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Bianca's Interests


I love growing plants and flowers, i like going out with my friends, i love photography, i enjoy deep talks and sunsets, i love taking care of kids especially of my little brother that i love a lot! I volunteer and draw sometimes, usually in summer!


Old rock bands, R&B, soul and metal sometimes, i like listening to anything to be honest but usually when i'm sad or happy, these are my favorite genres of music! ^^


I like romance movies and thrillers! I would love to see a good movie with a friend, it's always welcomed and fun, also i'm looking forward to see more movies!


I haven't watched TV in a while so i'm not really sure! But again i'm looking forward to it!


I love books a lot, one that really got me is the "1984" from George Orwell (a classic) this opened my eyes and my love in reading books and thinking more deeply! I really enjoy romantic ones, not with a lot of drama, because they are peaceful and deep.


It should be my mom! She's my best friend and i love her so much!

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About me:

Heyy, i'm Bianca, i love making new friends and traveling! I'm in highschool and i would love to continue studying biology :) I love animals and flowers a lot, i grow some of them in my backyard, also i love colectionating parfumes! I'm a shy person but when you get to know me, i'm really passionate and friendly! Hope to make many friends here and discuss!

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone who seems nice and open for talking, i would love to talk about any topic!

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