah 🦇🦇🦇 |
ℝ𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕪'𝕤_𝔾𝕙⦻𝕤𝕥 |
Tysm for the add! x33 |
quinninhell |
thx 4 the add ^_^ |
Hello!Thanks for the request!! I am artist singing in English, Spanish, French & Japanese ♬ ♫ ♪ |
x._.zoeYnsan1ty._.x |
hiii thankz 4 the add!! luv your hair omg <3 AND THE HEATHER COSPLAY OH MA GAAAAWD |
♬ ♫ ♪ Hi! And welcome Here too! My page also has my own original Music Tracks/Vids, Links to my YouTube, Amazon, Apple Music etc... My Spotify is https://open.spotify.com/artist/6cx9roy1bPrUe6o6JtakhF ⭐(◕‿◕)⭐ Thanx! |
♫♪ Hello! Thanks for the Req! Nice to see you here! Our page has our own original Music Tracks/Vids, Links to our YouTube, Amazon, Apple Music etc... Our YouTubeMusic is https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCEXuQPUuFRGEnn9kq4CobFw ☮(ˆ◡ˆ)☮ Thank You |
dem |
eRez sUper cul!!! Xd |
Jade |
silas ☆ |
thx sm 4 the add ^^ |
awkward.violence |
thank u so much for the add!! ^^ |