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"being gay"

16 y.o. he/they/she


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star's Interests


history, hating Dwight D. Eisenhower, reading, and tbh im a boring person idk what else to put here. i also play video games isn't that super unique and kewl :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also im 16


i heart tv girl and gezebelle gaburgably (those two are just the two i listen to the most atm)... i'll listen to really anything as long as there are decent lyrics. also i really really like nu metal :3



i think the last time I've ever watched anything on TV was like 4 or 5 years ago #lmao


Where The Buck Stops by Margaret Truman. I think the personal writings of an ex president, espicailly one like Truman would be particularly interesting, and I was right!! wow. amazon link: . I also wanna read a book series by the name of "The Years of Lyndon Baines Johnson" written by Robert Caro. Imo, he's[LBJ] one of the most misunderstood and bastardized presidents in recent history, and the person who came after him (Nixon) was every bad thing about Johnson turned up quite a few notches at best and absolutely abhorrent at worst [lying about deaths in Vietnam, creating an entire conspiracy that there were American POWs left behind to cover his ass.]. Every little thing I had heard about him [LBJ] before I actually started doing my own research was Republican nonsense and historical revisionism, some half-truths and most not true at all. (some of those half-truths and what not are things that even democrats who don't/didn't like Johnson will try and tell you!). But anyways, I'm buying the first one sooner than later.


whoever shoots elon musk first and my boyfriend

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im a college student kind of so thats cool .

Who I'd like to meet:

Lyndon Baines Johnson i dont like ike Dwight D Eisenhower is burning in hell

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oliver's profile picture

i miss you, star...

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oliver's profile picture

star, you;re so cool......

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you're so woke......

by oliver; ; Report

you cant do this to me

by star; ; Report