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Lola 's Interests


My favorite color is PINK :3 I also like knee high converse and Kandi


I love music artists and songs like Ayesha erotica ,Britney Spears, Avril Levine, my chemical romance ,Shakira ulgyburger0 green day ,bug cried ,mitski, Carmella girls psycho teddy magical doctor SIU pop rocks candy land magical cure love shot puke out my gutzz 0_o ,kiss me ,candle queen ,DECO*27 meet lime cookie I was only temporary ,hot milk ,6arleyhuman I’m my mouth chemical burn take your shirt off, 365, build a bich, Mr.kill myself,Tetto territory I deserve this nothing lasts 4ever tv girl show me how genesis I’m god , goth help_yourself suffer whith me , suffocation shadow lady , duvet I can’t handle change, devil town , better luck next time,old doll aleph id rather sleep,pop star , perfect girl , never ,.


^_^ :3 :0 :P :) ;) ;( :/ >_< ! The television one is literally the same thing as This sooooo


Netflix prime video legally blonde clueless mean girls 10 things I hate about you Florida project glitter force my little pony house bunny and LOTS more but I forgot there names :/


Don’t really read books ^_^


Superman wonders woman cat girl bat man joker Harley quin and other people:)

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About me:

Hello my name is Lola I’m very funny I’m in love with the 2000s and I also like scene I’m very nice and also mean but honest the fandom I’m in is FNAF I know a lot I’m bi I love scene hair also I can also be weird I have social anxiety and binge eating disorder but not fat I’m always concerned about my wait by anyway if you want to be friends with me you can I love a lot of 2000s idols there the best I also like sad music and my hobbies are drawing shopping and other stuff I also like ruffles Cheeto puffs and lays I don’t drink soda anymore though scene people are so cute and inspiring I think people should be unique and have there style also I like Emo people too i think there really cool I also like Gacha life it’s fun anyway:3 Nyan Cat with Rainbow


Who I'd like to meet:

Scene queens, emos, gayru, 2000s baddie coquette girls beach girls and others •

Lola 's Friends Comments

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caroline♡ 's profile picture

hi !!! >< thank you for adding me... !!!

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by Lola; ; Report