
Astro's profile picture


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Mood: burnt to a crisp. toasted even

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Astro's Interests


wub2blink wub2blink wub2blink
I draw a lot! I like things to an obsessive degree and don't get into new things easily- And I love learning things/ following tutorials akshfk I have a modded 3ds that I never use anymore cuz roms are easier- but I have pretendo if you like,, want to share friendcodes ig lmao. I used to post art on rverse but it's down now :(

I am 94% loser. What about you? Click here to find out! I am nerdier than 77% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum! I am a Togetic!


I like a lot of music, most of the stuff I like rn is like,, 90's/00's indie rock ig? But I like a bunch of stuff from a bunch of genres!
Elliott Smith <33| Built To Spill| Pierce The Veil| Sparklehorse| They Might Be Giants| Mcr| Frank Zappa| Tom Waits| Weyes Blood| The Unicorns| Jellyfish| Trees (dunno how many of you are into folk rock, but I love this band sm, one of their songs is where I got my username from)| The Front Bottoms| Oingo Boingo|


All the ghibli films| Horror movies, especially campy fun ones| Rocky Horror Picture Show (I've gotten to see some shadowcasts of it!!)| Lair of the White Wrym (young peter capaldi mgghh)| Killer Klowns| Re-Animator| Lupin III| Repo! Genetic Opera| The Monkees-Head| Any of the muppet movies lmao| the Rankin Bass Hobbit movie| Speaking of Rankin Bass, The Last Unicorn| The Girl Who Leapt Through Time| the Fnaf movie| Coraline| Paperhouse| The Thief and the Cobbler| Phantom of the Opera (also the miniseries with Charles Dance its SO GOOD)| Wristcutters: A Love Story| Little Shop Of Horrors| Starkid Musicals|Zeiram|House/Hausu|


Lupin III| Twin Peaks| Dr. Who (I'm not up to date, still in the 12th doctor's run... OLD peter capaldi mgghhh)| Gravity Falls| Eerie Indiana| Jayce And The Wheeled Warriors| Kimi Ni Todoke| Cowboy Bebop
I like anime but I don't tend to watch shows on my own so I haven't seen a ton, seen a fair share of mecha anime and honestly? underrated genre; Martian Succesor Nadesico + Evangelion + Patlabor (the movies too) were some faves


I used to really like reading, but I'm not really great at reading anymore; but there are still a lot of books/ comics/ mangas that I love!
Yotsuba&! (literally the best slice of life I love it sm)| Coraline| The Princess Bride| Hitchhiker's Guide (red the first two, need to finish but reading is a sloggg)| The Thief of Always (Literally one of my favorite books- It's written by Clive Barker [Hellraiser,Candyman] and if you like Coraline you'd like this book!!| Watership Down (my beloved. Favorite book, favorite movie, HATED the netflix version )| The Last Unicorn (named my cat after the wizard o yea)| Neverending Story| Sati|


Elliott Smith, Mr. Rogers, Jackson Galaxy

Astro's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Art Dump!! (view more)

Another Art Dump (view more)

Thoughts after a week of Spacehey (view more)

My cat's almost a year old (view more)

Astro's Blurbs

About me:

I'm super socially anxious and never know what to do when it comes to social media, but I am content with just yelling to the void! I also do art!! Made this kinda chaos trash layout myself except the profile picture cd and the falling stars hehhe

hamster-hamtaro Tiny Star

Who I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet anyone, especially if they have similar interests!
Again, I have pretty bad social anxiety, but if you want to im me feel free! Assuming you're an adult, that is.

Astro's Friends Comments

Displaying 5 of 5 comments ( View all | Add Comment )

bandit !!

bandit !!'s profile picture

thanks for the add!! ur profile is so wonderful ^-^

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Dart Highwind

Dart Highwind's profile picture

Man, I haven't seen Hamtaro anything for like 15 years.

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shrimpsy's profile picture

ur literally so cool omaga!!

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vampiretwink's profile picture

ty for accepting my req!!! i love love love your layout <3 <3

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Bear's profile picture

Thanks for the add! Your profile is so cool (⌒▽⌒)☆

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