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"wishing everyone would get on SpaceHey lol!"

American family living in Germany 🇩🇪 🇺🇸

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Jordi's Interests


I love studying the Hebrew Language, reading the Bible, researching the mind and brain, listening to people’s life stories, being with my family, seeing the world, and being a friend to anyone who needs one! 


I love all types of music. I really don’t have a favorite. 


I LOVE War Room and The Forge. Those are just the latest movies I’ve seen though. There are too many favorites to list!


I enjoy Dexter, Seinfeld, Big Bang Theory… and many more series!


Currently, I am reading: “Slaying the Giant: Depression” & “Me? Obey Him?” & “Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents”

However, I do have to say, my absolute favorite book is Redeeming Love, and obviously the Bible! 😍


Well, to start, Yeshua. 

Next, my husband. He has overcome so many obstacles and he has risen in his career farther than he even thought possible. He is the kind of dad, to our children, that I wish I could have experienced (but I’m so thankful for the one I was birthed to)! He I so full of love, yet also very masculine. He is the perfect mix of both.

My mother! She has overcome some WILD things. Her faith in the Lord through it all is such a testimony to me and so many others. She has been so poorly treated, and still is, yet she just continues to love regardless. She finds her strength and all she needs in the Lord. It’s miraculous. 

Finally, my children! They are super human. Their hearts are absolutely beautiful. Their love, their character, their strength, their wisdom… they are marvelous in every way. They teach me just as much as I teach them. My oldest is a leader and Shepard of the younger ones. He helps me so much. My second oldest is so compassionate for the smallest animal or bug. His heart is so huge. My third oldest is the mother of the family. She comforts anyone who is sad and has a pure love. My fourth oldest is the friend of everyone. If anyone comes to visit, she will make sure they feel welcomed and loved. My youngest is the cuddle bug and he keeps us all on our toes!

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Jordi's Blurbs

About me:

Hello! My name is Jordi. My family and I live in Germany. We know a little of the German language, enough to get by. We also study the Hebrew language. I enjoy learning about the life of others around the world. I also enjoy learning about the mind and brain. I love studying the Bible and being with my family! 

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone! No matter your belief or background, I love learning about people and their life. I love hearing the life story of others, their achievements, their struggles and how they’ve overcome obstacles. 

Jordi's Friends Comments

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Love youuuu!

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by Jordi; ; Report