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Tellahassee's Interests


I also like to draw and make different things out of the trash at hand, I am a very creative person.


Gorillaz TV girl 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


Shutter island and zombieland

I don't really like movies.


Rick and Morty, mlp, South Park.



Rick and Morty comics

I don't really like to read


Evil Morty 😼

Well, you get it from my avatar

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Tellahassee's Blurbs

About me:

Tella is my nickname XD my favorite color is green year of birth 2010

 I love listening to music

By the way, I'm Russian, but don't worry, sometimes I act like Morty, so don't hesitate to write. I'm looking for friends. I don't care about your appearance, country, or nationality, and I love you guys.

And don't laugh if the translator doesn't spell correctly.

Who I'd like to meet:

With a fnaf fan or a bridge kid fan

Actually, I know a lot of fandoms, we'll find common topics, and if you have a discord or telegram, we can chat there.

But I love Rick and Morty the most.I have a sword and I play pocket mortysXD

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