Cornelius Vanderbilt

Cornelius Vanderbilt's profile picture

"Liquidating Assets"

229 Years Young And Still Chuggin'

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Mood: Busy

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Cornelius Vanderbilt's Interests


My interests are as vast as the autumn wind. - Faith - Money - Mansions - Sex - Power


I am quite a musical fanatic. - Billy Joel - Soundgarden - Aerosmith - Depeche Mode


Dabble in movies, I do not.


Dabble in television, I do not.


Dabble in books, I do! - The Bible - Economics in One Lesson - Animal Farm - Rich Dad, Poor Dad


I am quite a superhero fanatic! - Cornelius Vanderbilt - Cornelius Vanderbilt - Cornelius Vanderbilt - Cornelius Vanderbilt

Cornelius Vanderbilt's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

The President of the United States (view more)

Cornelius Vanderbilt's Blurbs

About me:

Hello Plebeians, I am the honorable Cornelius Vanderbilt. I am responsible for the creation as well as the expansion of America's railroad transportation industry. Me and my family have in totality amassed a wealth of over 200 billion dollars. We are in control of many of the world's economic assets, and have a say in many international affairs.

Who I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet fellow pioneers of the industry.

Cornelius Vanderbilt's Friend Space

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Cornelius Vanderbilt's Friends Comments

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afellow's profile picture

make me rich mr. vanderbilt

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Since you seem to display your utmost kindness, I will be giving you a small donation of a million dollars to use. However, I will be monitoring your transactions, and anything I WOULD NOT APPROVE OF will not be possessed.

by Cornelius Vanderbilt; ; Report