
Parker<3's profile picture


skibidi - cool - sigma

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Mood: GREAT!

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Parker<3's Interests




Alex g - Bôa - Mitski - The Cranberries - Weezer - Mac Demarco


X - The Conjuring - Quarantine - Any BNHA Movies !


Let’s Go Pocoyo! - Spongebob Squarepants - MHA - Sailor Moon


Warriors - Public Enemy Number Two



Parker<3's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

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Parker<3's Blurbs

About me:

Made by Frankie ☆ Iero about me goes here!!

music keeps me sane…:

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Who I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet anyone! Mostly Alex G, but I would like to talk to you all who visit my bio! <3

Parker<3's Friends Comments

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dani !! :3

dani !! :3's profile picture

this dude is very skibidi :P

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ur very skibidi:0

by Parker<3; ; Report