"fuck off"
Sc3n3 k1D m1n0r .. 12yo^^
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Mood: S1lly!!
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Contacting Xx!A5hD@$CeNeK1D!xX
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Xx!A5hD@$CeNeK1D!xX's Interests
General |
I d0 ARttt th4ngs!! and M00000sic annnnnd I luv to singggggg ^^ annnddd play vid3000 g4m333ssss!!!!! |
Music |
P4r4m0r3, l1nk1n p4rk, m1ll10n41res, p13rc3 th3 v31l, 1$l3$ 4nd Gl4c13rs andd more duuuuhhhh!! !-! :P
Movies |
br4tz, L3g4llyy bl0nd3, m34n g1rlz, h4rry p0tt3r, C0r4l1n3, w3nd4ll 4nd w1lddd!!! https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExeXVhNGhqajF1cDd1bncxYXk4eGE2YmJvd3A1bXJ5bGQ5NDVzbHhtciZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/4fmoEF2lLjW1y/giphy.gif |
Television |
Str4ng3r th1ng5!! Adv3nt0r3 t1m3!! 1NV4D37 Z1MmMmmMMMMm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >,< |
Books |
H4rry P0tt3r, B-0378, K0m1 c4nt c0mmu1c4t3, D34TH N07E!! |
Heroes |
MAH m0mmy and d4ddy!!! oooooh andddd h4y13y w1ll14mzzzz! |
Xx!A5hD@$CeNeK1D!xX's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]
H00m4nz (view more)
how t0 g3t y0ur p4g3 t0 b3 l1k3 m1n3 s0m3wh4t!! th3z3 4r3 4ll 0f m3h c0d1ng, 1mk 1f th1z w4z h31pful1! (view more)
Xx!A5hD@$CeNeK1D!xX's Blurbs
About me:
H3YA!!! M3h Nam3s Ash!! I luv Sc3n3 C0lture..!! ERM aNd 1nv4der z1m!!!
I luv AMBERKATELYNBEALE AND duhhhhhhh r0nn13!! I alsooo love Johnn13 Gu1lb3rt!!
F4v bands: Pierce the veil, isles and glacier linkin park a day to rem3ber oi and i love millionaires!!:333 <3 I also love saying :xD, RaWr!! and Luv saying Luv!!
AND OBVIS am Ah Sc3n3 K1D!! M3h also plays roblox!! ifartglitter24_7 is meh user to friend meh!! oooooh i als0 luv p4r4m0r3!!!! & 6arelyhuman!!
Th3 C001ezt $c3n3 K1D!!!!!<3 1f ur sc3n3 c0r3 l3av3 p13as3!
Sc3n3 Qu33n!!
Who I'd like to meet:
I'd luv to meet h4yl3y w1ll1ams and or johnn13 gu1lb3rt!!!! BuTTTtTtT 0n h3r3 1D l1k3 2 m33t 0th3r $c3n3s aNd 3m0sSsS!!! ^^
Xx!A5hD@$CeNeK1D!xX's Friend Space
[view all]Xx!A5hD@$CeNeK1D!xX has 31 friends.
Xx!A5hD@$CeNeK1D!xX's Friends Comments
Displaying 2 of 2 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Xx!A5hD@$CeNeK1D!xX |
'They generally will use a lot of abbreviations and add letters to the ends of words. Some common words are kidd, hXc (hardcore), sXe (straightedge), betch, eff yuu. Scene kids normally don't use correct grammar or spelling and will use abbreviations like LOL, STFU, IDGAF, OMG, WTF." |
Xx!A5hD@$CeNeK1D!xX |
H3y B4b3zzz!! U L00K B00T1fULLLL t0D4yyyy!!!! <3 |