
♱EZYfey's profile picture

BR - 2008 - he/him

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Mood: Aways the same

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♱EZYfey's Interests


♰ Paranormal Order ♰ RPG (As a whole) ♰ Math ♰ Bones ♰ Omori ♰ HATSUNE MIKU ♰ Music ♰


♰ Yun li ♰ Laufey ♰ TV Girl ♰ Kamaitachi ♰ Frank Sinatra ♰ Beabedoobe ♰ Surf Curse ♰ Tim Maia ♰


♰ Zathura ♰ Rango ♰ All Panics ♰ Slashers/horros ♰


♰ Chaves ♰ Chapolim ♰ Sábado Animado ♰ CN ♰


♰ Lovecraft ♰


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♱EZYfey's Blurbs

About me:

Upside Down Cross - Purple 

-- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- 

 Hello, nice to meet you. I'm from Brazil and I'm on SpacyHey to try to interact more and practice my English. So, if you're willing to put up with a guy asking "is this right?", "how do you say this...?", etc., say hi, I'll be happy to chat with you. And if you're Brazilian, send me a message too, it's nice not to be surrounded by speakers of other languages ​​all the time. --- I'm a big fan of indie games (some are up there) even though I haven't played a good portion of the ones I like, I'm a big fan of anything that involves horror, suspense or anything like that. --- Add - My english is very bad. 

Who I'd like to meet:

As long as you like my interests, it makes no difference.

♱EZYfey's Friends Comments

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barata atomica

barata atomica's profile picture

woah persona!!! (enfim ehhh acho que ambos somos brasileiros ehhh eba eu acho muito bonito seu perfil!!!)

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Muitíssimo obrigado, ainda tô cozinhando ele de pouco em pouco.

by ♱EZYfey; ; Report