Metal Sonic

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15 n Argentine - Honduran

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Mood: Hue hue hue hue hue hue

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Metal Sonic's Interests


Transformers, Model kits, Sonic, Legos, Manga, Anime.


Christian music like the Catholic chants, Lutheran songs Nightcore Music I just like the BEATS they are really good and it merries me a lot Feel Good music this one is hard to expressive but its really good music bit of MF Doom I like this artist and he is one of my few favorite rappers My favorite bands are Weezer and Good kid. I really like how both of them are and they are so great I just love there music it just really good when I'm working on projects of my own


I really like Transformers one and the SONIC MOVIES. It's just THAT GOOD and there are so many other I would like to tell you like the Transformers One movie it was CINEMATIC!


I really like anime but I have to deal with work but sometimes I would like to watch it with friends! I really Nanbaka its such a good anime and my FAVORITE. I would like to discuss and get hit with recommendation of your favorites!



Optimus Prime!

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About me:

Chill Argentine Christian who likes to meet new people and learn about there interest and talk! I like Sonic, Transformers, and Games! Hope we can be good friends God Bless! :] Also I'm the REAL SONIC

Who I'd like to meet:

People who would like to discuss with my interest on games or music or cool toys

Metal Sonic's Friends Comments

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emi_milia's profile picture

hey, ur pretty cool and i wanna talk w u more soon (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) idm if u cant or ur busy <3 my IM's are always open (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

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Yeah totally! I your also a cool person to talk to but usually my family has been planning stuff so not all the time I can talk with you unfortunately :[

by Metal Sonic; ; Report