lélio <3

lélio <3's profile picture

"drinking blood!"

17, they/he/she, USA, single, hopeless romantic

Last active:

Mood: dead

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lélio <3's Interests


pfp is me

favorites: green & black, cats, wolves, snakes, bats, autumn

special interests: LOKI, Norse Mythology, history, vampire media (Vampire Chronicles, etc.)

hobbies: writing, reading, listening to music, fashion/makeup


genres: goth, grunge, metal, symphonic metal, classical, traditional old norse, rock (goth, alt, etc), and k-pop lmao

bands: ghost, she wants revenge, ATEEZ, radiohead, deftones, maneskin, type o negative, depeche mode, subvision, twin tribes, rosegarden funeral party, sisters of mercy, siouxsie & the banshees, warduna, slipknot, SOAD, mallavora, nightwish, within temptation, etc.

soloists: taemin, mitski, gealdyr, danheim, will wood!!!, and prob more i'm forgetting


anything w tom hiddleston in it

genres: gothic, trying to get more into horror, fantasy, (can mcu just be its own genre atp)

favs: crimson peak, thor: the dark world, only lovers left alive, interview with the vampire (1994), high rise


tv: interview with the vampire (2022-), Loki, the great, castlevania, umbrella academy, good omens, arcane, bojack, ragnarok, vikings, i am not okay with this, sex education, what we do in the shadows

anime: death note, mha, jujutsu kaisen


The Vampire Chronicles (read IWTV & TVL, working on QoTD) - Anne Rice

Frankenstein - Mary Shelley

And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie

Magnus Chase Trilogy - Rick Riordan

On my list: the rest of The Vampire Chronicles, Dracula, full Edgar Allan Poe collection


Tom Hiddleston
Anne Rice
Edgar Allan Poe

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lélio <3's Blurbs

About me:

layout by valerie


17, they/he/she, queer (mlm), single

trad/vampire goth chronically ill writer

only fluent in English :/

Who I'd like to meet:

14+, other queer n goth ppl but i'll talk to anyone :)

lélio <3's Friends Comments

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BellaLugosiIsDead's profile picture

You should do full trad goth with the paint and everything more often it always looks so badass!

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thank u!! that was basically my new years resolution lol

by lélio <3; ; Report

Omggg mine was to do more diy goth clothes but i suck so bad at it

by BellaLugosiIsDead; ; Report