
0c3an's profile picture

"DM me stick n poke ideas PLEASE!!"

Copenhagen Denmark

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0c3an's Interests


Pl4ying guitar, Thrift1ng, Sh0pping and Expl0ring forest$ late at n1ght.  Expl0r3r! - C4ltur1ng funny v1de0s 1n n4tur3

Not too sure bout my identity or such Dw I don’t actually have a typing quirk

I dye my hair a LOT and it’s currently just growing out for a little until I’ll dye it blonde with red ends!!

I’m also currently brainstorming ideas for a stick n poke on my ankle, I wanna have something stupid or random to remind me of my teenage years :3


6arelyhuman - Chase Atlantic - TVgirl - Billie eilish - Aysha 

Favorite song at the moment; “Cigarettes out the window” by TVgirl

/ pretty basic but they just do it for me /


~ The Moving Castle ~ Mrs peregrines home for peculiar children ~ twilight(1) ~ heartstopper ~ Red white and royal blue ~ h2o just add water ~

I love tim burton movies and darker series


B4r3ly w4tches anyth1ng 0ther th4n N3tfl1x :3

Th3 n3w$ 1 gu3$s x


Diary of a wimpy kid - Twilight - Solitaire and anything from Alice osman

I can never finish reading books cause knowing there’s no sequel or franchise means it’s only one time read


My mum for paying for Spotify Premium :)

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0c3an's Blurbs

About me:

I like going on walks late at night ;p always got a flashlight on me and ready in less than 10.                                                      I have 5piercings(2in each ear and one in my nose) and can’t wait till I get new ones. Soon gonna do a stick n poke on my ankle ;3

                                                                                          Got the best locations in the forest near me📍

Who I'd like to meet:

Emooooooos & sicka cool people from all over the wrld!!

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