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"Definitely something"

18 Years old

Mood: Good!

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Rose 's Interests


I like music, video games, anime, manga, and learning various things about the human mind and why we have certain emotional reactions to specific situations. (I also probably come across as pretentious as hell).


Mainly a fan of Japanese music (Hanabie, Utsu-P, Guchiry, etc.) and have recently become a huge fan of Twenty one Pilots and Radiohead. I generally like either music that puts you in a trance or ones that are so loud that you can’t ignore them, in other words I generally like weird shit or annoying shit. I’ve become a huge nerd over the course of a year in how music is mixed, mastered, and how certain headphone’s frequency responses affect my enjoyment.


A Silent Voice is my favorite movie of all time and the anime to get me into anime. Not only do I (at least used to) relate to the messages and themes in the film, but it also shows me how beautiful storytelling through animation could be. In a movie I’m looking for a cohesive plot that doesn’t feel rushed nor bloated, it can be a hard balance to follow but as long as I feel attached to the characters or a particular moment sticks out in my mind, I probably like it.


Clannad is my favorite show, anime, and potentially piece of media ever (are you sensing a pattern?). Prettt much copy and paste what I said about A Silent Voice but even more gut-wrenching. I like slice of life shows a lot but the darker (arguably edgier) things can resonate with me. Madoka Magica is a series that never fails to make me obsess all over it again for weeks on end whenever I think of it.


A silent voice… again, my favorite. I like manga but can’t muster enough focus for typical novels (I do try). One of the most underrated things about manga and one of the things that influences my opinion on it the most is the paneling. I absolutely love seeing the way the artist effortlessly guides your eyes from scene to scene for a tense fighting sequence, an emotional moment, etc.


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Rose 's Blurbs

About me:

Uhhh, bio. I’m a trans girl with Lyme disease trying to juggle my own problems and anxieties while also not letting them invade my personal enjoyments. But hey! It’s better to live this way than to not at all, right? The way I make the most out of life is to interact with people I enjoy being with, asking myself and other about thought provoking questions on society as a whole and do stuff I like, such as watching anime, playing video games, listening to (and making some) music, among many other things. She/Her

Who I'd like to meet:

Definitely someone

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