P0RNST4R 's profile picture

" kinda kewwll/weird/lame😔XD"

Uhhh short hair I look like denki from mha

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Mood: I guess you can say I'm kewwl😼😼

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P0RNST4R 's Interests


I'm starting to read bl caus I'm freaky like that🫦 I love jjk mha dandadan stranger things!!! ranfren I love playing Toca Boca at random times. I also love Tokio Hotel!!!:3 Then when I'm hanging out with my cousin we play Roblox sometimes😼


Music I absolutely love is I wanna be your girlfriend I like Tyler the Creator I love mitski and billie eyelash I love blue orchid and yeah!👍😾:3


I love Coraline😼 Spirited away Wish dragon Aggretsuko Nimona!$ Ponyo!?!! XD


Coraline Wish dragon Spirited away Ponyo Nimona Aggretsuko The fanf movie and uhh that's all😼👍!!


I don't really read books that much but I read hey June a diary of a wimpy kid and yeah 👍💯!!


Uhhhhh allmight and uhhhhhh yeah 😔👍:3!! That's all bye!?!!!:3 XD

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P0RNST4R 's Blurbs

About me:

Pronouns they/them I like the color blue especially light blue. I love to sing!. I'm good at drawing. I also love to listen to songs while I go on Pinterest. I have a cat named ballester!? I love to eat. I AM A WOMEN LOVER!!! XDD!?!!!


Who I'd like to meet:

Flamingo cause hes funny Markiplier cause he's kewll Coryxkenshin cause he's also kewll Ryan Reynolds cause uhh yeah And finally Josh Hutcherson cause I love him ( also he's kewlllll!?!!!) Also why you may ask I wanna meet them well it's because they're kewll nice funny and chill😼•-•

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Aww stop it your making me blush I said don't stop anyways tyyy!!?:3 XD

by P0RNST4R; ; Report

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