
cordiformcorvid's profile picture


music in my veins and static running through my brain

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Mood: sleepy...

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cordiformcorvid's Interests


old weird cartoons and new wave


talking heads, b-52s, billy idol, hall and oates, ...femtanyl


eraserhead, everything everywhere all at once, stop making sense, alice in wonderland (1951), beetlejuice (1988)


ren and stimpy, catdog


artemis fowl


genndy tartakovsky

cordiformcorvid's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

shivering (view more)

tinted glass (view more)

tokyo (view more)

a day in hakuba (view more)

cordiformcorvid's Blurbs

About me:


check out my youtube - i create cartoons and write songs! similarly to that strange man in your emails who won't stop trying to tell you about insurance and that bear that may live closer to you on the street that you think, i am a stranger on the internet! you don't know anything about me (and maybe you never will) but i can change that RIGHT NOW if you keep reading! isn't technology just wonderful? i reside in my own personalized junkyard, home to an ever-accumulating pile of post-its, comics, and small jars containing mere grains of the sands of time! i carry spiders in my pockets and bird wings fall out of the sky! i have a short-term memory of about 5 seconds–i'm like a goldfish, but real! did you know that horripilation is a fancier word for goosebumps? layout credits: and

Small Cute Gold Pointer

Who I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet more people with lightning in their veins and music in their heads. the ones that compose art most people don't care about and find rare beauty in the most overlooked of things. so i guess what i'm saying is that i'd like to meet more weirdos.

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