Queen of Gloom 182

Queen of Gloom 182's profile picture

"listening to music"

21, england

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Mood: okay

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Queen of Gloom 182's Interests


a few of my interests are: poetry, music, makeup and colouring


I listen to too much music so ill only write a few artists I like lol Hollywood undead, my chemical romance, pale waves, first aid kit, lower than Atlantis , lil peep, fever 333, fall out boy Feel free to recommend me new stuff too. I love talking about music


I absoloutly love video games, a few of my favourites are animal crossing, the life is strange series, borderlands, bioshock, Calico, slime rancher and no man's sky. I also adore indie games too feel free to message and talk to me out other games too as I have many I really like


bojack horseman, skins uk, shameless uk, rick and morty, stranger things, She ra and the princesses of power, I-zombie, coco, kiss&cry, tangled, midnight sun


I don't really read books


pretty much anyone I listen to and my best friend

Queen of Gloom 182's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

First poem I'll share here. Heart in her eyes (view more)

Queen of Gloom 182's Blurbs

About me:

I'm not the most interesting person plus I'm not very good at writing about myself so here goes nothing. I'm Frankie, I'm nonbinary, , my pronouns are They/she


Who I'd like to meet:

I joined this because some friends said I should. I guess I just want meet people with similar interests to mine and make friends

Queen of Gloom 182's Friends Comments

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Tirful's profile picture

Hey, thanks for the add - hope you're having a great day :D

Btw i noticed you're a fan of emo music from your bio... if you're interested in finding new stuff to listen to, i have some songs up on my profile that i think might be your kind of thing, it'd be awesome if you could let me know what you think? ^__^

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your welcome. I checked your music out earlier and it was really good, I really liked it

by Queen of Gloom 182; ; Report

Hey, thanks so much for taking the time to check it out – I'm really happy you enjoyed it :D
I've got new songs coming our soon, so if you fancy getting updated when they drop you can also follow my spotify artists page using this link ...if you want to!
I appreciate your time, it means a lot to unknown artists like myself ^_^

by Tirful; ; Report