Pluto!!! on Ice

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Pluto!!! on Ice's Interests
General |
I would like to have a distant uncle who was a millionaire, who dies and I am the only heir to the money, (not possible, I have siblings and cousins), and I get so much money I do not know what to do with it and I can do whatever I want. Travel and write fulltime, and never worry about money or a job. And I would like so much money, that I can runover capitalism with a big bulldozer and free all from this slavery. And then we all live happily ever after. With dogs and cats, and fanfiction and cake. And someday dragons... (they are nice, I promise) |
Music |
I always say I love all kinds of music, but me and rap are not really friends. Stop, rapping, you are not a duck. (Haha niche humour). |
Movies |
I will never move on from Andrew Garfields: Amazing Spider-man. (We deserved a third with a canonly bisexual Spider-man). Also How to Train your Dragon! I want a dragon. I have wanted a dragon since I was five years old. I need a dragon. I wanna fly and have a giant intelligent cat dog. That will protect me at all costs, and is a main part of the economy. Why is this not possible? If someone starts talking about how dragons are not evolutionary possible because of the way we have no animals with both frontlegs and backlegs and wings. But I will keep dreaming! (I am the person who keeps bringing the evolutionary fact up, I am destroying my delusion by myself :O). |
Television |
I have rewatched the same dumb sitcom for five years, I will never move on. Brooklyn 99... I love you... |
Books |
My heart goes out to the series I loved as a child that is now not available anywhere and I can't find a single place to buy the physical book. I'll just be yearning until I die. Why why why. Can I not find it? I know it was popular! Why am I the only one wanting it? I am gonna contact the author soon! Begging for a copy! You do not understand, I need it so bad. I am going to perish without it! |
Heroes |
Spider-man. No further explanation. Or maybe further explanation. |
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Pluto!!! on Ice's Blurbs
About me:
Who I'd like to meet:
A tattoo artist and then becoming good friends, so I can get free tattoos my whole life. Next sted afterwards... a piercer ;)
Pluto!!! on Ice's Friend Space
[view all]Pluto!!! on Ice has 23 friends.
Pluto!!! on Ice's Friends Comments
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wildflower wildfire ![]() |
Gay fanfiction is the peak of my exsistance.... We shall write gay people doing gay stuff together, even when we're in the (gay) nusery home. We will be gay together until the end of time, if such a things exists, and then some more. Forever, we are one. |
Forever we are one (gay) symbiosis. *Cough* Venom *Cough*. Let's always be one, together, in each other. Always bound by our apendages. Bound by our love.
by Pluto!!! on Ice; ; Report