
Wind 's profile picture

"I’ve returned. 🏰"

I’m not sure. (╹◡╹)

Last active:

Mood: ✢ Feeling energetic! ✢

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Wind 's Interests


I like gaming, Art, writing and learning. 

I also like the mountains. 


I have a TON of mixed music, it’s hard to say which genere is my favorite or what song Is even my favorite. 


Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. 

The nightmare before Christmas.


Rio 2.

Come on, these are awesome. 


Uhhh- I’m not sure? Maybe unsolved mysteries?


Man, warrior cats I guess. I’m still living in my childhood. 


I know that this sounds cheesy- But my family. 

Wind 's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

I want to hear what you’ve been up to lately. (2) (view more)

✰ Looking for someone to talk to or be friends with. ✰ (view more)

Does any one play Stardew valley? (view more)

Does anyone want to have long conversations with me? (view more)

I’m up too early. (view more)

Wind 's Blurbs

About me:

Hello, Hello! 

(Hopefully) I’ll be uploading a blog each week, asking about how your day is going and even a question. After the week is up, most likely on a Sunday, The blog will be take down and a new one put up. Feel free to comment or talk with me. :)

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone that is willing to have a respectful conversation with me. 

Wind 's Friends Comments

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꒰ა kyuu ໒꒱

꒰ა kyuu ໒꒱'s profile picture

U PLAY SKY COTL>?? we should play sometime!! :D

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YESSSS. Oh my gosh I saw it on your profile as well and was SOO excited. I’ll play with you if you’re okay with that. <3
I haven’t played with friends in a while but I heard that there’s a moon season coming out.

by Wind; ; Report

YES OFC!! id love to play w you sometime :D also yeah the new moomin season looks super cool :0 just dm me a code whenever ^^ (although ive been playing less recently due to irl stuffs)

by ꒰ა kyuu ໒꒱; ; Report