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"Compiling footage..."

21, He/Him

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Mood: Tired.

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noirduvall's Interests


▸ Beyond my fascination for the occult, I enjoy film and photography. I am currently pursueing a bachelor's in film; I am on my second year.

▸ I also enjoy looking at forums, I think it's so interesting the type of things people will talk about on them...

▸ Being a film student who is also into photography, I casually repair my equipment on the side as a bit of a hobby. I'd much rather fix it than buy something new, even though the new technology coming out everyday is so fascinating... alas, it is far out of my budget. Haha.

▸ I also like urban exploration, but I guess you could assume that from how I go out of my way to follow these sightings... I just have to be the one to document them. Because if not me, then who else?


▸ I'm quite into jazz music I suppose... but honestly, I'm not sure what I'd consider to be music that I like. It's actually kind of ironic, as I always try to listen to music whenever I can. I just download random songs that I like, and I just listen to that; it's stressful trying to categorize these things. But yeah. I like jazz music.


▸ Some of my favorite movies (In no particular order), are Casablanca, The Shining, The Godfather, The Silence of the lambs... I just admire the cinamtography really... they're all pretty great in their own right.


▸ I don't watch tv... ironically...


▸ I know its a bit amatuer, but I quite like Lord of the Flies. The message really resonated with me when I was younger.


▸ Shelley Duvall. Her acting in the shining was just phenomenal. I've never felt so struct by an actor before.

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noirduvall's Blurbs

About me:

Hello, I'm Noir Duvall, you may call me the former or latter. I run this blog for the town of Ulsbridge; my goal is to shed light on the truth. I document the most recent sightings of anything pertaining to the occult, paranormal, or cryptic in the area. If you have any information about recent sightings, please send me an email. I am always looking for new tips or leads.

The email address is:
(Make sure to keep an eye out)

Who I'd like to meet:

Likeminded individuals who are keen on finding the same answers. Feel free to contact me in regards to any of the information I share, but do not ask me for locations.

noirduvall's Friends Comments

Displaying 2 of 2 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Sandbox's profile picture

This has got to be a troll LOL nobody believes in this shit

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This isn't a "troll," I post nothing but the truth. If you would use your eyes, you'd see the proof is right in front of you.

by noirduvall; ; Report

Proof my ass! Your a film student your probably into that new CGI bullshit
This is fake af

by Sandbox; ; Report

Yea i saw that that cgi stuff on that new jurassic park movie!! u coudlve just used that stuff to make these videos in ur moms basement lul

by Garziez; ; Report

First of all, its you're*
Second of all, I'm a film student. Do you genuinely think I could afford the software required to do that? Use your brains. "lul"

by noirduvall; ; Report


Garziez's profile picture

Who are you??? Noir isn't even a real name

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That's the point. It'd be harder to do the work I do if everyone knew who I was. Haha.

by noirduvall; ; Report