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Ermmmh…. Aquí que pongo? No se, soy un chico trans gay. Además, me gusta decir que tengo una cuenta en TikTok donde subo videos @xw_ashy.


Escucho de todo un poco, pero me encanta Arctic Monkeys, Lana del Rey, The Neighbourhood y CAS.


No soy de películas, pero creo que mi favorita es la de “Y donde están las rubias”. ^^ 


No se, no veo televisión JAJAJJA

Lo único que me he visto es Steven Universe.


Oh! No leo casi libros, pero me encanta uno que se llama “Brillarás”. Además, actualmente me encuentro haciendo una historia en Wattpad.


Mi héroe es un juego llamado Mystic Messenger, el mejor juego que puede existir.

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Me llamo Asher, un gusto! Tengo 16 años T_T. Espero y podamos llevarnos bien!

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Liam!!'s profile picture

m gusta muxho tu perfil!! es mui lindo ^_^

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Muchas gracias! (∩˃o˂∩)♡

by Asher; ; Report

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This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.

This is a custom scrollbox! Anything you put in here will be in its own scrolling container.