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"A lot of school work..."

i go by He/them

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Scribble_Art's Interests


I like to draw/sketch/color I'm trying to learn Anatomy so far XD(it's going okay so far no not really U_U) I really like 8:11 the game it's one of my new Interests πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ i don't know what else to say but i guess i REALLY like Dubuk art style it's so cool!! Also i really wanna show off my art but don't know how to do it on here so if anybody wants to see art i guess i can friend you on discord?


Artist i know:[Mitski][Alex G][Tyler the creator][TV girl][insane clown posse][Sushi Soucy][Gorillaz][Kikuo][Ado][Chappell Roan][that Handsome devil][Lemon Demon][Mindless Self Indulgence][Weezer][Toy-Box] Songs: living dead girl(by Rob Zombie), Jesus Rabbit(by Guerilla Toss), Quiet as a rat(by Amigo thew Devil), Prom queen(by Insane Clown Posse), Villain(vocaloid), action movie hero boy(by Lemon Demon), DARE(by Gorillaz), feel good(by Gorillaz),


i don't watch a lot of movies but when i do i like to watch horror movies The ones I've watched:[Chainsaw Massacres the first one i think?][movie SAW i don't know which one] that's it because i don't watch a lot of movies...


I don't know what they mean by Television so I'll say my fav Youtuber names and my fav Anime!! Youtubers: Layz, Ilymation, SamDoesArts, Oil Ravioli, Square One Costplay, Cooper galanis, shooshiMooshi, bitesizedsponge, REVAMPEDROSES, BreDrawz, cybr.grl, JuniDrawz, Anime: Hunter x Hunter(still have to finish itπŸ˜”), The promise of Neverland(i love this Anime so much), spy x Family, Hetalia, Demon slayer, Madoka Magica, Lucky star, assassination classroom, DANDADAN, Panty and Stockings(i don't know if this is considered as a anime), ace attorney(i know it's a game but it's also animated)


i don't read books...BUT i read Mangas and a few comics(and by comics i mean only Dogman comics)i only have Three Manga and it's all from The promise of neverland i also know about the eltingville club and homestuck but i don't know a lot about it so anybody can give me information about it or talk to me about homestuck and the eltingville club.


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Scribble_Art's Blurbs

About me:

-- online icon --- --banner-- -- main part of layout -- --- music player--- -- spacehey logo replaced w mini ryker -- -- the image mask on profile pictures-- CREDIT! optional to have
South Park - Eric Cartman
code by mew! Objection! gif: GIF

Who I'd like to meet:

Fun 8:11 game fans(don't be weird about anything) Anime fans!!(=3=) Vocaloid fans!![My fav:Kaito, Luka, Miku, Gakupo, Teto, Ruko, Ren] (-3-) REVAMPED INDIE ANIMATION FANS PLEASE!!(if you wanna watch it or learn about it it's on youtube) Persona 5 fans or any of the Persona game fans!! Splatoon fans!! ACE ATTORNEY FANS!! Gravity falls fans! Eddsworld fans!! Hetalia Fans! Spy x Family fans! A few things PLEASE i go by They/He The second thing is i am still a Minor so if you wanna be Friends please don't do weird things with me third don't be rude of talk bad about others to me and fourth please don't be racist homophobic transphobic or sexist around me

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Scribble_Art's Friends Comments

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Sir Lightning

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thx for adding me! you are so cool :D

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no problem you seem like a cool person too!!:)

by Scribble_Art; ; Report