Mama Raven

Mama Raven's profile picture

"organizing and working on revamping website :) "

Esoteric artist; author and purveyor of the strange and unusual

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Mood: amused

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Mama Raven's Interests


witchin', artin', writin', & plannin'. Yep. That's me.


Goth, Witch House, Black Metal & Southern Gothic


My all time favorite movie is "The Red Violin".


I'll binge watch a Netflix series if I like it enough. I mostly enjoy ghosty stuff.


Favorite authors:

Edgar Allen Poe
H.P. Lovecraft
Mary Shelley


I don't do "heroes", but there are a couple of people I think were pretty exceptional.

1) Tank Man: that guy who stood in front of the tanks at Tiananmen Square back in 1989.
2) Benjamin Franklin. A man who could do it all, and still make time to have a nice glass of brandy in the Hellfire Cave.

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Mama Raven's Blurbs

About me:

๐”„๐”ฏ๐”ฑ๐”ฆ๐”ฐ๐”ฑ, ๐”ž๐”ฒ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ฌ๐”ฏ, ๐”ด๐”ฆ๐”ฑ๐” ๐”ฅ๐”ถ ๐”ด๐”ข๐”ฆ๐”ฏ๐”ก๐”ฌ

witchin', artin', writin', & plannin'. Yep. That's me.
My name is Arijah, I'm 50 years old and I reside in Middle Tennessee. I'm a Mid-Atlantic transplant from bay to forest, but ever an Appalachian native. (Sorry Texas. It's not you; it's me).

I'm a self taught freelance graphic artist and author, with a focus on esoteric art, both digital and organic. I am also known as The Blood Witch and have been running a little page called Ravynmoon since 1999.

I've been an artist my entire life. Ask anyone who left me alone in a room with a blank anything and a box of crayons.

My work has been featured in various publications, from magazines and books to movies and album art. I work in multi-media using various tools and canvases and create simple logo and production designs to wall murals and folk paintings to other projects and interests that catch my fancy or feeds the cats.

I am proficient in virtual world designs and although my personal art frequently reflects darker subject matter, I am comfortable with various paradigms and my art and experience is ever evolving.

I'm eclectic and a bit eccentric; a happy corpse bride with a dead cat, weird plants, and a few Gothlings. I also do taxidermy art, collect old medical thingies and stuff dead things into jars.

I'm intellectual; even though my brain farts from overload on occasion and I forget the names of simple things and resort to "open and closey thing", "pointy thingy" and the like and wave a pointy finger at it doesn't mean I'm not intellectual. I like to have as much fun as arthritis allows.

I'm a Poe devotee, and a Gaiman/Burton/King/Shelley/Lovecraft/Romero/Waters hybrid weirdo with a touch of Troma and Raimi; a combat boot and broomstick skirt wearing, black hat donning, Horrorpunk heart with a black metal soul. On Fridays I'm in love and it's always time for tea. I've got my feet in the air and my head on the ground and work inside out and frequently backwards...and if you caught all of those hidden references, we're friends already.

I love classic and cult film, picnics in cemeteries, weird tea parties and wild pirate tavern raids. I like puzzles and riddles and mystery and magic and am often seen traipsing through forest or cemeteryย pickin' stickies, rubbing stones or talking to the air.

I am interested in and do a lot of stuff. I'm good at what I do and am always learning something new. I like to teach and am ever a scholar. I despise prejudice. I'm not rude, but I say what I mean. I appreciate constructive criticism, am open to suggestions.

I'm house-trained and play well with others.

I've written and co-written a few books, make a lot of paper-crafts, a few videos and do a little thing each morning called "The Dailies" which features a card of the day reading from various decks. I am mainly using the decks I create for those readings because: promotion...and what better reading could I give then from the decks I personally create. :) I've made a bit of shitty *experimental* music with Zyn and Project Archangel, have a web show called HEX and a matching majizine called Ravynmoon's HEX, which I drop seasonally.

I create everything from gift boxes to majikal ornaments to secular lesson plan supplements for un-schooling and homeschooling educators. I'm an activist on many levels, and promote and educate on environmental impact, ecological response-ability and sustainability.

I have a penchant for flavored coffee, weird plants and a *mild* addiction to a place called Skyrim. ;)

Some thingys I've done and am doing:
Digital Art: *Commissions and licensed work.


*Personalized cards, presentations and gifts.
*Flyers, posters, banners and signs.
*Logos, social media and website graphics.
*Stationary sets.
*Texture sets and virtual 2D graphics.
*Book, magazine and album art.
*Stock imagery.
*Post Production.

Photography & Video
*Architectural and landscape photography.
*Promotional portrait photography.
*Product photography.
*Compilations, video promotions and short risky animations.

*Original promotional music, collaborations and licensed short scores.

Folk Art
*Paintings, collages, murals, organic, clay and beaded crafts.

