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I need some salep rn

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Mood: Anxious bout exams

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Lav's Interests


I play a shit bunch of football, been an Arsenal fan since I was a kid, also I do like Juventus and PSG outside of Arsenal, btw I own a signed Bergkamp shirt. I started working out recently, it's really fun and i like it, just if u wanna get into it i say take ur training as a fun challenge, have some fun wit it n all the best luck. I watch a lot of MMA, Boxing (rip my goat mike losing to jake motherfucking paul), and etc. I play a bunch of Valo when i can, because I used to love OW for a long time and still enjoy Counterstrike, but Valo just kinda a fun mix of both so yea, also RDR nd RDR2 are amazing


I listen to a mix of UK and American rap, alongside some hiphop n all that, kinda bland with my music taste (if you got recommendations i’ll take them)


My fav movie is the Beekeeper with Jason Statham (bro got a crazy back), but yeah he just keep saying “I’m the beekeeper” and i find it universally funny asf dude


Meh stuff like brooklyn99, arcane, FROM, and that’s about it bc i don’t watch much TV


I don’t own many books but a lot of books i got are history, religion, and manga


Whoever made Lemon Miranda

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About me:


tbh, that sounded funnier in my head, anyways hey I’m Lavista, just a 16 year old dude from the middle east

Who I'd like to meet:

Honestly anyone and everyone yk, as long as you like fluttershy less than APPLEJACK but yeah dude

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no way its me!

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its you!!

by MARQUiS ♥; ; Report