Kachai <3

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"watching Monster high "

March 27th is my birthday!

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Kachai <3's Interests


★my books are fantasy and comedy, I don't like reading dark romance or heavy stuff.

★ The songs that I put on my playlist I just like and put on it but most of them are pop or barbie songs.

★ I like Monster high, Ever after high, Mia and me, Sponge Bob, Spirit (the horse 3d series) and She-ra, I love Cartoons

My type of woman: I really like that they are tall, I don't care so much about appearance but I find it very attractive that they have a lot of muscles in their arms, And short hair shaved on the side I find VERY ATTRACTIVE and personality, since he loves me, it's already good

★My kind of man: Practically women's hair, but I really like curly hair or long hair, I find it very attractive in men, muscles can also be present and personality doesn't matter so much.


I like most of the songs but let's go in parts, most of the songs on my playlist are ones that I liked and added and pop, anyway. 

★pop: Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Ariana grande and Beyoncé 

★kpop: G-idle, Black pink, aespa, red Velvet, 2NE1, Twice (I don't listen to all the songs but the one I listen to the most is G-idle)

★Brazilian music: Anitta, Rita Lee, Chico Buarque, Bea Duarte, KondZilla (It's not specifically one of the singers but I really like the funk songs from 2018 and 2017), Pablo Vittar 

★Categories I don't know: Odetari, Kiss, 6arehuman, Kesha, Alex Sparrow, David Guetta, ATARASHII GAKKO, Austin Mahone, Ayesha (I don't know how to write her last name)


I love animated movies but let's rank

  1. Bailarina (2017), Simply a masterpiece 
  2. Nimona (2023), It's VERY beautiful and the story is very moving, I hope for the continuation 
  3. Barbie In A Christmas Carol (2008): I cried a lot and it has an incredible moral lesson 
  4. Monster high the 13 wishes (2013): I think the dolls are amazing, the story unfolds very well and the moral lesson is also very interesting.


I don't like television programs that much, but I really like the ones about confectionery with little chefs. As for Brazilian programs, I like "Pesadelo na Cozinha" and "D.P.A", the detectives of the apartment blue, but I think the new episodes weren't that good


I love fairy tale, fantasy and comedy books, there is one romance book that I really like 

 ★The diary of a clumsy princess (o diário de uma princesa desastrada)

 ★The choice of summer (a escolha do verão)

 ★The Princess and the Grilled Cheese (a princesa e o queijo quente)

 ★Fugitives of time (foragidos do tempo, I haven't finished reading it yet)


I don't like heroes that much, I prefer villains like Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy but let's put it 



 ★Captain America 

 ★Wonder Woman

I think that's it, it's been a while since I've seen superhero movies. 

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Kachai <3's Blurbs

About me:

★ I'm Brazilian, I'm 13 years old and bi. I like to draw, listen to music and read

 ★ my books are fantasy and comedy, I don't like reading dark romance or heavy stuff.

★ The that I put on my playlist I just like and put on it but most of them are pop or barbie songs. 

★ I like Monster high, Ever after high, Mia and me, Sponge Bob, Spirit (the horse 3d series) and She-ra, I love Cartoons


Who I'd like to meet:

★ I would like to talk to kind people who like cartoons or who are funny, if you get close to me I can tell you stories that happened to me and we can even be more than friends

★ I don't care about gender, just be respectful

★ Sometimes I won't reply because I'll be eating or sleeping, but other than that I'll try to reply as quickly as possible. 

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