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Mood: Freakay

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Ankle's Interests


Uhhh I think transit is cool and city planning-related aspects. And also computers I like building and fixing them, same with cars though I haven't touched cars as much. I've been super into cooking too.Really want some pans and shit.... anmd also coffee. There's too many coffee things I want. There's a plethora of things I like exploring but those are what they mainlyl are now


julie... -juliefan53


I don't dislike many movies but I also don't love many either, just don't really watch movies Hmmm Bladerunner 2049 is always an awesome watch for me though


I don't watch a ton of TV but Psych is a nice comfort show, King of the Hill and The Boondocks are awesome, Smiling friend is funny silly


I prefer textbooks and info over fiction most of the time, I recently got a Binging with Babish cookbook and a Land Rover Emergency and Utilities Vehicle History book. Most recently finished What if? by Randall Munroe, just scientific answers to absurd hypothetical scenarios.


My hubbant for helping me be so so comfortable with myself and self discovery : 3

Ankle's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

I lvoe my wife (view more)

sick (view more)

Mortar and Pestle Coffee (view more)

What if (view more)

Ankle's Blurbs

About me:

I am love my husbant and also drugs

Who I'd like to meet:

Idk, seeing Julie band was really cool even though I didn't "meet" them, I'd like to see Sir Chloe tho :0

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I have a crush on u πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

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pee in u

by Ankle; ; Report