sage ୨ৎ

sage ୨ৎ's profile picture

"editing profile !!"

EST // 🍉 // 17 // she

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Mood: lonely talk to me :3

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sage ୨ৎ's Interests


meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmew :3 arcane, being outside, photography, meeting new people, learning about different cultures, researching things im interested in, watching youtube/anime [wip] ------------------------------------- i also like psychological horror games and stuff :p ------------------------------------- my music taste is all over the place, i honestly listen to whatever! jpop, jrock, poppunk, shoegaze, alternative rock, screamo and so much more :'3 it really depends on my mood [wip] "I thought maybe you could love me like you used to. Even though I'm... different." "It's a sad truth that those who shine brightest often burn fastest." "I spent so many nights in that shitty prison, on that freezing floor, hungry, bloody, counting the hours. the only thing, the only thing that kept me going was the thought of getting back to you." "The only way to defeat a superior enemy is to stop at nothing. To become what they fear." "It's not enough to give people what they need to survive, you have to give them what they need to live."







i don't read that much, but i like fantasy or sci fi stuff!


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sage ୨ৎ's Blurbs

About me:

hii!! feel free to add me !!
im 17! but i dont mind adults adding me :3 just dont be too creepy because i will bock u!
i am diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and anxiety, also possibly an eating disorder, please be understanding!
im so excited for arcane s2 :O!!
i love getting to know people so feel free to IM me ^-^!! (i speak english only sorry!!)

[this whole page is still a WIP since i basically just joined]
"There's a monster inside all of us"

"You still don't understand. Can you imagine what it's like? When your blood mixes with the filth and the river toxins eat through your nerves... It changes you forever."

Who I'd like to meet:

everyone! but no weirdos pls ^_~



i don't really know how to make a good dni list, but if any of these apply to u DONT add me!

-pro ana
-homophobic, transphobic, racist, abelist.. yada yada
-weird TCC people (who romanticize murder and stuff)
-people who romanticize r@pe or SA
-people who use slurs they cant reclaim
-proshippers (its just very triggering for a lot of people including me, keep it 2 urself)
might update thanks 4 reading <3

sage ୨ৎ's Friends Comments

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FROTHYWATERS's profile picture

ARCANE!! really dig the music adn the theming here so far, thankyyou for the add X)

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aa thank u!!! im trying to improve everything ^_^ and ofcourse ur super cool!!

by sage ୨ৎ; ; Report