
Reizukar 's profile picture

"Testing season! (hlep me TwT)"

16, Floridian, He/They/??, Gay

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Mood: big eepy, tired furry -w-

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Reizukar 's Interests


UT + DT, Tboi, Gengar (He's a cute little gremlin), Watching people play things and asking questions(I might not wanna play but I do wanna learn), Programming, Sonic (Especially Mania's music), Splatoon(Haven't had the chance to play it though), and also just hanging out with nice people. Those are all the ones from the top of my head but I'm very forgetful. You wanna know more? Feel free to disc me anytime and I'll get as in depth as you want.


I'm not sure really. I do like Brakence which I think he's glitchcore. I listen to a lot but there's a ton of stuff I don't know the name of or straight up haven't heard. I'm never gonna turn down a rec though so shoot your shot. Except country. No country.


Not really a big movie fan, I'll munch on a one/two hour video though


Same thing as above.


I do read random stuff here and there, but the only actual books I've finished was the three Percy Jackson series.


Asgore. How can you not love that fluffy trainwreck of a man.

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Reizukar 's Blurbs

About me:

Spinning Blue Star With Falling Stars 2

So I'm Rei, but honestly you can call me by any cool nickname you think up (just run it by me first). I do way too much but also way too little, but I also don't keep track of these things so whoops. I'll be adding things to this as I go, and if I interest you at all go ahead and give me a shot.

I'll be checking here somewhat frequently, but I'm definitely gonna respond faster from a Discord message (@polaris_devil). Be warned I that I do like conversing a lot and learning about others, but if you need me to chill then just say the word. If I don't respond here or there I most likely haven't seen it or fell asleep so don't worry you're fine.

Flatsei :3

Who I'd like to meet:

Other furries, people with similar interests, people with interests I don't know about who don't mind giving me a crash course in them (I honestly love learning that type of stuff), people who don't mind me chatting their ears off over discord every day(in text form no vc for me). I would probably take a look at your profile before friending you, but as long as nothing illegal or bigotted (racism, sexism, queerphobia) is on it we should be doing great. (^w^)

Reizukar 's Friends Comments

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I also tend to too much and too little. It can be so annoying that I can put so much effort into something that doesn't further my success but completely stumble on simple things that can bring success.

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Yes! Exactly! Give me a random program to make for fun or to make something easier? I'll stay up just workshopping ways to make it run faster and have it do extra functions because why not? Give me an assignment or project? I put it off until the last day and fight through the grog to make something half decent. Everybody's gotta work on somethin, right?

by Reizukar; ; Report