Emilie Nally

Emilie Nally's profile picture

"Being Stupid"

Artist, monster addict, no low poly, Ezio, AhH

Last active:

Mood: Sleepy

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Emilie Nally's Interests


🎶 Sleeping 💤 🍪 Eating 🍪 💀 Youtube 💀 💤 Sleeping...💤 🎵 Music 🎵 🎨 Art 🎨 🎮 Gaming! 🎮


Mostly alternative type of music although I pretty much listen to a little bit of everything. Feel free to recommend me shit


Anything Transformers, xmen, marvel type. Also a shit ton of anime movies, ghost in the shell is pretty lit


The witcher was awesome... Go watch it Tmnt, humans and the war for cybertron


I read to much.... Any loki comic, star trek comics, mangas. Game of thrones, the witcher again, Alex Ryder, anything by james patterson.


Any musician that speaks the truth Games designers because that shits hard

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Redrawing my character part one. (view more)

Emilie Nally's Blurbs

About me:

✨ Hey peeps! ✨ I'm your everyday person, I occasionally doodle and mess around with art. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Im normally a nice person unless you start pushing buttons. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ Art account because im a low life artist instagram.com/the_phantom_works

Who I'd like to meet:

Brandon from saywecanfly Who ever voices Mado in tokyo ghoul (how?) Andy black from bvb Ehh Bansky but no even knows him

Emilie Nally's Friends Comments

Displaying 2 of 2 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Hippie's profile picture

Thank you for the add

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No problemo

by Emilie Nally; ; Report

Regular Ass Raymond

Regular Ass Raymond's profile picture

Thanks for the add! If I could suggest some music you probably never heard of in a genre you may not enjoy but somehow give these people a pass it would be Steam Powered Giraffe. Steampunk folk music. Pretty chill, catchy lyrics and wholesome vibe ♡

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Sure. I'll take a look. It's something I've heard of but never bothered to look at

by Emilie Nally; ; Report