Tony Technic

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Male | 20s | USA

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Mood: Exhausted!

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Tony Technic's Interests


Digital: Anime, Gaming, Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop Physical: Cooking, Fishing, Writing


Alt Rock, Nightcore, Classic Pop, Classical, Ambience.


Back to the Future, Fight Club, The Goonies.


Serial Experiments Lain, Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, Neon Genesis Evangelion, One Punch Man, Ben 10


The Shadow over Innsmouth, The Art of War, Autography of Benjamin Franklin, Leaves of Grass.


Walt Whitman, Milton Hershey, Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin.

Tony Technic's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Key to Learning Code -- Patience (view more)

Waaa! Tony meets Spacehey! (view more)

Tony Technic's Blurbs

About me:


My name is TonyTechnic! I'm an autistic guy who loves using and exploring the world wide web.

I have been using the internet since the late 2000s, and I quickly fell in love with this site being somebody against mainstream social media. If you find me interesting, feel free to say hello. I'm always up for making new friends.

My Interests?

I have a wide variety of interests including both digital and physical activities.

I'm a huge fan of anime, gaming, music and digital manipulation such as Photoshop, Premiere and After Effects

IRL I really like writing, cooking and fishing. Although, I'm a nerd through and through. >->

Who I'd like to meet:

My Kinda People~

I enjoy meeting independent thinkers (those who agree with me or not), and enjoy meeting other autistic people. I try to give everybody a chance, so if you find anything you see on my profile cool. Feel free to contact me!!

Tony Technic's Friends Comments

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lab rat with propellor hat

lab rat with propellor ha...'s profile picture


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Cyber! :)

by Tony Technic; ; Report