reiji! ^_^

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reiji! ^_^'s Interests


games???? ^^^^

I also like to take pictures and grow flowers.



loly20s, синдром восьмиклассника, расчленённая Пугачёва, вышел покурить, notj4ck, tr1llsi, cvpsize, crystal castles, XaaXaa, dadaroma, ngBAD, guli guli, malice mizer, monoclinic, mejibray,msi, sadsvit, апфс, щенки, mapt0v


stranger things,it,madoka, fight club, nana, k-on! 

I don't like watching movies, and actually watching something together.... 



idk????? I don't watch TV. ^_^


I love the classics. 

гордость и предубеждение, анна Каренина, грозовой перевал, мертвые души, капитанская дочка и прочее... 


heh......... idkkk

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reiji! ^_^'s Blurbs

About me:

hello!!! >__<<<

reiji/rei, he/him>>>any prns.

[EN, RU, UA]

INFP, choleric, 7w6

???my main fandoms: okegom, hello Charlotte, zeno remake, needy streamer overload, your turn ro die,witch' heart..... 


BASE+ failure to take the initiative...... 

私はライオンであり、自分自身のためだけの犬ではありません !!

i love bunnies!!!!!!

Who I'd like to meet:

....F☆nD0MS ♬ ♪ >_<

𝑜𝑘e𝑔o𝑚 " 𝑚@𝑟𝑢𝑡o𝑘𝑢 𝑔a𝑚3𝑠" 𝑏a𝑛d𝑜𝑟i" 𝑠a𝑦𝑎 n𝑜 𝑢t𝑎" 𝑜m𝑜r𝑖" ℎ3𝑙𝑙𝑜 𝐶ℎ@𝑟𝑙o𝑡𝑡3" n𝑒𝑑𝑦 𝑔í𝑟𝑙 𝑜𝑣3𝑟𝑑@𝑠𝑒" 𝑟a𝑛𝑓r𝑒n" 𝑦0𝑢𝑟 t𝑢r𝑛 𝑡o 𝑑𝑖e" 𝑠𝑡@𝑟𝑟у 𝑓𝑙𝑜w𝑒𝑟s" 𝑛@n𝑎" w𝑖t𝑐ℎ' ℎe𝑎𝑟𝑡" h𝑖3" m𝑎d𝑜𝑘𝑎 m𝑎𝑔i𝑐𝑎" 𝑐r𝑦 𝑜f 𝑓3𝑎𝑟"...zZz

if you know something from this list, then I want to make friends with you!

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