
MyEpicJerkCircle's profile picture

"commencing jerk circle "

choking my chicken

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Mood: jerky

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MyEpicJerkCircle's Interests


I like making things like patches and random things to put on my wall.

Painting (spec: watercolor)

Drawing,Writing,Movies,Music,YouTube, baking, upcycling, and makeup.



Bixch I love drvgs fvck Ronald Reagan 

It was past eight thirty, and still light

I’ll die before they finish I-45


Agusta gone, down the valley, blue Valentine, 20th century women, puss in boots, project x, my suicide, entergalactic , eternal sunshine, 


Shameless, Gilmore girls, death note, South Park, Rick and Morty, the office, Wayne


The courage to be disliked 

I don’t rly like reading 


Slushy noobz, Jeremy fragrance

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MyEpicJerkCircle's Blurbs

About me:

16 :O

I like talking to ppl on internet but acc suck at texting so if I seem uninterested  I’m js scared 3:

Studying medical 

Existential personality crisis 

I’m fun I swar:>

Who I'd like to meet:

Hamzahthefantastic and thatmartinkid (slushy noobz)

sowithout (band)

The person that created drug tests (so I can ki11 em :<)

Walter white 

Suicide boys

Jeremy fragr

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