*Jewelry designย 

- "For the Love of Monsters: Best of The Monsters Next Door" by L.B. Goddard - Book cover (2008)
- "Diary of the Antichrist" by David Cherubim in association with the Aleister Crowley Foundation -Book cover. (December 2012)
- Darkfaery Subculture Magazine: Version 11: Volume 1: Issue 4 Featured Cover. (April 2012)
- Grave magazine - Covers and site graphics. (2015 to current)
- "Drusilla" by Arijah Ankh Khalid-Zyn- Book cover art, site graphics and illustrations. (In Production 2017)
- "The Devil's Oracle" by Mizdimma DeSade & Arijah Ankh Khalid-Zyn. Tarot deck design and book art. (October 2017)
-The Stonemaiden's Arcanum-Author & Artist
-The Sumerian Pictogram Divination deck-Author & Artist
-The Summer Night Oracle-Author & Artist
Enchanted: A Veshigi Book of Forest Craeft & Ancestral Majik-Author & Artist (January 2020)
Ravynmoon's Zodiacal Journal & Witches Almanac 2020 (January 2020)
Moon Sugar-Appalachian Hexerei & Forest Craeft-Author & Artist (In Progress)
Ravynmoon's HEX-author and artist (current)

- "Transcendental Aeonic Majik" by ZYN -Album art and site graphics. (2009)
- "Project Archangel" by Project Archangel -Album art, site graphics, photography and post work.(2010)
- "Dragon" by ZYN - Album art, site graphics, photography and post work. (2011)
- "The Haunted" by ZYN - Album art and site graphics. (2011)
- "Shattered" by Souless Affection - Album art. (2012)
- "A Witches Garden" by ZYN - Album art. (2012)
- "Leocadia" by Christine Plays Viola - Album art. (2013)
- "Closet Space" by The Unquiet Void - Album art for movie soundtrack. (2013)
- "Lair of the Ice King" by ZYN - Album art. (2015)

Netography, Photography, Virtual World & Radio
-Ravynmoon-product photography and video, site graphics and product promotional ads.
Wintermoon Curios-product photogrpahy, site graphics and product promotional ads.
The Blood Witch-Blogger. Site content, articles,ย graphics and art. HEXtv-Site content.
-The Gothic Poet Society-Site graphics and flyers.
-The Curious Tea Sorority-Site graphics and flyers
-NecroBunny-Site graphics and album cover.
-The Eternal Beloved-Site graphics, video, photography and post work.
-Nocturnal Paranormal-Site graphics, video, photography and post work.
-Dance with the Dead radio-Site graphics, virtual world production, posters and flyers. Show intros, sweepers and D.J. drops.
-Ghost Story Apparel-product photography, site graphics, product promotional ads and virtual world production.
-Botanica Diabolique-product photography, site graphics and product promotional ads.
-The October House-blog photography, site graphics and product promotional ads.
-Ravenwood Arts & Curios-product photography, site graphics, product promotional ads and virtual world production.

~ย "Arijah designed the amazing cover for my book 'Diary of the Antichrist.' Her gothic art for the cover gives an appropriate symbolic impression of the soul and nature of the book. It is my favorite work of art, a unique combination of The Devil and The Hierophant of Tarot, and a powerful portrayal of the effects of such a magical union." โ€“David Cherubim (Musician, Author and Occultist)

~ย "Arijah Ankh Khalid Zyn is hands down my favorite artist. I have gone to her countless times, for work and NEVER have I been let down. She can take a rendered image or photograph and turn it into an amazing work of art. All her work is deep and mesmerizing. I honestly wish I had just half of the skills she possesses. Her promotionals for my products have been well captured and in my opinion, the driving force in my sales. She is a wizard in decoration of virtual reality worlds, while most people are bogging down the program with 3d mesh models with outlandish resource usage, she can create better effects with 2d resources from scratch, that didn't bog down program resources. She is very easy to get along with, and will offer suggestions along the way, but will deliver what you ask for. I will always go to her first, before I consider using any other art designer." -Mizdimma DeSade (Artist, Author, Musician and Occultist)

~ย "Renaissance woman and mystical diva, Arijah Ankh Khalid-Zyn, has held a career as a talented esoteric artist for quite some time. Remarkably, Arijah was able to gain a lot of business through raw skills, networking, and some good old-fashioned word of mouth. Iโ€™ve worked with Arijah on a few projects and find her sense of professionalism, along with the personal interest she takes in every project, very impressive. Arijah has spent her entire life on mastering the art she produces. Due to her broad life experience, Arijah is able to find common ground in interpreting the reality you would like to see projected for her customer base." -Warlock Asylum (Musician, Author and Occultist)

~ "That crazy b*tch ruined my life!" -Every ex ever.

Commissions by special interest only at this time.
Portfolio available upon request.

~Summon Me~

Who I'd like to meet:

I like to meet and network with creative and majikal folks. Nice to meet ya.

Mama Raven's Friends Comments

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Mizdimma DeSade

Mizdimma DeSade's profile picture

Happy Him-Niversary.

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by Mama Raven; ; Report

Valgerd Artienne Kossmann

Valgerd Artienne Kossmann's profile picture

Fantastic work with profile! I can see that you have put a lot of your time and heart into it. For now, I keep everything short. Thank you for adding and I hope one day we will do a project together. :)

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Mizdimma DeSade

Mizdimma DeSade's profile picture

Hello Darling, Long time since we have done this... So Here's to a new MySpace like exp.

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awww. :) It is thee...who is most beloved.

by Mama Raven; ; Report

Yep Yep Yep.

by Mizdimma DeSade; ; Report